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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. 2 things

    1) its hak5 not hack5

    2) Its called freerunning or tricking

    Both are derived from parkour



    Well the show is Hak5 not hack5 as u posted.

    In the show,Amish is preforming Parkour tricks, otherwise known as freerun, or tricking / streettricking.

    yerp, in the ep mentioned, u can see it being played, bout 48min into the show.

  2. umm 2 things, wouldnt the image box's be in a way frozen by progs like deep freeze? just incase they crash n burn, all the Manager needs to do is restart?

    And the second, why would the machines be connected to the internet?

    Apart from this, would be interesting to see if it would work, though do u really want the pictures of the old seedy men, wif there chop flopped out?

  3. set up a MYSQL Database, and make a copy of every email.

    so make a DB wif the following fields: ID, (auto inc, key), To, From, Subject, Body. To do this, run this as a SQL command in phpMyAdmin.

    CREATE TABLE `email` (
      `ID` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `From` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
      `To` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
      `Subject` varchar(250) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
      `Body` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`ID`)

    Here is the new page i just wrote, this wll add the email to the Database as well as still send it out. This isnt the nicest way of writing this script, but it works :-).

    // Database Connection Details
        $dbhost = 'localhost'; // Address to Database
        $dbname = 'mail'; // Name of Database to store Emails
        $dbusername = 'root'; // Username for the Database
        $dbpassword = ''; // Password for the Database
        mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword);
        @mysql_select_db($dbname) or die( "Unable to select database");
    function db_insert($sqlTo, $sqlFrom, $sqlSubject, $sqlBody) 
        $query = ("INSERT INTO `email` ( `ID`,`From`,`To`,`Subject`,`Body`) VALUES ( NULL,'$sqlFrom','$sqlTo','$sqlSubject','$sqlBody');");
        //The mailing part of the script
            if($_POST['emailFrom'] != '') 
                    mail($_POST['emailTo'], $_POST['emailSubject'], $_POST['emailBody'], 'From: ' . $_POST['emailFrom']);
                db_insert($_POST['emailTo'], $_POST['emailFrom'], $_POST['emailSubject'], $_POST['emailBody']);
             } else {
                mail($_POST['emailTo'], $_POST['emailSubject'], $_POST['emailBody']);
                db_insert($_POST['emailTo'], "Anonymous", $_POST['emailSubject'], $_POST['emailBody']);
        header( 'Location: http://www.gyears.org/fakemail/pass.php' );
     } else {
    //The GUI part of the script
    $title = "Email Script";
    echo '<html>
    <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF">
    <form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?mail=Send" method="POST">
    <tr><td>To:</td><td><input type="text" name="emailTo"></td></tr>
    <tr><td>From:</td><td><input type="text" name="emailFrom"></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Subject:</td><td><input type="text" name="emailSubject"></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Body:</td><td><textarea name="emailBody"></textarea></td></tr>
    <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Email!"></td></tr>

    Hope it works for you.

    was teh url so i ownit .. im mean try it ..

    *sigh* im rather contempt about ur "owning" abilities, when u cant even pick up the line in his code that says.

    header( 'Location: http://www.gyears.org/fakemail/pass.php' );

  4. +1 Vista 64 :)

    Ur spec's r fine for running it, the issue may come wif the cost of the package, but still worth it. i only say the 64bit ver because of preformance issues when running new parts on 32. apart from that, the only other thing i could suggest is not use windows.

  5. oh son of a bitch, myspace is so fucked up!

    Many sites that have user authentication store your username/name in a cookie...

    they suckzor too

    cookies should (almost) never contain user data

    You should stop logging into these forums then. ;)

    haha i like that :) i see no issue with storing the user name in a cookie, sure having there open pass, phone# or house address is wrong, but an ID or Display name, is nothing wrong.

  6. Quicksilver Backpack:

    2x 5m Cat5 (s)

    3m Cat3

    Home made Cat5 Cross-over converter

    2x Cat5 Spliter

    PCI-NIC 10/100

    DLINK ADSL Modem (cheap USB)

    2x ADSL Line Filter

    POE Brick

    Cat5 Cable Heads

    Cat5 F-F Cable Joiner (its a no-no for normal use but it works for patching in)

    Screw driver kit

    Watch-mans Screw driver kit

    Hex Set


    Heat Shrink


    Cable Test

    Fluke Wand

    A few AC/DC inverters va/volts

    Mini Mouse

    Ear plugs

    Ear phone (mono)

    AA / AAA / C / D Batteries

    Billabing Carry Bag:

    Asus Laptop

    USB Cables and swapable heads

    Mini Maglight

    Mix of System Disks

    Blank Disks


    Phone Nokia 6110 Nav



    Swiss Tool


  7. Hmm Dragor, heres an exaple of what i think moonlits getting at:

    se potete aspettare questo, allora thats grandi, ma al contrario im che dimostra il mio punto. Capite?

    Seein that can you answer the question? If the answer is no, then thats fine, its because you dont know the language, and u wouldnt be expected to understand it, though with a little learning, its easy to pick up n go with. This is how linux is for new comers, its not something, that just by lookin at for the first time you will understand.

    To learn, you start small, then add on as the user advances, such as most programs first program is gonna be "hello world" and not doom.

  8. but has a degree of danger, im all for testing new things, but thats y i brought a copy VMware Workstation, but you see not everyone on here is happy to risk there system, n not everyone is fluent in script languages. therefore the KISS process is needed.

  9. thankyou very much!

    and, if i don't end up replacing the power supply, im sure if i took the side of the computer off, put a screen there (from an old screen door or something) and put my 36" fan next to it, that i'd end up with plenty of ventilation lol

    Taking the side off the Case isnt prefered, it will cause more dust to build up in the case, whcih then can fry components, best to leave it on, n run a lil hotter.

    Also theres not really gonna be a program out there thats going to tell you the model psu ur runnin, simplest way, is to check out the amount of molex's you need (the part that goes the the HDD's and CD's) if you need SATA Power Lines, SLI Power Lines, of the psu is MINI-ATX, or just ATX. and How many watts u need to be pumping out.

    For the sounds of ur system, it seems like ur gonna be wanting somethin in the 300-400w range.

  10. +1 @ moonlit's post, its by far the easiest, hasseless way of doing triboots.

    Coopers works as well, though by default Windows Bootloader doesnt see the Linux partition and you have to add it manuly, which is similar to adding 3 options to grub, both requir a lil experience, were as moonlits approch requres the user just to know how to install an OS.

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