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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. I was working on a new DP for MSN, when i read this challenge, so though i might as well make more outta the image than just a DP that will be used for a couple of days.

    Pretty much just a simple digital clock, created in Flex 3 SDK, nothing to special.


    Yerp, as you can see its 2am, and yea my system Date is wrong, so for now ill though up the source, and tomorrow ill put up the files, and PSD's that i created for the UI.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" width="250" height="250" creationComplete="onCreationComplete();">
    	<mx:Script source="ActionScript.as"/>
            .quartzLarge {
                fontSize: 77.75pt;
            .quartzSmall {
                fontSize: 21.5pt;
                color: #0b333c;
            .quartzSmallred {
                fontSize: 21.5pt;
                color: #9B0000;
        <mx:Fade id="fadeOut" duration="1000" alphaFrom="1.0" alphaTo="0.0"/>
       	<mx:Fade id="fadeIn" duration="1000" alphaFrom="0.0" alphaTo="1.0"/>
    	<mx:Image x="0" y="0" id="img_backGround" source="@Embed(source='../images/Alarm-Clock-Orb.png')"/>
    	<mx:Image x="18" y="19" id="img_alert" source="@Embed(source='../images/alert.png')" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Label x="35" y="60" text="88:88" id="txt_timeClock" styleName="quartzLarge" textAlign="right"/>
    	<mx:Label x="110" y="140" text="88-8-8888" id="txt_timeDate" styleName="quartzSmall" textAlign="right"/>
    	<mx:Label x="198" y="115" id="txt_timeSec" text="88" styleName="quartzSmall" textAlign="right"/>
    	<mx:Button id="btn_alarmActive" icon="@Embed(source='../images/alarm.png')" width="0" height="0" click="showAlarm(true);" x="213" y="111" alpha="0.3"/>
    	<mx:Button x="62.5" y="170" label="Deactivate" id="btn_deactivate" styleName="quartzSmall" click="alarmDeactivate();" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Image x="9" y="62" id="img_plate" source="@Embed(source='../images/plate.png')" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Label x="27" y="68" text="00" id="txt_alarmHour" styleName="quartzLarge" textAlign="right" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Label x="112" y="60" text=":" id="txt_dots" styleName="quartzLarge" textAlign="right" width="18" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Label x="135" y="68" text="00" id="txt_alarmMinute" styleName="quartzLarge" textAlign="right" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Button id="btn_upHour" icon="@Embed(source='../images/plus.png')" width="0" height="0" click="alarmChange('hour', 'up')" x="49" y="162" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Button id="btn_downHour" icon="@Embed(source='../images/negative.png')" width="0" height="0" click="alarmChange('hour', 'down')" x="88" y="162" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Button id="btn_upMin" icon="@Embed(source='../images/plus.png')" width="0" height="0" click="alarmChange('minute', 'up')" x="157" y="162" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Button id="btn_downMin" icon="@Embed(source='../images/negative.png')" width="0" height="0" click="alarmChange('minute', 'down')" x="197" y="162" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Button id="btn_alarmNo" icon="@Embed(source='../images/no.png')" width="0" height="0" click="alarmSetup(false);" x="123" y="151" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Button id="btn_alarmYes" icon="@Embed(source='../images/yes.png')" width="0" height="0" click="alarmSetup(true);" x="123" y="168" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" visible="false"/>
    	<mx:Button id="btn_copy" icon="@Embed(source='../images/copyright.png')" width="0" height="0" click="showCopy();" x="205" y="208"/>


