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Everything posted by Rab

  1. i want it to remember my login from one day to the next, and it currently isnt doing that.
  2. I did some java programming on a mac at uni, it pissed me off muchly. That being said, it shouldn't be a showstopper. I started learning using: ISBN-10: 0201711079 / Understanding Java / Barry Cornelius I'm mostly writing Windows Services these days using Visual Studio in C# and that's what I find most enjoyable compared to all the other crap languages i've tried. VB can suck my fat one. Back to the matter at hand. If you don't like Xcode, don't use it. You should be able to get by just fine without it. Just Googled Xcode, looks like a total bag of shit. Defo work around it.
  3. call his mom and tell her he has goat porn on his pc
  4. yea seriously fix this, or i might just stop logging in, effort.
  5. well, this would be easy if you had the password... and tbh thats prolly easier.
  6. yeah thats pissin me off too, i bookmark the link for 'new posts' but this has some random shit in the link
  7. Rab


    hmm just measuring that... looks like they are pretty long? i measured a tee i have and the hak5 tee is 6 inches longer at the bottom, is that right?
  8. Rab


    where did the merch section go? i see stickers but no tees?
  9. this is totally not worth a thread
  10. it's a bit of a broad question. you could do this in any language you want, but a batch file wouldnt be the output. pseudobollocks Open text file for reading/writing Create empty string Read each line of file, add onto end of string Write string into file Close File
  11. Problem is, you don't know which files and folders exist, so trying all possible filenames is gonna be a fail effort. AFAIK there isn't a 'get all the porn off this site' tool :(
  12. I've never used Vista... I think that is proof in itself that XP is better.
  13. About 4 years ago I pondered buying a laptop. I had a choice between a VAIO T series (small) and a B3VP (14") which both boasted 7 hours battery life - which is a hellalot more useful than 3 hours! The small one was £1,500 and the one I got was around £700. I learnt a few things: 1) Gaming on a laptop is impractical 2) Carrying a laptop that wont fit in your backpack is impractical That being said, spending £1,500 on a laptop would not have been worth it either. So i'm leaning towards recommending the Eee.
  14. this forum is the sex
  15. my bet is audio, get urself a sound card (Xfi)
  16. something like this http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=53778 maybe a standard include if you think that will work better.
  17. Today, news arrives on el reg about ppl gunning for the whois db. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/10/30/whois_was/ I wonder if this has any connection to vint cerf leaving ICANN. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/10/29/vint_interview/ thoughts?
  18. PDFs are nice because you can only print the pages you need. But reading stuff off the screen is lame if there's a lot of it. And it's much nicer to sit somewhere else to read a lot, otherwise you get distracted by games and porn.
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