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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. Im pretty much the same as Vako, window washer to clear all temp and junk files, MSconfig to stop unneeded processes / applications, though i also clean out the startup folder in the start menu.

    I also tack up VMem a lil, this is just to make sure that its optimal. and suggest not to keep many icons on the desktop (for older machines).

    Ofcourse a defrag is done, and if i am being paid i will also do a reg clean (though to me i think there usless).

  2. if all they did was forget a password and they know your working on it just get NT-Password Recovery its a linux live cd that just over-writes the existing SAM with any password(s) you want.  If you dont want them to know your doing something it gets a little more tricky.

    agreed, if ur working on a computer legitamitly, there are many resources out there to overwrite the administrators password, so in the case of them forgeting it, then u can simply change it.

    Hirens is a good place to start.

  3. Hi

    I was watching Prison Break, and he made a EMP out of some antennas and connected power to them.. He said that connecting power to something that retrieves signal creates a EMP.. Is this possible? It sounds kind of weird to me, but it can be fun if it works ^^

    The same effect that was used on prison break can be recreated at home, it kinda like turning on a Vacumcleaner when the TV's on (analog TV) it causes interference, its not quite an EMP (to my knowledge) but EMP is more used to make it sound cool.

  4. Im from Srilanka & we dont have Lietime warranty...:-(

    yea I don't think you are and unless VaKo looks up your IP and tell me that I'm wrong (then I'll apoligise)

    but still... it'd never work

    haha wrong. But still, TDR u can re-solder chips on ram? thats rather kool (or ur using old ram) no offence but the DDRIII in my hands atm has around 50 solder point on each side of the chip, making it like 200 micro joints.

  5. all my Rippin is done wif WMP or WinAMP (Pro), WMP is easiest though, and doesnt require anythin to be installed (though u shopuld update to player 11), rips in MP3, at high qual, good enough for me. I dont use iTunes becuase i dont want there extension.

  6. i know which segment ur talking about, it was when they moved into the new house, and were talking about the server in the cupboard, and they went through the form factor PC's and showed the power consumption of each, and the consumption of the Linksys, sorry at work atm so cant find it for you, but this may help someone else find it.

  7. the only thing you did wrong was post this in the wrong section, apart from that there are many options to recovering the EXT3 data, i personly use GetDataBack EXT, though this is a corparate application and im sure there are OS / Freeware apps out there.

    Best bet would be to google: "EXT3 Data Recovery", this will turn up many of resaults. Sorry im rather tired and am heading out the door, so i dont have time to find you a like to an application.

  8. to get firefox to work, you will need to get the proxy settings for the network, when using IE goto: "Tools > Internet Options > Connections (Tab) > Lan Settings" there you will find infomation about the proxy server address and port. Make note of this.

    In firefox goto: "Tools > Options > Advanced (Tab) > Netowork (Mini Tab) > Settings" here you can input the infomation for the Proxy Server, this will allow Firefox to work at skool / work, but will not allow you to bypass the site filtering (well shouldnt).

    As for fortress, it is lookin for exact names in an allow list, this means applications like explorer.exe will be allowed to be used were as game.exe wont be, from here on in i will stop helping but with this paragraph is enough infomation to be able to use what ever application you like.

  9. 1: 19" LG Flatron @ 1280x1024

    2: 17" ViewSonic @ 1024x768

    Running via 2x Nvidia GeForce 8800GTX All connected via DVI.

    Orignaly brought the Flatron for my last b-day, but then a neighbour had issues wif the ViewSonic, and asked if i could find them a new one, in the end they gave me there busted up ViewSonic, were the Pixels were starting to die, so played wif it abit, then one day in frustration, punched the screen, fixed it right up n has been running good since.

  10. once windows has fully booted, remove the keyboard / mouse from the USB ports, then swap them around when re-pluging them in, this should cause the drivers to be checked, if this doesnt work, remove both keyboard / Mouse, use a PS/2 Keyboard, go into Device Manager, and uninstall the drivers for your USB Keyboad / Mouse, then plug the USB ones back in again.

  11. Curious how a flash based chat would work, I never used the MySpace chat, but I might just try to get on and download the swf file and do a decompile to look at the ActionScript. It might give a clue to what they are doing to exploit the chat functions and even show what is going on server side. I would bet there are probably moderator functions in there to punt people or something and they figured it out.

    hmm sounds easy... dont quite think it will be though. To be honest i dont think the Flash side is the Chat Channel at all, to me its simply just a client side interface, much like FlashIRC.

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