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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. Kyocera Lasers Printers, they are the best that i have used, compared to a few others there little more expensive, but when it comes down to an office ive found them to be reliable (not so much the colour lasers though).

    The newest that ive brought is a FS-3900DN, and it works nice.

  2. hmm this isnt so much to save consumption, but more to save battery life, when using it on AC, make sure that the battery is not connected, unless it is dead flat, always fully discharge ur battery b4 re-charging it, ie. dont go out for a few mins then come back into ur room and put it on the charger, take the battery out! or discharge it.

  3. hmm im against both ideas sorry, if u wanna game, then its best to carry ur rig in, the issue is, Small form factor, is gonna be a shit PC, due to heat, and other requirments for small form.

    The issue i have with the laptop is that, laptops are only now becoming customisable. and money plays a huge factor, a laptop costing around 6k$ wont even touch my PC that was built for 4k$. As well as mentioned, it is rather hard to upgrade a laptop, so pretty much with in a yr when Games start using Physic cards, ur stuffed.

  4. hmm, for what i know, USB hubs work on the switching method, so all speeds are at 40m, but the more u use, the more switching it does and will lower all speeds slightly, so say u had a 4 port hub, using all for, ur speeds may drop to say 35m each, due to the switching.

  5. T_T ive had issues with it as well:

    1: Live CD to much for some computers, causing it to slow, and not install.

    2: Install CD not working after 2 installs (also had the same issue with version 6)

    3: Didnt think it was all that great :?

    also DLSS, i havnt been able to get to the site for about 2days now, due ti hight traffic or maintenace, this could easly be the same for a lot of others

  6. seconed / thrided with Moonlit / cooper, im going with its the cable, ive had many of the same issues, 400 computers all with CRT's all about 4yrs old, u get this easly. Ive found it to be, when the cable is stationed in a bent possition for say a year, then abruptly moved, casuing the leads to break inside the cable.

    Though ive also found an easy cheap solution, next time it goes yellow, wiggle the cable about, if it flicks yellow and white, then start applining preasure to sections of the cable, (sometimes a fair amount) there should be a section (commonly near the monitor end) that when preasure is applied the Monitor will turn white, once this is found, place a cable tie around the borked section and tighten.

    this is worked for me many of times, for a correct method of fixing this problem is to replace the VGA lead.

  7. hmm, doesnt seem all that bad to me, i would use it as a replacement to my PDA, (used for pretty much talking notes in class - got the small ass keyboard for it).

    the 7' isnt too bad either, it all depends on what u wanna do on it, i supos it whould be shit for having a few ppls crowed around u. but personal use unless ur blind i think it would be fine.

  8. serverMap.jpg

    Server Spitfire: pretty much the firewall and gateway.

    Server Gibly / Mamoth: File Storage, 1tb each

    Server Dell Extremo: Old skool PC used as Game host

    Server sandy: To kill box

    Client Soprano: Main Work PC

    Client Bilbo: ...

    Lap Extensa: Home Lappy

    Lap Toshi: Work Lappy

    Client Nine-Hundered: Game PC

    The 24port is used in my Games room, for lans and such.

    The 8 port is for room for more servers :P

  9. wow, u can stop a rootkit, yeah i use a firewall / Malware protection tools to, though the difference is i didnt spend a shit load buying rip of software, nor did i do warez (coz we all know what thats for).

    Then going on making ur self sound all leet? not knowing what a DMZ is for i doubt u know anythink about networks, its pretty much covered in all Network books / class's. so im thinking ur more the skiddies ur talking about.

    If u dont want the answers posted in ur own Question, then dont ask us, learn the ways of google.

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