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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. he wants to boot from a usb my advice buy a usb that can boot from the boot menu

    its not that easy, Every USB flash drive can be made bootable, the issue is not all bios allow this.

  2. Thanks for the answers.

    I am thinking for a scenario like this:

    I have a USB i plug it in my computer that is unable to boot from the usb, i get a message that is asking me if i want to start the OS and if i accept, the base OS is cleared from memory and meantime the new OS loads from the USB into memory.

    Is it possible?

    Easly no, Ur unable to boot to the USB from BIOS because there is no generic USB driver on ur chipset. So what ur asking is to load say windows, then to tell it to clear the Mem, and load of the USB, the issue is, the Drivers that ur using to read ur flash drive are apart of what ur trying to clear out of the mem, causing a pardox (my word of the day - Technicaly not used correctly here :P)

    Though if u have the issue of not being able to boot from USB, there is a DOS disk that allows u to, ill scratch around for it for u, but simply u put a copy of the DOS driver on the disk and burn it to CD, or Floppy  :? then boot from that media, to boot the USB.

  3. i know this is gonna sound stupid, but its always needed to be asked n doubled checked, open up ur audio panel, make sure its not muted, make sure the volume is at a suitable level, make sure it output device is correct, same for the input. Make sure u have ur jacks pluged in right.

    If thats all checked then try this; open up Device Manager, and tell it to remove the Audio Device, and agree to it deleting the drivers (if this isnt an option, once the device is removed, uninstall the drivers manualy). Back in Device Manager, scan for new Devices, then re-install the drivers of the Manufactures Disk.

    Reboot, and check if it works.

    If ur scared u have fried the Device, boot up ur fav Linux Live CD, and check if u can get sound outta that, if u can, ur issue lies wif ur OS, if not, ur back to square one, since the Live Cd may not have ur driver either ;)

  4. I mainly code to Barbie Girl and most of the Aqua back catalog, I also like some Vengaboys. 

    A man who follows my taste.

    When coding i more go for smoth easy listening music, so not to disturb me to much, i just want tunes to be in the background and kill out the sounds of phone ringing, or MSN going off. So normaly when programing ive got go:

    StaticX, Stone Sour, Parkway drive, Killswitch Engage, trivium, etc...

  5. Rent $540 - I live with 2 others, one sleeps in a study and pay a lil less

    Water / Elect $50-$60

    Internet / Line Rental $59 - Its my own connection no one else helps pay for it

    Cell (only phone i use) $50 - $1000 - im on a $50 cap, which gives me $300 worth of calls, though i have been known to go a little over it ;)

    Car Insurance $300 per year

    Car Rego $560 Per year

    Credit Card $$$ - I dont tend to use it much unless i need to, or for Birthday giifts or extreamly large phone bills, though atm its all payed off.

    All the prices are on avg for the month, and prices being in AUS $, though being Xmas, the water and Elect bills will be cheaper (the 3 of us are spending time wif family), though the Cell and CC will probs increass :(

  6. if u want this to be running windows based games (i dont fully undestad the question) but if it is for windows gaming, then theres no point, just buy 2 Nivida 8800GTX GFX cards, set them up in SLI, and run Vista on the box (for DX10) and u will be able to run any game released and being released on highest GFX settings, then all u need is 4Gb of ram, and anythin > than a 2.4G C2D, and u have a beast of a gaming machine, anythin more is overkill and wont be used.

    Oh Btw, with the GFX cards, ur going to need atleast a 24" High qual Monitor just to notice the difference btwn good GFX and hightest GFX.

    Ur looking at spending about $1.2k for the 2 GFX cards, about $300 for the 2.4G C2D, $300 for a nice SLI mobo, $350 for a generic pack of 4Gb DDRII 800, throw in a burner, HDD, case, PSU, and ur looking at spending about $2.5k on the system.

    These prices are in OZ, but say u go ur way, and hack togheter 5 Xbox360 systems, each system being at 500$ AUS, ur looking at $2.5k. So its just easier to build a new PC, as well as the PC is possible, the Xbox not so.

