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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Sure they both sound interesting. Now on the DNS side of things how would you figure we approach the topic? I mean what do you think everyone would be interested in seeing? A demo of the recent DNS exploit from metasploit on an unpatched DNS server in house?
  2. You both have great points. On one had I'm so sick and tired of hearing about the iPhone but on the other there are cool tricks you can do with it, like SSH and Metasploit even. So yes, there will be an iPhone segment coming your way with a hack angle.
  3. So sorry double post. Whip me with a wet noodle if you must. @metatron, I love you too :) @vako, I'm getting involved again. I'm in IRC more, I've been posting a lot (I'm sure you've noticed), the BBS is back, bbs.hak5.org, the noob server is coming, we're scheduling LAN Party events and we're looking for ideas on more event driven community projects and such. We'll be featuring the gems of the community on air and hopefully that'll brighten things up a little. @wetelectric, I never really thought any of our content was that hardcore or technical or underground. It would _really_ help if you could site an example of something you guys thought was leet so I can shoot for more of that. No, riding a motorcycle past a linksys router doesn't count ;) @roguehart, bsodtv rocks. I should submit some shady phreak stuff.
  4. No it's more like this. 1x01 - wtf are we doing 1x02 - wow lets add another light and fix that bad shadow 1x03 - oh you have to focus the camera 1x03.5 - I really like doing this. Lets do a random short show because we can 1x04 - four episodes, we beat the_broken! Interviewing, how do you do that? We have legit music! We can do guest intros! 1x04.5 - another mini episode, just because we feel like it! 1x05 - we've got something resembling a real set now! guest hosting, how do you do that? wireless mics can get radio interference? :( 1x06 - we went to Canada and met the CFH and PP gang. omg! We were on real TV. Ok, Canadian TV but thats nearly real. 1x07 - Crap, John and Harrison are gone. We've got 2 good segments but not enough to fill the show. Lets, um, take viewer questions. 1x08 - This pandora hack that one of our viewers created and submitted is sweet, lets do a segment on that and phone it in the rest of the show. We'll make it up to 'em with a sketch at the end. 1x08.5 - I took the flame bait 1x09 - Dude this is what I'm talking about we've figured out our production, got awesome guests on, and we're having a blast shooting again! This episode is one of my favorites 1x10 - we have to shoot? but I'm le tired. oooh, Harrison is over if he's in a segment or two it'll totally make the show. 2x01 - built a great set, learned a lot about "blocking" and other fun television stuff, and went to HOPE only to get left by Alli and Wess in NYC while to go play tourist. Paul and I try to find something newsworthy at the conference. MD5Lookup was cool. The rest of the conference wasn't. I get pissed at Wess and Alli for deserting us. 2x02 - Bricks are cool! (We had 'em first Tekzilla). We've got a show pack full of great content. I'm getting tired of getting beat up on. I take a swing at Wess. I miss. Makes for a great blooper and 4 months of recovery. Glad I didn't actually hit him, he'd of probably left then and there. 2x03 - Wess and I are cool now. I'm riding on the USB hack wave. We get a great segment up in Canada. We're doing CFH more and more these days and really getting influenced by how "real television production" is done. Not all of it works for us but we adopt what we like. 2x04 - Another segment jam packed with goodness. I've been working extra hard so I take a segment off. Wess does a great interview with the guest but phones it in with an LED mouse. Paul gets some camera time and we find out he's excellent in front of the lens. 2x05 - We just had to do this. We're such HUGE PurePwnage fans. We take the backlash from the skiddies with pride. This episode pwns. Whoa, I can do documentary type Interviews, imagine that? 2x06 - Crap we gotta shoot, but we're in the middle of all this BS while buying a house and the holidays. Quick, throw together some community goodies and get Paul to show 'em our new toy -- the broadcast console. 2x07 - If we can do 3 camera switching live why not stream it via shoutcast. Ustream didn't exist yet. btw we did it first Leo ;) John's in studio, lets give him an award. We've got a segment or two but basically we're learning a big lesson in how crazy LIVE is. 2x08 - Just like 1x09 we truly hit our stride again. This is one of our best episodes. Still struggling with some video production issues though. 