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Posts posted by Deveant


    this works for me, the

    start /wait
    commant tells Windows to run the application MSIEXEC, and stop the batch file untill MSIEXEC is closed.
  2. lol i wanna try that but my photocopyer broke, and my 3rd world man doesnt work mondays (should i push him harder or just hire a new one?)

    ok enough of being racist... :S most phones if i buy the data link cable will come with software and drivers for the cable, with all the phones ive had, there have the function of backing up, or even sending txt msgs via data link, both these methods will send ur msgs to ur PC.

    or start trolling the internets for a asian bride with computer skills :S

  3. Hey, hey, hey, hey... smoke weed everyday

    I love that track, it's been a while...

    lol what is it? ive heard it b4 but have no idea were :S i just thoguht atm they ppl just made it up...

  4. lol, okay i wanna kinda be nice coz he did say 1 thing right...

    go home, set up a server box, on this server box dont use Windows download a copy of Linux or BSD, i like FC3 (fedora Core) on this server set up apache, enable it to sue CGI, PHP, and MySQL (just for the hell of it), once ur done troll the internets for a copy of the 'CGI MySpace Proxy', set this up on ur server.

    goto skool type in ur IP address for home, the u are able to spam the Hak5 forums from skool to ur hearts content... (dont spam i may be blamed...)

    This is were i will stop helping u for ur n00b questions, if u can understand and set all this up then u are worthy ^_^. (remember kids, porn is for home and not for ur skool administrater to find on ur USB Flash Drive...)

  5. howto fix? Re-load OS!

    Don't forget the permanent fix: Delete all NTFS partitions, Install Linux/BSD ;)


    People who can't keep their system clear of bollocks aren't gonna get on well with *BSD or Linux...

    But I know you say that every time, so I'm just going to ignore you ;)

    lol, i was just thinking how much of a shellshock that would cause on ppl if they did that :S, one of my clients last night brought a new Toshiba A100/400 and i had to spend about 2.5h's on the phone with him coz he couldnt work out were 'My Computer' was on Vista, then gave me a lecture that 'Computer' cant be 'My Computer' coz there is no 'My' at the start of it...

    lol supos its the same as a few ppl grouping to gether to install MySQL on a server then calling me coz they couldnt find the 'Program Files' folder -_-U

  6. ok they grayed out shit is all done in the XP police settings (or reg is the same thing only one has a UI) though with this can u see the problem? the virus hasnt just played with IE setings, its played with the Windows Settings, its just as moonlit said, IE is the pne that u have found, most virus will now record any forms u fill out on IE (such as MSN, Hak5 forums login).

    The probably have already made a copy of ur autofill data, if u use Live MSN its more than likely copramised (Hit: Dont download tools for ur sandbox on ur main machien, i totaly MSN T_T).

    Pretty much if somethink goes as deep as playing with ur host file, ur system is pretty much open for them to do anythink to ur box...

    howto fix? Re-load OS!

  7. hmm :S okay this isnt as sus as dirst read so here we go.

    First most Web Filters, such as NetNannie allows for given users to be super Users, and which will not be effected by the filtering, so if u have rought a Filter i suggest checking the manuel for such an option.

    Second, if ur using a Windows Admin, though ur kids are using a restriced account you are simply able to stop the proccess, via Ctrl+Alt+Del, Processes, then simply ending the process.

    If this then ends the filtering for ur account, what u want to do is make a batch file with the taskkill command shutdown the process for u.

    Aftwards set the batch file to auto run when u log in, either buy placing it in "C:Documents and Settings%User%Start MenuProgramsStartup" folder, or if u have experience with the minipulating the reg, then u can add it there as well.

    So first step, check out if as admin, u can kill the task via Task Manager. then we will move on.

  8. if he doesnt who how to open it then i dont think he knows whats supost to be there <_<

    heres a copy of what mine is:

    # Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
    # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
    # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
    # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
    # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
    # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
    # space.
    # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
    # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
    # For example:
    #     rhino.acme.com          # source server
    #     x.acme.com              # x client host

  9. ok so im not 100% sure what ur after, but it seems to be on the lines of, if u have physical access to the box what can we do?

    if so then other methods that i can think of are:


    LSASS Secrets (othereise know as just LSA Secrets)

    Protected Storage Dump (Windows Stored Passwords, and auto fill boxes)

    WiFi DropBox (Dumps the Hash settings for WiFi Wep Keys with SSID and such)

    Sorry but atm ive had a late night, when i think of more i shall post.

  10. atm ive got 2X LG Flatron L1932P's and there working great, though these are 19'' non-WS but i think they do the job rather well, i am now thinking of buying a 3rd, but just waiting for the price to drop another 5-10%.

    ive found it fine to game of just one of the 19'' and im sure a 17'' would be fine to run as well, though if its more for programing, authoring, or even just standard usage, i think 2x 17'' is the way to go.

    though if ur pro gamer then 20" is probably the way to go.

  11. hmm atm im using '03, but i think '07 is slighty better, pretty much coz of the UI, also atm im not gonna be going out and buying '07 (:O yes i do buy not warez) but im waiting for it to become more readly used by people i share documents with, ie. work. So that im not in need of saving documents backwards compatible.

    Though i am happy to pay the current price, ill just wait and hope it gets a little cheaper.

    oh also i have a copy of openOffice on my U3, and have to say being a MS fan OpenOffice is not for me.

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