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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. nob and noob are 2 different words...

    and i do apologise, it does seem as though u are asking how to cheat the tests, it piss's me off, coz every sunday i stay at home (1/2 smashed from satday night) study'in for CCNA, ITES, and PNIE test for the week, were there is ppls who download the answers of Cert Sites, memarize em, and go and sit the tests and pull scores of 90+

  2. Haha, it seems so much to me that Apple bein all 'better' than windows, really just wants to be windows, First bootcamp, now Safari.

    I gave it a try, and it seems to be... average... i understand its beta, and has flaws, but that aside, it is still just a browser to me, there is nothink on it that jumps out and says, 'Hello im a mac, and i pwn windows'.

    So FF, and IE it is for me :)

    FF coz it works, light, and easly moded

    IE coz its every were i go.

  3. Sparda, suposably in Japan u can :S i know that all there phone ports are RJ-45 (as of most new Australian Houses). But yea a few mates have said, that in jap, new places have direct Ports in the house so no need for the modem :S not sure how true it is but yeah sounds cool. Though these ports arnt phone ports, there Data points.

  4. hmm i dont think it would be the storage HDD's crashing then, BSOD is caused with Drivers, and mem allocations. So for it to be one the storage HDD's would only be to do with haivng a Vertual Mem set on them. Though if the problem happens frequently u can try unpluging the storage HDD's run and see if she crashs. Other wise run seatools on ur primary, and check to see if shes got faults.

    Also Ebay ram being sealed doesnt mean shes perfect, if i jump ontop of a box full of RAM, and only the top few packages get broken, i can still sell of the rest, doesnt mean there still gonna 100% work.

  5. hmm, im not to sure what u mean, but ive built a mouse play, it was designed to run mouse movements on the screen so that i can cheat games, it was writen in VB.net, ill drag it up, though im not sure if it will keep ur system live, i think the running game did that for me.

  6. You *cannot* normally burn a CD image to a DVD, it doesn't work.

    As I said though ImgBurn will make the necessary tweaks on the fly so that it will work. I don't know of any other software that does this on the fly.

    agreed, there is formating and sectors and shit involved, it doesnt work that easly, though shoutouts to moonlit, ive had DVD Decrypter, but didnt know it can do the converting :) Ive just always extracted the ISO (using Magic ISO) then burnt the contents as Data to the DVD, running it with Bootable options (Nero)

  7. pure-ftpd FTW ^_^

    as for hfs programs for Linux, havnt really touched into it much on Linux, atm for my file servers just running Samba, and a few tweeks, though if u want a web interface, u could just use directory listings on Apache, or write some PHP :)

  8. 2nd. Who actually created the Hak5Live teaser theme music, and would it be possible for them (or A_Witt ) to convert it to a ringtone from the original audio source?

    check the forums, A_Witt has posted ringtones already.

    edit: sorry didnt read the Live part :P though theres tones for the original.

  9. calling this site hak is very misleading.

    anyway,good day. if he does use Linux/BSD, i don't have to answer his questions. installing and using an OS is a very different subject. i didn't know the level of discussion until now. you guys have a lovely night.

    dude does this even make sense to anyone?

    haha, yea i think it is the most confusing flame i have ever recived

  10. Well

    haha yea no shit Sparda as soon as someone quotes this, its all for the world to see.

    there could be dumber ppls in this world, and it all depends, how hot is the boss?

  11. err... Anybody with half a brain?

    reporting in sir!

    Ok so like... yea... if u learnt from this script it would at least impress me a little, but still, not even thinking about loops... did u just get this of some skiddie site?

  12. as for extracting the contents of the iso, then burning them with nero, it works fine :D, as for the multi-images, im not quite sure, as for what i can see, you will need a program to load the individual images, so it wouldnt be easly done, but do-able, but then the images wont be on the root of the CD which will then also cause issues.

  13. Hmm dropping her back down to XP, and not running the games hard, u gonna get a fair while outta her. i would say about 2-3yrs, though droping back down to XP, is gonna be hard to play MS games (damn u halo >_<).

  14. i like toast.

    You keep saying that Windows is 'evil' and that it cant do its job, but u fail to see, that windows is the one making the cash, Mac is pullin in second, and over 3/4's of the earths population has never even heard of Linux.

    Windows does its job, and does it perfectly, it is built for a computer 'user', who checks there Email, Makes presetations, Watches / Downloads / Edits media. If you wanna know what Windows is built for, then simply just check the products that MS have to offer, Windows will run them perfectly.

    MS un-stable? ok im no programer... but ive tried. Ive never had an issue, were my computer has crashed running one of my applications under perfect conditions, the only time she crashs is where my Yuppi'ness programing skills come in, and my program becomes more deadly than anythink else (sadly way~ to offten).

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