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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. haha thx for the info Sparda  :-)

    @shadow1100mfp as for connecting HDD's to a FDD line, not possible sorry, ur about 10 or so wires short (my old IT techer would kill me for not knowing for sure) but im thinking its 34 wires in a FDD, and 42? in a IDE... then newer ones are about 84 coz of the grounding wires. (numbers probably arnt right :P)

  2. well im just gonna take it that ur Mobo is a 2 IDE / 1 FDD Mobo.

    So ur setup for maximum file transfer should be.

    IDE 1 - M: HDD (OS) S: Burner

    IDE 2 -M: HDD (DATA) S: Burner

    FDD - Floppy

    Its best to have the HDD's on individual lines, so that when transfering btwn each other, they will get the most outta the bandwidth.

  3. nothing to do with tabs, that one is a virus. Set up ur scrip on my private host and crashs IE6 not IE7, run it on IE7 in second tab and just loads a input.


    It works took about 30 secs though to crash mine though :S and the AV's pick it up as a virus :S

  4. i agree that evry one has there own opinion, though it shits me to read, "Vista sucks!!! why.. well because!" of ur gonna be baggin somethin at least make the effort to say what you dont like about it, otherwise u seem uncreditable, and pointless.

    About the topic, ive heard as well that SP3 is just all the updates compiled into one installer, as well as a few tweeks, and nice bits. Such as WMP11, IE7,  and WinDefender. Though ive also heard that SP3 will allow for DX10 on XP, this im not sure about :S

    Back to vista, ive been using it for about 1-2 months now, and have no issue with it wat so ever, at first it was hard to navigate, though this is only due to it differing from XP's. It looks pretty :-) and on a high end system, runs lovely. For all that i can see, its XP +, so i have no longer a need to run XP when vista is avaliable.

    Side note. Its great to be back from Jap! loved it overthere, but home sweet home :-)

  5. well its time again for an update, but this time round im not sure what to go for. Im in need for a new CPU, and with that a new MoBo, but my issue is, there is a Duo and Quad for the same price.

    Item 1 - Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.40Ghz/Kentsfield/4MBx2/1066FSB/EMT64/XD/Quad Core) - $379

    Item 2 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 (3.0Ghz/Conroe/4MB/1333FSB/EMT64/XD/Dual Core) - $389

    So the quad is $10 cheaper, but that doesn't really matter much. Ive been searching around for performance tests and such but it seems hard to find tests of the same calibure for both chips.

    So just wondering, what chip would u guys go for?

  6. umm if you have the name u can do this:

    myspace name: myGayStalkie

    google search: site:myspace.com myGayStalkie

    then click - cache link

    The End.

    hmm few issues, first, if there not ur friend u dont know there Mysapce name, and second, the Cache for my page was 3 months old.


    My bad, you can get there user name outta the title of the page your on


    Nope wrong again, sorry, if there set to private, then there name is the friend ID

  7. Server side simply means, you make a request, such as viewing a page, the server then meets the request, and outputs HTML.

    With MySpace, i would say it use a method such as this, You sign up, you are given a Unique ID, when someone adds you, your Unique ID is added into the friends pool. If there space is set to private, when you request the pagem the server checks for your Unique ID being in the friends Pool of the target, if it is, the they server will generate the HTML page of the targets space, and send it out to you. If your not, then the server will send the Error page.

    MySpace would use a shit load more complexed system than this though, but it should give you the ruff idea, that it cant simply be hacked.

  8. wow guys thanks a lot i'm working on A+ as we speak i took this certification test at experttraining.com it was hard but i passed thanks again

    Good Job!  :grin:

    If your looking to continue on with that line of Computer study, i suggest Cisco's Certified Network Administrator (CCNA), its well worth it, if network is your game.

  9. How are we supposed to know from this...

    is there a way to view someones myspace if it is set to privet?

    That you meant this...

    just trying to learn how the website works and restricts people.

    Could you try posting your actual question to begin with next time, it seems like you are always changing your story.

    Agreed, you say your asking one thing though then in your next post, try to say that you ment something totaly different, exactly the same as the cisco topic.

    Do you understand any PHP scripting? do you understand PHP + SQL scripting? knowing these even the basics of these, will easly make you understand the answer to both of your questions.

  10. Linux (at least Ubuntu) supports (at least) reading of hfs volumes (don't know about writing).

    :O could it be that Ubuntu cant do every think that windows can!?

    Whats needed is for 'MacDisk for windows' to be installed on the machine, then i suggest getting that data off, re-formating to Fat32 / NTFS (if iPods can do it) and putting the data back on, its just easier and doesnt cause as many issues, Windows Still has 75%+ of market share, so u might as well meet the needs of the people.

    MacDisk for windows: http://www.macdisk.com/mden.php3

  11. hmm try repairing the MBR

    ... WTF? that wasnt me!


    U might wanna try chkdisk in XP's restor consol, though ur best bet would be to install XP over XP as Vako mentioned. Though this has issues if ur install has SP2 and ur Disk inst, so u may need to use another PC and slipstream SP2 onto ur disk.

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