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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. most lan partys ive gone to (which allow file sharing) windows have done the job fine, though we dont use DNS, windows file sharing and DSN kinda suck, well in the way of direct communication. Though with a decient DHCP server, weve never had a problem with clients and file sharing.

    oh just to note, all the lan partys ive gone to have been hosted by me and friends, or i just end up teching <_< though dont get me wrong, there public LANs and usaly have 40-60 people attend.

  2. how fucking retarded do you have to be to just start attacking people because they make a big deal about saying that they're gay, or they're democrats or whatever else.

    You do know that things on TV are fake, right?

    Oh, and people who live on an island shouldn't really bad mouth others about "inbreeding."

    hmm what they did i dont think it was fake, mabye a little exadurated but not fake, they were palted with rocks, mabye not followed but still yelled at and threatened.

  3. hmm do u guys run bluetooth in ur labs? or did he have a USB dongel plugged in? ive got some toys built for the sony Ericson V600i series that allows me to use my camara to simulate the laser of a mouse, though it sucks arse and wastes a shit load of power.

    Though just thinking bout it then whilst i was typing, i wonder if it was possible that his connection was made to the computer via the internet?

  4. ive experienced the same problems,

    make sure the server service and remote registry service are running,

    it seems that pwdumop defaults to network mode which is probably not desirable when run on the local computer,

    may i suggest to the developers that the defaukt should be local computer mode and then network mode ?

    why access admin$ when you are on the local machine ?

    it should use %systemroot% instead which will point to the same directory.,

    may u goto the developers web site and spam them instead?

  5. Rayman Raving Rabbids i would have to give a nay to, pretty much for the reasons u gave, and also for the fact is i dont think u will enjoy it, unless ur like 5-8yo. Ive found Zelda to be worth its price tag, and to be rather addictive, though sadly not as great as what all the " 1 <3 Nintendo" fans say it is.

  6. hay f*g*et shut the f*** up this is a forum a community to help other members out if they have a problem, and yes i do look on google b4 i come here.

    are u talking to me? and google telnet comes up with a shit load of resaults :?

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