2x09 - OMG theres this conference in DC just a few hours from our house and it's like someone got together and said "Lets make a conference just for Hak5". We become Shmoocon addicts. Oh, and we get recognized by random people, how cool is that? 2x10 - Wess does his first segment since the LED mouse on 2x04 and *gasp* it's about software! People bitch cause it's not a mod further enforcing the belief that the guy is typecasted. Paul does an awesome segment on the apple tv so in depth that we had to break it into 2 parts.... 2 part segments, now there's an idea. we'll come back to this in a year. EVILSERVER 3x01 - we're so pro now, lets kick it oldschool. Wess does an amazing mod and we shoot it *gasp* outside the studio! Alli returns after a year long absence to do a photoshop segment. I hope this becomes a reoccurring thing.. She's finally over the flamage she got in the first season (which turns out was all from the same IP address, later we found it was a suicidal jealous ex girlfriend) Lets have fun with the EvilServer story, that's fun! 3x02 - Lets make shorter shows, these hour and a half beasts are hard to watch. I'll just do a shot segment about a website and make Wess' PoE mod the feature. I'll even use a screenshot from his segment the thumbnail for the episode. He deserves a lot of props, 2 awesome mods in a row. 3x03 - I'm in Springfield Missouri, the cast is on break while I throw together a mini documentary. Well holy hell I can do documentary film style. That wasn't so hard. I <3 arcade game. Galaga ftw. 3x04 - I'm doing so much traveling at this point I think I was in studio one weekend total this month. The show is left to Paul and Matt. Wess is off on business travel for the foreseeable future and Alli, I dunno, where's Alli? She hasn't called since she moved out with Wess. I come back from Springfield and review the footage. Cock? Really guys. Whatever, lets make the intro zany! 3x05 - Awesome show as usual, this is what it should be. Just like 1x09 and 2x08 we've got a great show and things are back on track. Though where did the viewers go? Did we scare 'em away with 3x03 and 3x04.. Wess doesn't have a segment of his own so he'll just host. 3x06 - Favorite episode fom season3. Hacking, gaming, hardware. What more could you ask for? Poor Wess though, he's been so busy traveling for work that the best he could come up with is soldering together the robotics project I got him for xmas. Still, it's a decent review and the show is really filled out. 3x07 - Another great episode IMHO. Truly rounded out though we're dealing with some nasty video issues again. What gives, I thought we were pro. This scan converter has got to go. Wess is afk but Matt is filling in really well. He impresses with his first solo segment. 3x08 - SHMOOOOOOO! Just like last year but now we're confined to a special press room. They got stricter about the media stuff and I have a feeling we're to blame. No matter, we've go wicked interviews lined up. Oh yeah, and lets do a live show but not record audio. That would be fun. 3x09 - Security, Sysadmin and Web 2.0. It's not 3x06 but still another good episode. This new scan converter is worse than the last though. We're having major video production troubles. Things just look bad. Interestingly Darren foreshadows with Yahoo PIPES 3x10 - PIPES burst. HakHouse = 100megawet burstable. 3x11 - Season3, I thought this was supposed to be season4! wtf... HOORAY REVISION3 :sad face: Wess left. 4x01 - Wow we're a little nervous and loopy. It's been months since we've done this but isn't IPTV like riding a bike? what gives? Oh well, it's got plenty of fruit and we wen't down to the coffee shop just like old times. We're still breaking in the new set, the newish cast, and all that fun stuff. Standard Def is really starting show though and I swear if I have to continue using a scan converter to capture live PC video and composite cables I'm going to scream. 4x02 - Holy hell we shot an entire 30 minute episode in an hour. Not just that but we shot it just an hour after wrapping up 4x01. I guess this shooting two episodes every other Saturday thing might really work out. U R HERE PS: I hope that's not a knock on InDigital because that show really hit a great stride right before going off air. It was one of my favorite shows on Revision3.
  5. Welcome to the forums explodingspaceships and wow, great points there. Still they should get some credit for the V8 JS VM. Computing over the last couple decades: 10 Do it even faster in serial <-- Hard drives are here at the moment 20 Do it even faster in parallel <-- CPUs are here at the moment 30 GOTO 10
  6. Congrats Vako, I eagerly await your review! What configuration did you get? I'm really interested in getting a high res look at that keyboard and your impressions on the build quality. Agreed, Dell doesn't muck around when it comes to their notebooks.
  7. Oh come on all the freshmen get RCEs their first day, it's part of the whole aclimation process. Look at Safari for Windows for example. It'll get fixed. It's 0.2something beta.
