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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. thnks of there commercials "you really don't have to go to college for 4 years to get a good job"

    really? how much can you learn part-time in 2 years?

    depends, some people think shoveling shit is a wonderful job.Me on the other hand, think that to work in a higer paying job, u need quilifications, and if u have a Uni student go up against a part time / cheap quilfication student, the uni student should pull out on top every time.

  2. Microsoft recommends I should have:

    # 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

    # 1 GB of system memory

    # 40 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available space

    # Support for DirectX 9 graphics with:

        * WDDM Driver

        * 128 MB of graphics memory (minimum)

        * Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware

        * 32 bits per pixel

    I actually have:

    CPU: AMD Athlon 3200+ Socket A

    Ram: 1.5GB RAM DDR400

    GPU: ATI 9800XT 256MB

    OS: Vista Ultimate 32

    Vista 'rating;: 3.7, apparently the CPU is crap (what a lie

    Individual scores:

    CPU 3.7

    RAM 4.2

    GPU 4.9

    gaming GPU 4.6 (how is this different to the other one?)

    HD: 4.9

    Theres no way resizing a window should pump u up to 90%+ usage with specs like that, though with the CPU, i would more suggest Vista Home, but  still again, thats not really gonna change the overall running that much.

    As for the Gaming GPU over the GPU, Gaming is for DirectX applications, my laptop has i think a 4.6 GPU with only a 4 Gaming GPU.

  3. What kind of computer do you have?

    CPU: Intel Q6600 @ 3.2Ghz

    Ram: Kingston 2046Mb @ 800

    GPU: 2x Indio 8800GT SLI

    HDD: WD Rapter 80Gb

    OS: Vista Ultimate 32

    Vista Rating: 5.5 - Due to RAM. All other components are 5.9.

    I know what you getting at, my system is more than enough to run Vista, were as lower end systems will struggle, but then again, are u running vista on windows recomemded hardware specs?

  4. I wouldn't necessarily agree with the improving speed part.  Overall, most new OS's get slower.  The functionality part is dead on.

    it's interesting you say that, because resizing a window in vista (with all the unnecessary fancy stuff turned on) uses all the CPU. However, moving a window uses next to nothing.

    disagree, from idel (1-2% usage) moving a window, no change in idel, resizing a window the usage kicks to a whoppings 3%...

  5. on my 64bit vista im running Kaspersky, which is firewall / AV package in its self, for the spyware side, i dont have one installed 24x7, kasperky again will monitor, but ive found isnt the best, therefore i use SuperAntiSpyware, once a month, or when ever i feel that i may been infected.


    Kaspersky = http://www.kaspersky.com/downloads (30 day trial)

    SuperAntiSpyware http://www.superantispyware.com/ (Free light version, or 30 day trail pro version)

  6. What do you guys use for 1080p video.

    I have a

    AMD X2 4200+.

    2.25gb's of ram.

    7600GT with aftermarket zalman and super cyclone blower.

    But it still lags on real 1080p, 720p is played perfectly.

    I have tried VLC and WMP and many others, I have tweaked settings etc.. but I guess my PC can just not handle pure 1080p.

    again i suggest CCCP (See my other post for link) the player uses lil to no system res for the actualy player, just for the play, therefore ur running ur system at its highest potential, though a nice GFX card that openly says it supports HD helps.

  7. hey, quick question, just wondering how you would go about Disabling Network Interface Settings for windows XP. Novell in the newer versions of the of the desktop man, do this, and im rather sure its just a permission settings but cant find it my self.

    By Disabling it, the user is no longer able to change the IP address or install new protocols, we are after this to stop students from changing there IP address, and installing protocols for gaming.

    Any help? or useful hits.

  8. also if u havnt already deleted it, kill the bf2142 folder out of "C:users*ur user*documents" also how did u change the values in the first place? by an application or did u have to edit it manualy? if u used an app check to see if it has an opption to put things back to default, if u had to edit something, go and delete that file, then reinstall.

  9. its gettin to vista, it seems to hang once it starts to load it, if i kill the power once it hangs, the next boot it will come up wif the MS inccorect shutdown screen, when selecting either safemode(s) or boot normal, it again hangs on the blank screen (right b4 the normal loading bar apears)

  10. Yay my first Vista issue :)

    Pretty much ive had a 500Gb External (IDE -> USB) hard drive for a while now, worked perfectly in Vista. I have lent the encloser to a friend, and went to install the 500gb into my machine, the issue is, once the HDD is added vista no longer boots, it just black screens. Vista is installed on a Sata 80Gb Rapter.

    Ive tried the 500Gb on slave and master, so not to interfier wif the SATA, aswell as i have directly booted from the OS drive, same thing, the black screen. Just looking for useful suggestions.

    in b4 MS hate: all HDD's are read perfect in Ubuntu Live and UBCD.

  11. has to be photoshopped no one in their right mind would do that

    thats impossible to remove

    i doubt it would be a shop, its the two pics togther work to perfect together, think about it people got the zune logo tatted to there skin... there are idiots out there.

  12. It can easly be done on Vista, this is due to Vista's start-screen already using a AVI file for the animation. Though as for XP, its not unless u replace the entire start-screen wif a new application, ive heard of it being tryed, never successful. XP uses a BMP for its title screen, and only supports BMP.

  13. download and install winamp... though pretty much all players have configurable keyboard controls, such as WMP... but yea install Winamp and it will show the image's of the CD cover (or other) which are referenced to in the tag.

    Media Player classic, is more a light weight highly accepted video player, like VLC. its not really the best for music, but yea it does it.

  14. (never mix limewire or any other p2p with a pc for business use and when ever you download any music or anything else p2p, right click on the file then scan it before you run it.  many trojans will usually get past the auto protection but not a regular scan)

    musics rather safe of being virus free (mp3's im talking about). Its rather hard to wrapp a trojen into a mp3, and have it execute correctly, P2P is only gonna kill u when ur downloading the likes of games.

    Disclamer, Deveant in know way supports piracy nor the use of P2P applications for kiddie porn (u dirty people), though deveant does like talking about him self as 3rd person and goes off on lil rants every now and then when he has had a lil to much to drink, like... now.

  15. what u need to do is format.

    Though just some other things so that u can backup, when loggin in as an Admin, are u using the windows Administrator Account under safe-mode, or are u just using ur own account that would have been demoted by the virus?

    If Administrator works, then find the file that doesnt belong, get the file name, and google it, there will be a few anti-virus sites which will tell u all the files / reg keys that need to be deleted, do so.

    Make a new Account, move ur shit and delete the old account, unless u can be stuffed editing all the permisions on the old account.

  16. lil app called progkill, wont it will allow the app to start for say 10sec then it will crash it, works a treat untill they find out all u need to do is rename the file. game.exe => games.exe

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