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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. ya sparda you should try it  i think you might enjoy it :p

    I'm firmly set to the contrary.

    QFE myspace will be the downfall of of intelligence

    and the rise of a nation of cam whores.

  2. Agreed, Acronis can do it, but its gonna take a fuck load of time to do it, is there actaly that much of a need to image ur HDD? eve if u do image it, how the fuck are u gonna roll it out again? well i supos if u got a DVD rom it helps, buit still. just by a cheap ass HDD the same size as ur current, and backup to that, most HDD's these days are cheap, such as 30$ for a 60gb

  3. Well, here's a prank you can do without much planning:

    1. Get some petrol/gasoline.

    2. Get some form of ignition (matches, lighter, whatever).

    3. Pour the petrol/gasoline on the floor inside your school.

    4. Ignite the petrol/gasoline with your previously obtained ignition system.

    5. Move away from the fire and out of the school.

    u forgot the most relevant part, when pouring the fuel, u supos to spell ur name out, this way when forensics come in to inspect the fire, they will plannly see what the ignition for the fire, was in the shape of ur name.

  4. but I've gotten no reply.


    I still dont see y u are using all that link shit, just setup a copy of shoutcast on ur server, then give out the Connection File, its a shit load easier, and doesnt look as tacky.

  5. if the sides of the screen are slightly tilting in the bouncing out, then ur tube is about to die. if the image is shaky, either ur to close to magnets (speakers are nice), or ur rocking ur table to much...

  6. :shock: hmm ill call it Sparda wins... Though what i was going for is, if u click My Network places, u will only see shared folders that are in ur workgroup.

    Also programs like NetScan will be able to ID most of the computers on the network, unless there behind a firewall, then u can get some issues.

  7. damn thats a harder one, all images are copyrighted to there creator, though when its copies of fam's paintings and such im not to sure who holds the rights, im thinking if u use a image, and not a self taken picture u should be right. though credit the site were u get them from, even if it is just in the Alt text for the image ^_^, but dont link to the image on another site, its stealing there media and there bandwidth :P

  8. streaming non-rights purchaced music over the internets is illegal.

    Though it can be done, though we did it via the Shoutcast server, and Auto DJ, no plug-in was required, its standalone in the shoutcast package.

  9. :) glad it worked for ya, as for the TV, it can either be a power distributer, CBUS, or even just a IR rig. though on new TV's that ive seen such as the sony bravio, there is a connection port to interface with a computer / CBUS set up, this is somethink that i would really love to set up ^_^

    Ive had a look into setting up the IR version, though the plans i came up with were tacking and involded using 2 IR relays, which then ment taking up 2 power points which isnt ideal when i can just have the remote sitting on the computer desk...

  10. im sitting here leeching on some ones wireless network and i cant figer out how to access the other computers on the network i know when im at school or work i can see the outhers in my network workplaces why am i not seeing them here?

    Sparda, couldnt it just be hes not on the same workgroup? and hence he should obtain an IP of the wireless rounter, view the one he has gained, and processable ping the IP range underneith his?

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