  8. It was bound to happen. I just wish the release specs matched the rumored specs. http://gizmodo.com/5045220/dell-inspiron-m...-399-ubuntu-349 http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/con...amp;x=7&y=8 Intel Atom 1.6 8.9" 1024x600 Black, 4GB SSD and 512MB RAM for $350 $25 more for white $25 more for 1GB RAM $35 more for 8GB SSD $75 more for 16GB SSD $20 more for integrated Bluetooth (wish that was an option on all netbooks) $15 more for integrated 0.3 Megapixel camera $25 more for integrated 1.3 Meagpixel camera Totally pimped: $519 I like the form factor--looks like a decent keyboard^h^h^h^h^h^h^h + decent track pad. Dispite it's moderately high cost fully pimped I actually like the price structure. I'm not sure all OEMs can afford to custom build to order so that option is out for many but just the ability to pay a little more for an integrated bluetooth (camera should be standard) would be nice. Then again, as seen here it's not that difficult to do it yourself ;) http://twitpic.com/9zvu edit: never mind on the keyboard. Turns out the leaked pics were right, no F-keys or |. So lemme get this, it ships with Ubuntu but doesn't have a pipe key. How the frak are you supposed to navigate the terminal without pipe? Thoughts?
  9. It's not a loud squeek. It's like when you turn on an old CRT television. The kinda noises "adults" can't hear. Man I'm in no hurry to hit 30.
  10. @Tenzer, thats great that there are multiple approaches to the javascript engine problem. And yes I'll go ahead and call it a problem because as the web becomes more application driven, and sadly JS is the only dynamic language for the browser, we'll need all the juice we can get. So if Mozilla keeps with TraceMonkey and Google keeps with V8, who knows maybe Opera can swoop in and grab some freely available code to build an even better engine with the powers of TM and V8. I just gotta say though, machine code compiled javascript just sounds sexy.
  11. /me awards digip 5 technobux for intelligent rebuttal. Seriously though I'm really happy Opera has been working out for you. I've tried it off and on several times (going back to when it used to have an ad at the top of the free version) and I think it's quite a nice piece of software. As far as privacy is concerned, once again this comes down to who you are online. Me? Well I don't have it so easy anymore. At least when I was in the phreak scene I was smart enough to keep my real name, phone number and address private. Now I'm on the flippin iPod</sarcasm> /me goes to register a dozen fake google accounts.
  12. Hak5 will be the first video podcast to be available on 5.25" floppy.** Just send $3,500 for shipping and handling to: PO Box 1337 Williamsburg, VA 23188 And we'll send you parts 1-675 of our latest xvid. **Not available in Florida or Vermont
  13. Yeah dude don't dismiss the fundamentals or high level stuff you won't see in the real world right away. When you finally do run into it you'll thank your lucky stars you have at least a basic understanding of the stuff, even if you don't remember it all the concepts will stick and you'll know where to find answers.
  14. @Pizza, Yes it does in fact squeek. I googled around on this and found that its normal for the ALFA to squeek. Look yourself and you'll find a remote-exploit thread about it. Turns out it's normal and has to do with a capacitor or transistor or something wiring. Nothing to be concerned about. Mine sounds like an IBM CF Microdrive if you've ever had the pleasure of working with one of those suckers.
  15. Privacy is dead. Get over it or get paranoid. I won't mock you if you wear a tinfoil hat. In fact you don't even need to go to any extremes. As sparda has said simply separate the Cyberspace you and Meatspace you. Unless an unencrypted government laptop is stolen <sarcasm>which almost never happens</sarcasm> you'll be fine. Oh yeah, and don't give money to people who sell you out. Namely you ISP and your Congressmen.