  7. sure lets help:

    First open Internet Explorer on a school PC. Goto Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings.

    In here there will be Proxy settings, u will need to take note of the Address and Port.

    Now open up ur Laptops IE and navigate to the same set of options, and type in the address and Port.

    You will now be able to use the schools internet access on ur laptop, though if u also use the internet at home, then ur gonna need to disable proxy settings when ur at home.

    Also for Firefox, proxy settings can be found at: Tools > Options > Network > Settings.

    Hope this helps.

  8. C# is what most places are starting to use now. C++ is very powerful as well.

    FWIW, I learned Visual Basic first, then C++.

    Likewise, i started wif VB, though found it to be not as powerful as i wanted it to be, so moved onto C++, im still much more skillful in VB as i havnt dedicated enough time to C, though in modern days C is more openly availiable on the net, in which i mean, there are open / freeware compilers, and there are thousands of Tut's out there.

    Also PHP is a really good language to learn (its my main language now), though is Limited on its targeted audience.

  9. tryed blue reefs proxy: Sonar yet? worked well for me in the past though im not sure if they still give out the 30 day eval, but it is a strong proxy, and i was a happy cust :-) allows the normal site, url, file type blocking, but also gives more advanced options like Code blocking (really good to kill of proxy sites).

  10. If it is the same password he can just call his ISP and they will give it to you.  I know I can never remember all the passwords for my families email (I'm the tech guy who always has to set it up) and I just phone my ISP and they give it to me.

    :-o ur ISP openly gives u the account passwords? hehe thats kool, mine reset.

    Also sorry mate, but ReDSpideR ur starting to sound a lil sus now, im all happy to tell u how to fix the issue at hand, but when ur target is getting someones passowrd, then ur outta luck. Aswell as, once the password on his machine is changed, he will have access back into his email client, which whould then have no need for the password, call the ISP get it reset.

    The thing is, MS has learnt, and have increased there security on there Hive, its now alot harder to read the Hash.

  11. hmm i dont care if ur fake or not, this is the easiest way to fix this issue, and doesnt give u the users password, though the tool disk used is illegal and should be killed off after use *cough*.

    - download a copy of Hirans Boot Disk (latest version)

    - Burn it to a disk, and lod it up on the machine

    - go into Password recovery

    - use the first tool (cant remeber the name)

    - it will then allow you to remove the password on the administrator account (even for Vista)

    - do this then boot into vista, use the admin account to either change the password for the user, or to assign a new password to the admin.

    - Throw hirens boot disk out of window of moving car.

  12. Hello guys,

    First of all, some people are here to just post and shows that they are mastermind but they are not. I posted something because i didnt know something and that is why we use this forum. So dont think few of them who posted me last are mastermind (GonZor,Deveant,Cooper,K1u). Even though its cracking (lol) nobody could do this simple work. Well, i believe and accept that i am newbie in hacking field but now i think i know more better than you few guys who posted me last.

    None of us call our selfs Masterminds, nor do we try to be, no one helped u becuase u should we spoon feed you, you want knowlegde, then ask for it, not for the work to be done.

    I provided u with knowledge, as the thing you were asking for was simply misleading / labled. K1u also provided knowledge, GonZor was sticking up for other forum members u were flaming, and Cooper was saying pretty much what everyone else has been.

    Since u recieved this as homework, u are capable of completing it your self.

  13. If your girlfriend gets fired and can't get a job because her last boss says she wasted too much time on the Internet and not doing actual work, don't come crying here. insted file a unfair dismissal lawsuit which you will inevitably lose.

    I think she will probably do it on her break time man.

    Myspace is as much as a dieseas as WoW is, only it effects the 'cool' people as well.

  14. im currently running a  script on my PC that fetches the RSS, then breaks it down into the links, it then checks the links to match against my Hak5 folder, and if the file is not in there, then it downloads it.

    The same concept can be applied in this situation, though instead of just downloading it, it could i guess re-creat the RSS in a Torrent form (im not to sure i would need to look into it).

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