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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. the issue is, when the reg key to lock the station is set, the station goes into a total lockdown, i have incounted this issue b4, but it was for Novell, and IBM laptops, once the saver turns on, the lan connection is ceased, as so is pretty much every other event on the PC exept the main parts of windows and the saver.

  2. [Text Layer]                      -----   <--- Lower Third Goes Here

    [Graphic Layer]                /-----    <-------Use transitions for simple animation

    [Video Layer]----------------------------------    //

    [Audio Layer]----------------------------------   (o.o)_/  <---Strange bunny type creature


    :O the magic of hak5, they can pull a bunny outta there A/V layers

  3. hmm i would say there either zombie machiens or Proxy address's, run a virus scnanner and rootkit scanner to make sure ur not infected and calling out to them (scan ur whole network).

  4. my shuttle crashed a few times when using just as a LAMP server (it would be on for about 78h's a week) this was due to over heating, though i fixed this by removing one side and placing a 12cm Turbo'ed fan (turbo = 2x more the voltage than specified, 1/10 of the normal life), this droped the heat enough to keep it on for the 78h's with out it crashing.

    If ur thinking about running it longer, then i dont really think a shuttle is the right choice.

  5. Hi

    I'm planning to be doing some CoD2 match webcasts, and I therefore need something to capture in game gfx.

    Right now I'm using my laptop to do the spectating and my regular computer with a tvcard to capture a signal from my laptop (Cloned extra screen by S-VHS). I can play the signal perfectly in VLC, but it only shows up as a green screen with a few pixels of the correct video in the top, in Windows Media Encoder... Ive been playing around with it for some while now without any success... Its getting pretty annoying...

    I use an ASUS My Cinema-P7131 Hybrid, with standard drivers and the newest version of Windows Media Encoder.

    Thanks ind advance :)

    And btw; all my spelling errors are free :P

    Have u tried recording with FRAPS? friends who goto a lot of LAN's (for our area that like 2 a month but still :D) they use the server to goto spect mode, then run FRAPS to record the play to XVID.

  6. Novells Nalwin.exe?

    not quite the same, its more the kinda of thing like KDE and Fluxbox, both are linux based, and they change the way the OS handles (hence shell) Nalwin is just a File Launcher, such as the application launcher U3 has.

  7. a few of mine are for application storage just incase i dont have my flash drive with me, someone needs somethink off me. The others are for media storage and a few for Personal Sites.

    Deags just wondering, what type of service plan are u on? atm im with 3ix for a few sites and have 500mb with unlimited transfers for $3 pm, with the domain at $7.95 py.

  8. the idea behind the site is fine (as is the millions of other System Tut sites on the web). And for a beginers site the layout is clean and workable. though there are some issues;

    - The main page and the Digg rips: Most ppls who read tutorials, will already know of Digg, and will check it regularly, also the way in which u show this infomation looks untidy, and hard to read, as well as having all the text blocked together, i glance at it and say meh. To fx this is would be a good idea to show the heading of the artical, then a snipit, as well as include each Section in its own Paragraph tag. therefore it will have spaces ^_^

    - The tutorials are nice and all, but its content found on many of other sites, the issue with this is, if i google the titles of ur tutorials, i get major sites pop-in up for about the first 50'ish pages.

    Thats all for now, im not trying to mock ur site at all, just suggestions to get u more hits and popularity.

  9. lol guys...this is actually my dad's computer and i just want access to it....cuz im locked out all day...so can anyone help me instead of questioning my motives?

    we question ur motives because we dont like skiddies.

    If this realy is ur dads PC, then u will know if he is using Novell, or an Active Server to log into his rig, if hes not, then i would say he has changed the say MS stores his Keys. Such as http://support.microsoft.com/kb/299656 if he has gone to the troubles of this, then i suggest that u dont even try to use his PC y he isnt there.

    If its what i think and this isnt ur PC at all, then i suggest u give up now, there is no way to hack a Novell server via skiddie means like most other Non-windows based LAN setups.

  10. Using Javascript I am able to read files on the harddrive so i make it open up the certificate and check its integrety.

    hmm i have issues with this comment as well.

    As for the main topic, this is our security setup for filtering. were using blue reef's sonar, and to block most proxy sites, we block out HTML code, this allows us to read the HTML code for strings, and refuse to pass it onto the client.

    The strings that seems to have done the most damage is, "Proxy+Myspace", and "Proxy20%Myspace".

  11. ^^ someone got were i was coming from, Novell doenst store any Pass's in the SAM, and if the securtiy is right for a skool they will also be using somethink like DeepFreeze or HDGuard, so all secrets arnt there either.

    I posted what i said b4. becuase or eregutaleries in cheers12's posts, same for many new members.

    Also just a note, Windows Active Login, also doesnt store in the SAM :P and to anyone using it shame  :mad:

  12. hmm, are u sure this is ur Computer? if so, run a copy of SAM LIVE, and just change ur Password via that, if ur locked out, though if ur on say a skool PC, they will not be using the SAM at all.

  13. Well the patch seems to destroy all session data if it didn't generate the session ID. And as far as I can tell the session vulnerability is limited to people who relie on session id's instead of cookies to use the forums. So if you login to the server using a session ID someone else tricks you into using, the other person can use that same link to take over you account and post messages. But since you need your password to change login details you can't do much more than impersonate someone and read there PM's.

    though they will also gain the same permisions as u, so depending on the Board, the *may* get admin panel access (though normaly requirs password again), and they have permisiion to delete and lock all topics as well as see hiden. (can cause trobles).

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