  16. I'm really sorry you feel that way. For better or worse I can't change the past and must continue the show in its present form -- which I believe is truly awesome. I hope you tune into this new season and watch the episodes that air in September before making final judgment. I wish Wess didn't leave the show too. I wish he would come on episode after episode with awesome mod after awesome mod. I wish he had the passion he once had for this and I think it's a shame that he's left the show high and dry on it's biggest premiere yet. Had I believed him at the last Shmoocon when he said he was leaving we might have had some lead time preparing for his departure. Had he stuck with the word he gave me just last month about continuing with the show in season4 we probably wouldn't be having this conversation. But alas he made his decision -- one I learned along side you -- and you're right the show will suffer from that. However, I don't believe this is the end of Hak5. In fact, what we've got here is a new beginning. Any Hak5 fan from the start of this whole mess knows the ups and downs we've had. From kickoff production troubles to the hay-day of Harrison, John, Wess, Alli, Paul and myself, to losing two cast members, to an influx of new viewers as we "went mainstream" and started doing segments for Call for Help. Then there was Season2 and the move to a new house. The Evil Server saga that must have been borrowing the writers from LOST. We had live show betas, alphas, release candidates, and we had 11 minute episodes of basically, we're sorry we've got squat this month so lets check out the new video mixer. Then we had live to tape, live switching, and all of the fun that came with the new shooting style. We've had USB tools that seemed awesome at first until the script kiddies got a hold of it and shit hit the fan -- only later to be mimicked by Microsoft with it's Coffee project. We've had IRC servers come and go, changes to the noob server, the game host, the BBS, and the forums. Hak5 has been in perpetual reinvention. It's gone from hobby to hobby + pocket change to hobby + pocket change + new equipment for (hopefully) better quality. The show started because we had a dream of independent television and I needed more than cat footage to edit (mind you this was before the LOLCAT phenomenon, had this started in 2007 it might be a very different show *meow*) Then we've had the flood that nix'd our season 3 finale and our season 4 premier. It's cost over $25,000 (thankfully most of that was covered by insurance) and nearly 4+ months of ongoing repairs. We've joined with a network, our digital neighbors from way back when we started, and we've been treated with respect from them ever since. And all this time my biggest concern has been one thing. Making the show. Anyone that's worked with me on this crazy venture knows that the bottom line is we're releasing on the 5th. Ok once or twice the 6th. And now as we go weekly it's more so than ever, lets make the best show we can make this time around. The fact that I've got support from those I do has astounded me. I truly appreciate all of the ME that Wess, Alli, Harrison, John, Paul, Matt, Shannon, Chris, Rob, and everyone else has tolerated and endured over these past few years. I'm truly amazed at everyone's dedication, obsession, and straight out technolust we've had for this show. But, No. Hak5 won't be the same. Tomorrow won't be yesterday but we'll keep getting up, we'll keep throwing on the lights, the cameras, the video mixers, the laptops and wireless cards and routers and raid systems--because we love what we're doing, we're crazy about this medium, we're passionate about our segments--else we wouldn't be doing any at all--and at the end of the day all we care about is bring you guys the best quality hack, sysadmin, gaming, crazy-dude-with-soldering-iron content we can produce. I miss the old days of Hak5 as much as you do. But I'm not going to dwell on nostalgia or the ice cave in Alaska (which didn't have WiFi mind you). I'm totally stoked about a fresh new season of Hak5 with some awesome people that are stupid and crazy enough to follow me on this adventure in search of the illusive technolust. We're going to fuck up. We're going to take some time to find our stride. We're going to be rough around the edges--and isn't that what you fell in love with anyway? But we're sure as hell in this for the long haul. We're here because we're passionate about tech and we hope you're just as crazy cause this little hobby might have just been cleared for takeoff. Be excited, you've boarded WAY before the newbies. Lay back, stretch your feet out in first class and tune in. This is your show as much as it is ours. We really care about our audience, hence why I'm writing a book here. And if there's anything constructive you want to share about the new show PLEASE don't hesitate to chime in. And don't be so quick to dismiss it either. Like I said, it'll be a while before this craft is flying at 30,000 in clear skies. If you really care about Hak5 -- based on your comment above I'm pretty sure you do -- keep commenting. Keep hounding us when we bork it all up. Let us know when a segment puts you to sleep or when something really tickles your technolust. Post here or email me at my personal address, aardwolf AT gmail D0T com, and share your continued view on the show. After all, it's really here just for you.
  17. My first reaction to Google Chrome was one of defense. How could the browser I've known and loved for so many years, the one that's overcome the Evil Empire (MS) and supported by our loving search engine (Google) be treated this way. How could Google spin their own and expect me to love it as much as I do Firefox? This is a very emotional reaction and is expected. We're only human after all. But once you think about it rationally it really makes a lot of sense. Sure it's not feature complete, but the foundation they've built... ...built on top of Mozilla and Webkit, is really a step ahead of the competition. And best of all it's open source so everyone will benefit from their efforts. The V8 javascript VM in particular is very freaking sweet. Anyone that comments in this thread should seriously read the Google on Google Chrome comic. Especially pages 36-38 http://blogoscoped.com/google-chrome/36 I still believe Google wants to make the Internet better (and sustain the company, make the shareholders happy, and all that fun corporate stuff you can't escape). But fundamentally what Google has done here and elsewhere is push towards a better Internet and I commend them for open sourcing Chrome. I just hope Mozilla can swallow their pride and adopt some of this code, the javascript VM and multi-process architecture in particular. Once this thing is skinnable and has the extensions I need I'd consider it ready for prime time on my desktop. Until then I'll keep a watchful eye on this project and use it here and there for web application stuff.
