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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Rev3 is one of the few networks doing compelling original content made specifically for IPTV. I commend them. I think they're still ahead of their time but really a glimpse of what is to come in new media.
  2. It seems that theSMSZone is no longer accepting registration, FakeMyText no longer has a payment method, and smsspoofing.com was shut down.
  3. I did the exact same thing. It's so nice having internal bluetooth. Did any else say screw the bottom panel screw and not replace 'em. The little plastic tabs seem to be enough to keep the panel from falling out.
  4. Mid October in Blacksburg, VA at Virginia Tech ( http://www.vt.edu/ ) We'll have more on it once the details are nailed down but this is where we're heading. It'll be one hell of a live show ;)
  5. I have three oldschool fans in my case. Ilya, Kainchick and DarkSenay. They can get kinda loud in there so every now and then I just kick my case and they shut up.
  6. this gets asked every off season. things slow down all over the net in the summer. people (not us nerds) are at the beach. anyway i'm sure it'll pick up when the season starts back up.
  7. I loved that. Especially when he changed the dude's exchange mailbox security, logged into his mailbox and deleted the email from his sent email while claiming he never received it. Awesome stuff there.
  8. So any of you guys on SocialBrowse? It seems really cool. I've been using it for a few days now and really like it. If you need a beta invite lemme know I've got about 7 left. My profile is http://socialbrowse.com/shares/darrenkitchen/ I wrote a brief review of the service on my blog at http://is.gd/Fiw
  9. I actually came to the forums to post this but it seems the thread had already been started. So anyway here are my brief thoughts on the film. There were a lot of lines that were a little too pompous but I think thats just how the character Greg was supposed to be. The emo chick was believable. Technically more accurate than any other hacker movie I've seen but no new techniques to be found here. Then again the movie wasn't about hacking, rather the moral decisions made by the characters. The third act wrapped up rather quickly. There was a lot of promise in some scenes to add more drama but at least the end wasn't too predictable. You can't fault bad sound on zero budget and its obvious with the editing they were aware of their shortcomings. Cinematography wise I couldn't find any egregious errors and I enjoyed the stylistic prologue. It's refreshing to see something creative and though out like this come from the jump-cut generation. I applaud zero-budget film making and highly recommend it to any hacker at heart.
  10. I would but the network sucks out here.
  11. Looks like you're missing episode 1x05.pi Wonder how many actually have that ep. ;)
  12. Quite funny. Just goes to show how skiddie tools are in the USB key of the beholder, err something like that.
  13. Seems that while forums.hak5.org redirects correctly to hak5.org/forums it also causes IPB to logout. The template should be fixed now.
  14. Yeah I went back and looked at the other ones. Seriously, a 6 px by 12 px skull to the left of the dudes knee, and an tiny little dude up against a wall. Sorry but those don't count to me. I really liked the baby in the tree one, that stuff is awesome. Kinda like black and white silhouette of the old woman that can also be seen as a young lady. Or the candle stick thats also two people kissing. That stuff is cool. Not some 72 pixel skull. Whatever.
  15. It turns out clicking the Hak5 logo on the header brings you back to the index while also logging you out. I'm checking the template code, hope to have this fixed real quick. Edit: It looks like the problem is the header logo isn't passing the session id. still working on it. Edit: Fixed :)
  16. Darren Kitchen


    It doesn't seem any longer than any of my other tees. Interestingly there is only a 1" difference between the 3XL and the 4XL.
  17. whoa ok so these things are real! I was skeptical at first thinking it was some BS to get you to stare at a picture that was completely normal but I finally see it. bricks were shat (not literally)
  18. It was Christmas last year. I dunno, guess I was high on life.
  19. Darren Kitchen


  20. What do you guys play on the Palm, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry or other phone OS? I haven't really been into pocket gaming since the first gen iPaq but I remember there being some awesome RTS and some decent ports of Doom/Quake.
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