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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. b4 reinstallin try booting into safemode, if this fails aswell, run into repair consol, and reload the issued files.


    Its also not wise to take advise from someone who doesnt use windows. :)

  2. and we would like for others not to know how to.

    Its rather simple, cheating = bad, we dont want to promote it, your not the only one who reads the forums, u may not be taking the cisco tests, but there still seems to be alot here who are, or have.

  3. yea, but 10tb in one hdd?

    Oh, it was 10 1TB HD's I made into a RAID.

    :) ok thats more belivable, i was starting to think that Aus was just that outta the loop!, atm the biggest HDD's stocked in store is 500gb, though if need be, we can order in 1Tb's though take about 1week <_< :( my server feels so small now, im only running 4Tb  :-(

  4. they easiest way to get this done is to go with simple webhosting service, such as 3ix, hostdaddy. and some others that arnt on the top of my head. they will setup the domain and the files hosting for you, its then up to you to upload the file onto it, in the correct HTTP style ie. index.html/php as the first page.

  5. haha no, the answers are not kept in the script, it is kept on the server side, cisco is worth billions do u really think there that stupid to let there answers go so easly? have u thought that they might actualy study? or have gained the answers from a friend or somethink of the such?

  6. the price of fiber is rather cheap, its actualy cheaper than Copper media atm, though the issue is the termination, it cost about 20x more just to have the end terminated, its due to the fussion, and the certs needed to be able to do it profecionaly. The other issue with Fiber is, its really only used for backbone connections, and will not in the soon future ever be used for terminal connections.

    The speed btwn the cable and the rate of which the NIC can handle are just to stupid copper is still to slow, so the conversions wont handle, though new Copper has been made :) and handles 10Gb easly, now all i need is a HDD able to run at that speed haha.

  7. Outcast, there are 2 types of tests, u can eother do the paths ways. or the direct. The pathways use knowledge that u have learnt on Job. and allow u to go and ake the test straight away, or u can sign up with Netacad and go through the modules, which is the full enrolment.

  8. Yea, I'd like to try and get away from using the onload event, as I think that may be what is causing the issue in IE6. If anyone knows how to smoothly stream jpegs with Ajax, that would be a big help. Like I've said before, I need it to work on a variety of connections.

    :( sadly ive been wanting to take a look into AJAX for sometime now, but sadly havnt had the time to get into it.

  9. Mixed, Wireless for the laptops, and wired for the servers / static machines, bar 2. The machines that stream media of my servers need the throughput so GbLan is needed.

  10. all noobs, stfu. cheating on a cisco test? you serious? get yourself a book, or just hit the cisco website, they've got tons of great documentation. this ranks up there with "how do i hack myspace/my high school/my friends msn account"


    see im not the only one!

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