    // ActionScript file
    	import mx.controls.Alert;
    	import mx.core.SoundAsset;
    	private var ticker:Timer;
    	private var currentTime = new Date();
    	public var alertActive:Boolean = false;
    	public var alarmSet:Boolean = false;
    	public var timeHours:Number;
    	public var timeMinutes:Number;
    	public var timeSeconds:Number;
    	public var timeYear:Number;
    	public var timeMonth:Number;
    	public var timeDay:Number;
    	public var alertHours:Number = 0;
    	public var alertMinutes:Number = 0;
    	public var Song:Class
    	public var mySong:SoundAsset = new Song() as SoundAsset;
    	public var channel:SoundChannel;
    	public function onCreationComplete():void
    		ticker = new Timer(1000); 
            ticker.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTick);
    	public function updateTime():void
    		txt_timeClock.text = doubleUp(timeHours) + ":" + doubleUp(timeMinutes);
    		txt_timeSec.text = doubleUp(timeSeconds)
    		if (alarmSet == true) {checkAlert();}
    	public function updateDate():void
    		txt_timeDate.text = doubleUp(timeDay) + "-" + doubleUp(timeMonth) + "-" + timeYear;
    	public function doubleUp(single:Number):String
    		if (single <= 9) 
    			var double:String = "0" + String(single);
    			return String(double);
    		} else {
    			return String(single);
    	public function onTick(evt:TimerEvent):void 
            timeSeconds += 1;
            if (timeSeconds >= 60) {timeSeconds = 0; timeMinutes +=1;}
            if (timeMinutes >= 60) {timeMinutes = 0; timeHours +=1;}
            if (timeHours >= 24) {timeHours = 0; findDate(); updateDate();}
            if (alertActive == true) {madMonkey();}
        public function findDate():void
        	currentTime = new Date();
    		timeYear = currentTime.getFullYear();
    		timeMonth = currentTime.getMonth();
    		timeDay = currentTime.getDay();
        public function findTime():void
        	currentTime = new Date();
    		timeHours = currentTime.getHours();
    		timeMinutes = currentTime.getMinutes();
    		timeSeconds = currentTime.getSeconds();
        public function checkAlert():void
        	if 	(timeHours == alertHours && timeMinutes == alertMinutes)
        			alertActive = true;
        			btn_deactivate.visible = true;
        public function madMonkey():void
        	if (channel == null) {channel = mySong.play();}
        	if (img_alert.visible == true)
        		img_alert.visible = false
        	} else {
        		img_alert.visible = true
        public function alarmDeactivate():void
        	channel = null;
        	img_alert.visible = false;
        	btn_deactivate.visible = false;
        	alarmSet = false;
        	alertActive = false;
        	alertHours = 0;
    		alertMinutes = 0;
    		txt_alarmHour.text = doubleUp(alertHours);
    		txt_alarmMinute.text = doubleUp(alertMinutes);
        public function alarmChange(time:String, direction:String):void
    		if (time == 'hour') {
    			if (direction == 'up') {
    				if (alertHours != 24) {
    					alertHours += 1;
    				} else {
    					alertHours = 0;
    			} else {
    				if (alertHours != 0) {
    					alertHours -= 1;
    				} else {
    					alertHours = 24;
    		} else {
    			if (direction == 'up') {
    				if (alertMinutes != 59) {
    					alertMinutes += 1;
    				} else {
    					alertMinutes = 0;
    			} else {
    				if (alertMinutes != 0) {
    					alertMinutes -= 1;
    				} else {
    					alertMinutes = 59;
    		txt_alarmHour.text = doubleUp(alertHours);
    		txt_alarmMinute.text = doubleUp(alertMinutes);
        public function alarmSetup(Setup:Boolean):void
        	if (Setup == true) {
        		alarmSet = true;
        	} else {
        		alarmSet = false;
        public function showAlarm(Set:Boolean):void
        	img_plate.visible = Set;
        	txt_alarmHour.visible = Set;
        	txt_dots.visible = Set;
        	txt_alarmMinute.visible = Set;
        	btn_upHour.visible = Set;
        	btn_downHour.visible = Set;
        	btn_upMin.visible = Set;
        	btn_downMin.visible = Set;
        	btn_alarmNo.visible = Set;
        	btn_alarmYes.visible = Set;
        public function showCopy():void
    		Alert.show("Auther: David Stevenson \n Version: 1.0.0 \n Release: 19-06-08 \n Ste03_aus@hotmail.com",'Mad Monkey Alarm Clock');

    And finaly, the link to the working file: http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/4190/clockei4.swf

  2. The hashes wont be stored on the system, what you have explained sound very much like a school network setup. Therefore all the user data will be stored on a server, probably Novell or AD, both of which you will be unable to gain the passwords.

    If you manage to do anything it will only be to change a password, and which point the attack becomes noticeable hence pointless.

  3. I cant believe that you can make a Video Into that looks really good, but then u go and make the banner for your site that looks like shit.

    I like the theme, but the news box's should all be the same length, it looks messy otherwise.

    Apart from that its kinda cool, and i would visit... well if i had a PSP :S

  4. Don't cells/pdas now come with qwerty keyboards and apps?

    Agreed my PDA has an attachment, and my HipTop has a QWERTY built in, both run Mobile Office. The PDA with attachment would set me back about 150$, though my HipTop about 500$

  5. For a x360 Media Host, i would suggest Server 03/08, use a copy of Winamp / Remote, and ur set, if you wanna go cheap, then just use XP / Vista. VPN can be done on Server 03/08, easily enough. Data Server, pfft doesn't matter, both Linux and Server 03/08 support it hell easy, though if your going to go Linux, i suggest Ubuntu this time around/

    Though if your up for the challenge, then using Ubuntu would be more rewarding in the end.

  6. Vista. My specs are fine to run it (vista score maxed out at 5.9), and as mentioned it is what comes on new PC's and if im to work on new gear, gotta know the ins n outs of vista. Im currently running Vista on 2 machines, XP on 1 laptop, and other OS's on 4 other servers / stations.

    XP is good, but if u can handle vista, then theres no point not to run it.

  7. unless you find it and point it out,

    There is not anything wrong with the first one. FAIL!

    There is probably a dick laying on the ground or something.

    no it's probably a fake one that made to trick n00bs into thinking it's a mindfuck.

    2cm from the guys knee, there is a skull in the grass.

    --- Edit ---

    To the left.

  8. Great article! I really like it.

    But how the hell do I send a text message from my phone to an emailadress? I only have an old siemens A60 wich does little more then sending text messages (SMS) and phoning some friends. When I send an SMS I can only put in the phone numer of someone as far as I know. How can I put in a gmail-adress? Do I need something like the iPhone to do this? Sry for my stupidity, just hope someone can help me!

    Edit: Well, after some googling I found out that there are different websites that offer a phone number you can send a message to. In this message you have to first type the emailadress and then the text you want to be sent.

    Older phone possibly wont work, im using a Nokia 6110 Navigator, and i can send MMS to my email address, or i can send direct emails. but not an a standard SMS.

  9. Well Play.com now says my GTA4 was in the post as of thursday! :)

    Hopefully it will arrive on monday (+10!)

    doubtful, it would more than likely have a hold order on it.

  10. i don't think anyone has flamed as of yet, just voiced there opinions. As for mine the best admins are for sites with a purpose, the reason the admin gets respect, is because he knows allot about what the sites for.

    Example. Ive just finished programing a Melb Shuffle Site for a mate, on his boards his pretty well off, though only 500~ members 150 perm active. Though they like him for a reason, hes awsum at shuffle, and hes know on the scene. You dont get the respect for owning the site, and u still need something to draw many users to your site. Check moot for exaple, thought who know his site, know its a rather large one lol, and not many like him.

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