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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. strange, im running 2x 8800GTS, never have had it crash on me. Also i dont think suggesting Linux in this case is approprite, running SLI pretty much always means that they want to game (and are rather serios about it. (or they just have a shit load of disposable income (or there parents do))).

  2. haha im so glad im one of the few using Vista, but im really not sure why im glag... Still havtn had issues wif it.

    I am kinda suprised that there isnt more linux, specialy how a handfull of users go on about how its gaining its ground in the market share. I guess i would also fall under other by using Windows Mobile 5?

  3. it doesnt exist, theres been a few threads about this, and even the Hak5 crew tried it at one point. Flash is not able to x servers and such, so making a connection to another server is impossible.

    Use Java, make it look pretty, give it round cornors. Ur done.

  4. u end up making lame vids and puttin them up on youtube?

    They become lazy fat asses....

    Oh, and I didnt make or upload that video but it seemed appropriate with the whole "things moving in a line on screen + timed body movements".

    oh no, i wasnt implying that u did, more the fact that people who need to hack text based games, are as lame as the person who did make the vid.

  5. odd

    works with letter keys but nothing when I try arrows :/

    Why is this not working?

    Is there another way? php?

    flash? php is totaly the worng language, its server side nothing more. How about AJAX?

  6. OMFG vista HB doesn't have a CMD

    you've tried run > cmd right

    that FUCKING STUPID! if that's true FUCK MICROSOFT how are you supposed to fix network errors with out ipconfig?!

    what the hell are you talking about/have you been smoking ?

    it does i'm (unfortunately still) running it on my laptop and have used cmd on multiple occasions ...

    u know, im hopin what he said was just sarcasim.

  7. -.- awsum way of wording ur questions.... if u had just told us what u wanted from that start it would have been hell easier.

    create a regkey, and add this info to it:


    then simply give it to him, and have him run it as admin.

  8. idk, anyway i need a script (I have Vista home basic and it does have cmd)

    It doesnt really exist... ur best bet would be to use Recovery Consol. And umm, the question is now y the hell dont u want a GUI on ur Vista install? what ur saying is like just stupid, if u want no gui, install DOS, if u want a challenge install BSD / Linux.

  9. linux + <insert description for the non-intelegent linux user base> = ???

    doesnt exist, y? becuase dumb users can not install linux let alone use it.

    Doesnt that creat a rather huge issue? Windows is a family based OS, its built so that everyone can use it, everyone who works security knows, that for easy of access u drop security, though for maximum security u drop easy access. MS has invested billions to make sure that they can secure as much as possible though still allow Windows to be classed as a Family OS.

    i have nothing against Linux Fan bois, all to there own. But for all the ones i know, they use it as braggin rights, something bad about Windows is realeased and its like, "well thats never gonna happen to me, coz i use Linux". As mentioned i have nothing against linux and use it ruffly the same amount as i spend on Windows, but ive never seen Linux as anythin to brag about, e-penis does not exist.

    A user who is able to properly use Linux, is easly able to secure windows, or be able to use it with out the need of AV / FW's. its easy Linux is for porn. (jk).

  10. I know what is going on, on my computer.  Linux fanboys just can't handle some people just don't have problems with Windows.  Believe what you may, at the end of the day it's people like Sparda and k1u who let Linux down because of their extremist attitudes.


    Ever sense I have been using my new computer I have not had any problems.  I do run SpySweeper, but it has never detected anything more harmful than a cookie.

    Second, this time around since coming to vista, Kaspersky has 0 critical reports, and only a few minor cookies to report. This install has lasted about 6months now. Though to be honest i would prefer it to be there just in case.

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