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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. for Windows: right click My Computer > Manage > Disk Managment

    Then check to make sure that the new partition is active, you may have created it, but that doesnt mean its in play. (this is uber_tom's idea expanded)

  2. from what ive learnt Moonlit is correct all the way, suposavly 'Memorex' have found it to be cheaper to just mass produce U3 tech, it is done this way so that 1 machine can make all flash drives, the difference is the storage chips, when they are being created they are either flashed with U3 image or a Non-U3 image, simply the Non-U3 sells for less, and is normaly a lower Capacity, the found one here being 32 meg (i think).

    Though it seems not all Memorex flash drives units are produced in the same factory so only set models are U3 fakes.

  3. archenemy... 4 mabye 5yro?....

    umm hmm stealing a batch file from a flashdrive... well have u heard of a technique called hit and run? pretty much involves a car a few mates and a target... but im sure a bat could be substituted depending on ur age...

    Smack him over, steal his flash drive copy it and return it to his pocket b4 he regains his sences...

    (i dont support any of what i just said, nor do i support stupid threads,,,)

  4. lol if u listen to the version with ad's still in it (havnt tested the non-ad version), is it wess who u here saying, "that was sort..." sacasticly? just b4 the second set of ad's?

    oh btw job good guys ^_^ was entertaining, kinda like a short over view of the last year :P.

    Also u guys sound.. diferent :P

  5. there is no 'card' that signal can span 3miles... u will need a Directional Antenna, and line of sight to the AP. Connecting to a FF Place isnt as easy as it is connecting to open access conections at all.

    Scanning For Local APs can be done via many sets of software, simply use google.

  6. ok a few questions, hpw is ur network managed, ie. Windows Active Directory, Novell, other? oh and if u know what type of Internet Authentification program are they using, ie. Sonar, Novells, umm dont know much others :S

    I ask this just to help you out with some log problems that you may end up facing.

    The other question i have is which functions for Cain were u wanting to use? saying that u have already gained a few (seems to be more than a few...) passwords, it doesnt seem u want it for hashs. Just checking becuase theres alternatives to sections of Cain.

    I havnt had time to read all the post, but it seems your way of killing tasks hasnt work, so a little googling goes a long, http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&...iewer&meta= turns up a nice result first up.

    umm, yeah seems thats about it for me... oh, u say u cant install Wincap on the host? any reasons?

  7. Anime falls under a different Law, most anime is still not licenced in the USA and other english countries, therefore it is not illegal to host Subbed files on your server, as for the charging of the downloads, this is also not illegal as they can claim your paying to use the server not what it hosts, much the same as some ppl do with Linux Distros, they store them on High Speed Servers and charge small fee's for access.

    As for NGE its released in the US, so there for its illegal, and realy its breaks the TOS of this site to help u download warez, though i suggest for most 'legal' downloads use either IRC or BT

  8. i removed the m3 because on my Machien it wasnt working correctly, just gotta check on somethink with the switch options, as for the exclusion, im rather sure it can be done just need to look into it, which ill be doing now. ill post the new version of the script when ive worked out the bugs ^_^U

  9. hmm if u still wanna use batch and Winrar, u can simply mod the original back up to do it, also ur right about not copying everythink then adding it to the archive, so ive edited again :P here it is, instead of copying all files to a new folder, it only adds to archive files that have been modified or added to the folders. here we go;

    @echo off
    :: variables 
    set path="C:Program FilesWinRAR";%path% 
    set archive=C:Backup.rar 
    echo ### Backing up My Documents... 
    rar u "%archive%" "%USERPROFILE%My Documents" 
    echo ### Backing up Favorites... 
    rar u "%archive%" "%USERPROFILE%Favorites"
    echo ### Backing up email and address book (Outlook Express)... 
    rar u "%archive%" "%USERPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftAddress Book"
    rar u "%archive%" "%USERPROFILE%Local SettingsApplication DataIdentities"
    echo ### Backing up email and contacts (MS Outlook)... 
    rar u "%archive%" "%USERPROFILE%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook"
    echo ### Backing up the Registry... 
    if not exist "%drive%Registry" mkdir "%drive%Registry" 
    if exist "%drive%Registryregbackup.reg" del "%drive%Registryregbackup.reg" 
    regedit /e "C:regbackup.reg"
    rar u "%archive%" "C:regbackup.reg"
    del "C:regbackup.reg" /Q
    echo Backup Complete!

    Hope this helps.

  10. presumably with out looking at the scripts i would say yes, going by what u have said ur only using batch scripts, so it would be able to be done with complements to Winrar Command (included in normal winrar package fow W32)

    Edit: Just looked over the back up scripts, this now works ^_^

    so pretty much as long as the back up places everythin in a given location, say 'G:Backup' then we are able to make a archive of that folder, example;

    set path="C:Program FilesWinRAR";%path%
    rar a [Path To Were Rar Will Be Created] [Path To Backup]
    rmdir %drive% /S /Q

    So If i had my backups made to 'G:Backup' and i wanted to make G:Backup.rar' i would use the code;

    @echo off
    :: variables
    set drive=G:Backup
    set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /k /y
    echo ### Backing up My Documents...
    %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%My Documents" "%drive%My Documents"
    echo ### Backing up Favorites...
    %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%Favorites" "%drive%Favorites"
    echo ### Backing up email and address book (Outlook Express)...
    %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftAddress Book" "%drive%Address Book"
    %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%Local SettingsApplication DataIdentities" "%drive%Outlook Express"
    echo ### Backing up email and contacts (MS Outlook)...
    %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook" "%drive%Outlook"
    echo ### Backing up the Registry...
    if not exist "%drive%Registry" mkdir "%drive%Registry"
    if exist "%drive%Registryregbackup.reg" del "%drive%Registryregbackup.reg"
    regedit /e "%drive%Registryregbackup.reg"
    echo Backup Complete!
    echo Archiving
    set path="C:Program FilesWinRAR";%path% 
    rar a %drive%.rar %drive%
    rmdir %drive% /S /Q
    echo Archiving Complete!

    Edited again, i just added the line 'rmdir %drive% /S /Q' pretty much just removes the folder it archives after completion.

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