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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I think you may have replied to the wrong thread. Per your question, I don't quite follow.
  2. I seriously just bought the parts a few minutes ago, wired it up and verified that it works. Looking back I could have gotten away with just the battery pack. Later on I'll open up the fon and wire it up directly. Parts: RS Part 270-409 "AA" Battery Holder with On/Off switch = $2 RS Part 273-1717 "N" Adaptaplug $6.59 (optional) RS Part 273-1743 Adaptaplug Socket $3.69 (optional) Building: Plug the positive to the positive and the negative to the negative. Duh. I just hope the TSA doesn't think it's a bomb or something.
  3. Learn to use the search function before starting a new topic! The OMG Snubs is Hot thread is obviously here: http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9805 Jeeze these noobs you'd think they've never used a forum before
  4. Ruby is required. You can install it with ipkg
  5. Hey look at this Fon twittered about how. Odd? http://twitter.com/FON_AP/statuses/927785513
  6. You're both right and that's the beauty of Linux. If you're comfortable operating in BT3 as your OS why not add a few features that make it more comfortable. Sure beats rebooting back into Windows/Ubuntu/swanky-FreeBSD just because you want to send an IM or edit a word doc. The more modules the better IMHO. But for now I'll just stick to the module that makes the network and video work on my AA1. ;)
  7. technolust.com was available? wow
  8. This is possible with OpenWRT as well. http://wiki.openwrt.org/OlsrMeshHowto There is another protocol for this that's a bit easier to setup and for the life of me I can't remember it.
  9. Miro is a great podcasting client but I don't think it syncs with iPod Songbird is a free and open source juke box like itunes that syncs with iPod Winamp will do it with a plugin afaik. Here are a few more choices: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_iPod_managers
  10. I'm not really sure tbh, I went through a local promotions outfit but I think they outsourced the printing.
  11. Last time we had in game modules for LoRD some people figured out how to hack 'em and game the system. It made the game totally unfair. Meh
  12. http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9843
  13. When I was doing all my research on this for 3x07 I ran across some pretty crazy voodoo to unlock some of the newer firmwares so I'll try to post the links I have on the subject but I've gotta say the sure fire way to get in is through the serial port inside the device. You'll need a special converter to access the serial interface since it doesn't use the same voltage as your PC but there are cables to be had that do the trick. Mubix has a Fon unbricking USB cable. The trick is to plug the USB cable into your PC, open up a terminal on COM-whatever-your-usb-is, turn on the device, quickly plug in the cable into the FON in the correct orientation and start pressing enter until you get to the redboot menu. From there you can flash away. Just be patient though, it's slow going. Mubix, you got any leads on where to obtain one of these cables? My bookmarks on unlocking the fon in no particular order: http://wiki.openwrt.org/OpenWrtDocs/Hardwa...601183d0d26d1d8 http://www.room362.com/?serendipity[action]=search&serendipity[searchTerm]=fonera http://uselesshacks.com/hacks/fon-router-h...guide/#rbenable http://stefans.datenbruch.de/lafonera/#kolofonium (this is for hacking firmware 0.7.1-2 and a very fun read) http://download.berlin.freifunk.net/ (gui can be found here) http://www.mcgrewsecurity.com/2007/04/24/o...the-fon-fonera/ http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php...e04e59311414277 (hacking 0.7.2 r3) Hope that helps!
  14. For me the fon shop shows both la fonera and la fonera+ I'll bring you a spare Fon and Fon+ at Toorcon
  15. There is a defcon/hackers group in DC - mubix knows the details. Walcy knows the details on the VA beach geek meetups. I know on twitter there is a tweetup757 which is a twitter user group in hampton roads -- not exactly hackers. If you're local and wanna come by the studio some day we shoot thats cool with me (as long as you're not a freak). Our shoot schedule is every other Saturday, this Saturday Sept. 20th being episode 405/406 shoot day.
  16. I wish there was a good telnet client for BlackBerry. I had a great one when I was on PocketPC. *sigh* Can I just get an iphone with a real keyboard, a carrier that has actual service in my area, and maybe copy/paste. That is all.
  17. Maybe he just now checked his inbox and realized readme.txt was mailed to him. ;)
  18. I noticed that too. I'm not sure, it could be that Dragons Hoard isn't registered. The problem with many of these ancient PC games is the companies that originally developed them aren't around anymore to take your $13 for a 5.25" floppy with the registered version. Yeah. Anyway I'll talk to Matt and see whats up.
  19. I would love to keep updating the episodes with the LoRD scores, but seeing as how we shoot two episodes every other Saturday and we're always an episode behind they wouldn't really be current. This damn anomaly in podcasting space time is really starting to fuck with me. It was fine when we'd shoot a show and it would air on the 5th but now I've gotta think about what episode is on what week and what segments are shot in what order and ahh my head is going to explode i think i'll just login and kill some woodland creatures for a while kthxbye
  20. Depending on how you have BT3 setup in Live mode your changes to the conf file may not keep to the next boot. I've simply gotten in the habit of specifying sources at the command line with the -c parameter. On my Acer Aspire One it's kismet -c madwifi_g,wifi0,madwifi
  21. Glad you could make it Fritze. Those spur of the moment games are so much fun. It was really amazing that within 20 minutes we were able to fill the server just by posting to IRC/Twitter. Everyone be sure to join the Hak5 Steam Group for sure! I'm thinking about starting a Hak5 clan or something to that effect but would seeing as how busy I am with developing the show I don't have the time to organize such a thing. Still though, it would be awesome to have a Hak5 sponsored clan, then we could take on those bitches at the PurePwnage gamer army. :P
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