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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. tell me about it. I've got 2mbit up and still its a huge drag getting an episode out. The ISPs need to figure out that they could charge more for burstable upload bandwidth. Seriously I'd pay per hour to have 100mbit up. Hehe, I'd likely only need a few minutes of it anyway ;)
  2. I broke Alex Lindsays macbook once by suggesting he try out stage6 right before one of his segments on call for help. Granted this was over a year ago so things may have changed on the mac side but honestly stage6 is out of the question for embedded. Unless I find some ajaxy code that allows me to let users choose between multiple embedded options this isn't going to be offered on site. That said stage6 will likely be used for a possible HD version to be uploaded between seasons.
  3. Interesting and totally a feat of coding however it begs the question "why?" I mean if you're going to run Linux, just go ahead and run Linux. I dunno, maybe I'm not the intended audience. Maybe someone else can explain who is.
  4. Going on just what you've said seeing as how you didn't post any further resources my gut says it's unproven junk proprietary software thats getting media attention for its physical USB form which is easier for noobs to grok. I'd like to see a similar story on the news about SSL or SSH. Oh wait, those are software concepts that don't sparkle in studio lighting. *sigh*
  5. I picked up an M3 Simply (which is essentially the same hardware as an R4) from Amazon over the holidays for my girlfriend. Couple that with a 2GB microSD card and you're golden. Some homebrew resources: http://www.ndshb.com/ http://ds.qj.net/ Cheers, D
  6. Ok so I just checked and it turns out the embedded veoh player for all of our episode pages only plays the first 5 minutes of the episode as a "video preview" then if you want to watch the rest you have to click through to see it on their site where you're bombarded with not only standard web ads on the page but also lower-third ads _in the video_ for crap like McDonalds! What utter crap. While they offer the best bitrate by far I really think the rest is lacking. This sucks because otherwise I love everything about Veoh, especially the way they offer the ability to download new episodes through our RSS feed, it really takes the publishing pains out of their system. Oh well, unless I can think of anything better I guess I'll switch to youtube. *sigh*
  7. Mux is really cool but it doesn't handle our video size (often 250+ MB). Know of any similar tools for PC?
  8. Unfortunately Stage6 requires the Divx plugin be installed which isn't exactly as mainstream as say Flash. Otherwise I love stage6, the quality is superb!
  9. I'm wondering what you guys opinion is on our embedded player for the website. Currently we're using Veoh, which is nice because they download our content directly from our MP4 feed, something I haven't seen from other video portals. They also seem to have much higher video quality than say youtube. This is likely because they don't have the 100mb limit that youtube has. Since our episodes are quite long I am forced to render out a much lower bitrate version just to upload to youtube. Anyway I'm wondering what you guys think. I'm specifically talking about episode pages like http://www.hak5.org/archives/210
  10. I use it and like it. I got in before Google bought 'em. I use it to forward to my main line, as seen on the website's new press contact page. I've got to say after initially setting it up I rarely every actually login to the website. My only complaint is really minor. At on time they let you have custom rings. Meaning when someone called you they would hear whatever MP3 you uploaded rather than the boring old ring-ring. I was using the Hak5 theme song for a while there and I thought it was awesome. Anyway I give it thumbs up. A less featured alternative is Numbr at www.numbr.com however they seem to be temporarily not accepting new accounts as they expand. They offer more of a disposable number that expires where as your Grand Central sticks around.
  11. This post has _not_ been nominated for community spotlight! :D
  12. In iTunes click on iTunes Store, type Hak5 into search bar, it's the first result. Click subscribe. Once subscribed you'll see an option to get all episodes in your podcast folder. Alternatively you can simply click this link which will launch itunes to the proper page: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore...st?id=117137282 Cheers, Darren
  13. Our show notes situation here at Hak5 is abysmal to say the least. I think we started off strong but at some point we got far off track. I've been playing around with different wiki solutions since the current install of mediawiki is fubar'd. http://notes.hak5.org and www.hak5.org/docuwiki are my latest ventures. Thankfully I have the help of a volunteer editor but it's going to take some time to get everything fixed up.
  14. check your garbage file it's in root/:user./:data./:garbage
  15. A prank is the one clip in which they turned off the TV the guy was playing Guitar Hero on. Do that a couple of times and its a prank. The rest of it was taken too far and now they'll pay the price.
  16. The available storage capacity will slowly start shrinking as blocks are marked unusable. The whole thing won't just die at once, but as a file is written and a block can't be used it flags it as bad and grabs a spare. Once all the spares are used up it'll start relocating to other bits of the drive and eventually, when enough bits die, you'll be left with a drive smaller than a floppy disk. Still, that doesn't mean it's useless... [me=moonlit]waves an MSDOS 5.0 floppy in the air[/me] What he said
  17. I don't have a link but I think that already exists. Not sure of compatibility because Pocket PCs are usually IrDA and consumer electronics work on different frequencies but I'm pretty sure it can be done. Yeah, it does exist. Not sure about the multi device tv off code thing but at least a basic remote control has been done for pocket pc. I first saw it back in 2002. The problem is that the IR leds in the PPCs arent very powerful. Maybe with a little modding.
  18. I'm basically expecting the 8GB of flash to be about a 1/4 the cost of the thing over all. I suppose the way to make it last as long as possible is use the external 2.5" drive (with the two USBs) when convenient so you don't use the flash drive as much as other wise would. Such an act will take a hit on the battery life of course. Carry such a device around also detracts from the portability, so lots of sticky velcro and on the the back of the monitor it goes. Yeah really the SSD should last longer than the device is useful so you might as well take advantage of the out of box portability. Thats not to say if you're going to run an OS like Windows you shouldn't take a few steps to ensure the least amount of unnecessary write to the SSD as possible. I recently blogged about this on eeehackers. Also moonlit is right, even if the ssd were to die the thing still boots off SD cards. It's even a BIOS option under boot priority. I hadn't thought about it that way but my $30 8gb SDHC card runs backtrack3 great.
  19. http://store.makezine.com/ProductDetails.a...Code=MKTVBGOKIT
  20. And the sad thing is they will be invited back next year. LOL I spoke to soon: http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9849168-7.html%22 Awesome. Serves 'em right. Granted the 13 year old boy in my finds it hilarious while the hacker in my finds it eye rolling obvious but Seriously that prank makes the rest of us new media types look bad. It's one thing to try this at DEFCON but CES, come on! Especially interrupting motorolla's press event. I really hope nobody got fired over that. Call me a prude, this is just how I feel.
  21. backtrack runs great on the little eee monster. ive got it running off an 8gb sd card though its only installed in usb mode as i'm using the remaining 7gb of the fat32 disk for windows apps. i'll pick up an additional sdhc card soon and install it properly there.
  22. Updated 3x06 post with new wizzywig info.
  23. I have the 12G version. It was $460 and has 2GB of ram. Ok, ya got me. It's just a 4G for $400 plus $30 for a 8GB SDHC card and $30 for 2GB of ram. Damn.
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