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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. People cant hear my station why?

    hmm hard one,

    1. Is ur mic turned on?

    2. Is ur PC turned on?

    3. Are u using windows?

    4. Do u have an active interent connection?

    5. Have u installed Shoutcast on ur server right?

    if 'no' then Solutions

    1. Turn it on

    2. Turn it on

    3. Burn...

    4. Get one

    5. RTFM then re-install.

    Im thinking that u have set up the server wrong, how about more details?

  2. hmm i like to think of the people on this forum as hackers, and the server that name, we here make things do things they wernt intended for, less defecing more "wtf my Ipod can now shoot lasers?" as for hacking Digital rights, sadly u will need to go somewere else for this, google is ur friend, it helps many, and server for greater good (and domination).

    As for WMV having a lock on em, its more a scam used by porn sites, i find it best just to find a legal amature site, and download there stuff (as long as ur over 18, or what ever the legal age in ur country is :D)

  3. +capslock

    +excessive use of the explanation mark

    UBUNTU!!!!!!!!! :D

    Ubuntu cant solve all the problems in the world, thats what MS is for *coughs* :D

    though must say ur choice in Linux this time is a little odd, never actualy heard of DeLi untill just googling it now.

    if it still doesnt want to play nice, then i suggest getting a real mans OS, like MAC....

  4. I'd try a bunch of free adult TPG sites, they seem to have the most adverts and the most aggressive delivery policy's.

    lol kinda odd that u know that, kinda odd that i know that... but i do agree, there normaly the ones to spam the crap outta ya.. or virus, wither way.

  5. agreed, openoffice is not as good as MS, though it does do the job free, but if u got the cash to burn, then MS is the way.

    Though on the note of Reg Cleaners, ive used Mechanic a few times, normaly it kills of about 900-1600 reg's that are either miss-linked or empty, this normal gives me about 300kb of extra space on my HDD :D the thought of the reg being optimized, im not so sure about, though i dont think ive eva had a problem with it being fragged in the first place.

  6. Convert the image on the USB stick into a VMware image and use VMware to boot from that, should work as that is how I tested some operating systems on VMware which would be placed on compact flash.

    Do you have any links to info on how to do that? I'm sure I could google some up but if you have any that you know work it would save effort and potential red herrings.

    there is on in IronGeeks vids page

  7. I presume they would take pay pal, isn't that how you donate? but $32 in Aus are you assuming P&H because $13.37 US is less than $20 Australian.

    $13.37US =~ $23AU + Extra distance, most Ebay itmes from the US cost me ruffly $20-$30AU to ship over from the US

  8. Ripping: "the process of extracting data from a file (in this case a DB) and storing in an easy to access form (in this case HTML)".

    The version that is downloaded of Wiki is a dump, "Slang term referring to the transfer of data from one location to another".

    also this has gone a little of topic, so...

    i would also have to download as much Legal media as possible.

  9. We're working on authoring the season1 and season2 DVD sets now. Just one part of the up and coming HakShop. The thing is it costs a buttload to get the DVDs pressed. We're considering offering pre-orders for special edition DVD sets which will be autographed by the cast. I'm thinking that would raise the capital for the pressing. Any interest?

    And don't say yes just because it's cool, seriously would you pay $13.37 + S&H for a Hak5 DVD?

    hehe $13.37? hell ya though it does turn out to be about $32 for me in Aus, but i would still pay it, as long as u take Paypal.

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