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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. @Forced Request:i wouldn't be that harsh on the idea. It has potential, and defiantly is a form of security.

    Though as you mentioned there is the trust issue of allowing people to upload there own files, fix for this, when creating the account, create your own lil file (like under 1kb), and give that to the user as there key. Also don't ever store theses files on the host, i assume with in the script your just checking the Hash?

  2. works fine, but then again it should. Though i don't see a reason for it? most security concerns don't come in at the login prompt, they tend to be more pointed to session handling and XSS.

    Though if you want to stop key loggers this would work, but then there is an issue of if I'm traveling around i will store the file on a flash drive, what happens if the file corrupts? I'm screwed.

  3. Sadly i need the cookies in Temp Int, for external programs like IDM, and a few of my own applications. Firefox uses its own directory sadly.

    As for moving the Temp Int location, i had the same idea though when you select a new directory it then logs you out and creates a new folder inside of the chosen directory, so cant push the files that way :(

  4. hey, Ive been trying to work this one out all day, the idea is to import a cookie into IE, so that there is no need to log into a few websites that i visit regular on public computers.

    So yea, instead of typing in a user and password on a public computer, ive exported a few of my cookies to a txt file and import them into IE (its whats installed on the machines). This works perfect for its intentions, but im trying to Automate it. Not getting far.

    Temp Internet files is locked down, cant find away around it, so copy / pasting the cookie wont work. Also ive tried a python script to log into the sites and create the cookies, this worked, but then cant place the cookies into the Temp Internet folder.

    Side note: I need the cookies in the Temp Int folder due to the download manager i use, uses the Rapidshare cookie for premium access.

    Any suggestions?

    (ive been google'in all day still no luck)

  5. The issue here, is sure its easy to use, and a simple design, but with that, you can only make simple programs. Its quite the same for an IDE, sure its cool being able to use a drag and drop to place a text box at 0,15 but still everyday im writing new class's to do more.

    The programs will always need to be coded, if there not coded then you limited to never expanding on the old and pre-existing.

  6. WMP11 is best for it, and more software isnt going to help, its an issue with your network settings, if you are going from PC - Xbox, make sure you are using a Static IP address on both the Xbox and PC.

    If you are going from PC - Switch - Xbox, make sure that the Xbox is getting an IP address.

    Also just as a test, disconnect the internet, and turn off you firewall and try again, i know that Kaspersky stopped me for a lil while.

  7. Thanks for the PDF Steve8x, i might as well give it a try, ive played with winsock in the good ol'days of VB6.

    But yea ill play around and post what i come up with, Sadly wont be anything exciting since im shit with C (why? cause im slack).

  8. Hrmm as much as the error seems to be with Vista Backup, it really isnt a Design flaw, Vista backup was never created with the intentions of being used with TrueCrypt, I suggest going with digip's last post, it will take longer to backup / restore, but it will work.

  9. Have you tried your bypass method?

    Have you ever played a directx game and have you walked away from the game for a while to come back and see the screensaver going?

    I don't think that's ever happened to me. And I've just tried it both with and without checking the "on resume, password protect" check box, and either way no screensaver popped up! So I'm pretty confident screensavers don't interrupt directx apps.

    But I have thought of two ways to bypass it, can you think of them or more? That would be interesting to see ways people can come up with.

    Oh no, sorry mate, didn't mean it as a Bypass, i meant it as an alternative.

    Though as a bypass, my G15 macro keys, pressed the Calc Button and it drops back to desktop and opens calc. works like a charm to get passed your App :)

  10. Dreamweaver is good. When it comes to HTML Notepad+ is good enough, but dreamweaver is a good start for beginners, and many of professionals use it.

    Depending on what you need, there will be better out there, if you using just HTML code, then Notepad is cheaper, and works just as well, if you need the GUI tools, then dreamweaver is more than sufficient, and easy to use.

  11. er if someone told me they where going to go call the cops i'd move on up the street but if some guy hit me with a cricket bat i'd be out of there and go cry :)

    Its just stupid to promote violence, hitting a kid with a baseball bat? really? Psychiatrist, they help with that kinda thought pattern.

    Theirs no point in beating him down, just secure the Wireless better. Though i do agree with talking to him, not helping so much, being a kid, if you talk to him it will either go down smoothly, or you will become his joke.

    Hide the SSID

    Use WPA

    Use MAC Filtering

    Change Your Router Password

    Install Sprinklers.

    And or A flood light connected to a Motion Detector.

  12. Making a bong isnt illegal, though why post it hear? most people who smoke know how to make them, most who arnt tools own glass/ceramics, and the rest of the world arnt stupid enough to smoke sticky in the first place.

    So why make this thread? or do you like all the hate you get from members of this forum? Do you get off coz everyone knows your name, but only for all the wrong reasons? Go do harder drugs, that way it might impair you from being able to post.

    (No intent of bashin anyone who smokes on this forum)

  13. a Virus can easly be made in PHP, you over looking that fact that the target does not need to be a user of the website, but the website its self.

    Lets say a forum, with a lil XSS, mixed in with a custom login page, now every time one of your users log in, it emails me there user and pass in plain text. Easier than decrypting a Database, and Admins who dont know what there doing will never find it.

  14. then download the internet

    50 x 200 = 10000 -> 10Tb... it might just hold Wiki if your lucky.

    Anywho, i suggest buying a USB to <Insert HDD Interface here> clean format 40 of them, sell them on Ebay with atleast a 25$ gain, thats atleast a 1000$ gain, then use the money to bankroll raid'ing the remaining 10.

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