  18. This game is awesome. It's on XBLA and finally a return to the 4 player smash'em side scrollers of yesteryear. This game is pretty, funny, and fun. I think it has online multiplayer too. Have you guys checked it out? There's a demo on XBL http://www.castlecrashers.com/
  19. Yet more examples of how ridiculous the whole gaming hardware scene is. They'll try any gimmick and cash in on any fad. I'm glad to see the consensus around the forums seems to be that of the cynic hardware enthusiast/hacker.
  20. There is an awesome bit of software by Cisco that basically lets you build a virtual network by dropping 'em into a document and wiring 'em up like in a Visio document. Then you get to login to each router, bridge, gateway, etc and configure 'em as if they were actual pieces of Cisco equipment. It's really really really right. I've seen it a few times from my Cisco buddies but basically it's only used in CCNA and CC** training right now and not available to the general public right now. I'm wondering if it's found its way to the back channels yet. As a tool for learning networking, addressing, subnetting, firewalls, gateways, VPNs, etc it's a must have tool. Couple that with VMWare and a couple ISOs and you're in business. Not to say having the physical equipment with all the humming and blinkenlighten isn't fun and all. This coming from the guy whos bedroom used to look like a NOC. Cheers, good luck with your learning, and yes stay away from those crash-course bootcamp places they're no good.
  21. This is great for everyone. I really put a lot of effort behind the whole Mozilla Phoenix, Firebird, Firefox campaign pre 1.0. I remember hosting a 1.0 release party and being so happy when Firefox became mainstream. But since 3.0 I feel that Firefox (sorry Opera) hasn't really had a lot of mainstream competition. Sure Firefox 3 is an improvement over 2 but we really need some competition that's got some new ideas and that's exactly what Google is bringing to the table. I think Chrome is really immature right now. I've played with it a little and it performs well. As a basic browser I like it. The interface is fresh and minimalistic, which I like, but it's too early to really compete with Firefox and all of it's extensions. Under the hood though it looks neat. Just for fun fire up Firefox, IE, Opera and Chrome. Then in the Chrome address bar enter about:memory Damn, that's sweet. Not only do you get memory usage for Chrome but also the other browsers. Now you can do some real benchmarking. In my totally nonscientific tests which basically come down to running my exensioned-up Firefox 3 and Chrome side-by-side on two Javascript hungry sites (gmail and facebook) Chrome wins in memory usage. It did however allocate more virtual memory headroom so who knows after hours of browsing if it leaks like FF did back in the day. The really nice feature I think is that each individual tab in Chrome runs as its own separate PID. Maybe I'm out of touch and FF does this too now but AFAIK it's quite innovative. In theory, a nasty page wouldn't crash your whole browse, simply it's tab. Who knows. Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing more developments with Chrome. I expect this initial rollout to be one of those little blips like Google Talk where the media goes "Oh hey would you look at that" then it's gone the next day.
  22. @MrFunk, looking forward to pics :)
  23. @Pizza, I've got the same ALFA and it runs aircrack just fine. I use it on my desktop in BT3 via VMWare. VMWare is great about mapping USB devices. As far as the BT3 VM is concerned it's directly plugged in. I forget exactly what the device name shows up as, I think it's just ALFA. For kismet I use the following line: kismet -c RT8180,wlan0,ALFA For aircrack just make sure to use airmon-ng first to start the device airmon-ng stop ath0 airmon-ng start wifi0 11 where ath0 = device and 11 = channel Hope that helps. @gerard, lets try to be a little more helpful around here.
  24. Yeah it seems you've got your choice of a decent touch pad and annoying keyboard or annoying touch pad and decent keyboard. Personally using touch pads in general are annoying but the ones with the left and right flanking buttons are especially lame. For most stuff, mousing around and left-clicking it's fine but once you need to right-click-drag you'll find yourself quite perplexed.
  25. I hope the price/value ratio of the Acer Aspire One gets the rest of the UMPC suspects back in line. Asus had the right pricing points with the 700/701 but with the recent versions (900,901,1000,etc) have been a little too expensive for me.
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