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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I replaced mine with a cheap ass dumb modem. I let smoothwall do all the ppp-oe crap. I've since upgraded to cable, but it worked just fine. Picked the modem up at Best Buy for like $20.
  2. It will work just fine. I've known people who have 14 devices all running at once. All of them in monitor mode, and all of them talking to kismet. I've personally not used more than 6 wireless devices, 4 mini-pci, and two usb.
  3. According to that diagram, they're all wired. Wireless would have dotted lines.
  4. My attic is currently well over 100F. I couldn't imagine getting a server to run up there.
  5. Great. More "Is it out yet?" and "When is it going to be released?" posts to wade through.
  6. Because as he's finding out, most blade server enclosures are wired for 220. Not many homes have more than one outlet wired 220, and it's usually in the laundry room. I guess electric stoves are 220 too, but who'd want a server running in the kitchen? I lucked out, my house used to be my dad's place, so the garage has three 220 outlets. Not that I have a blade center in my house, haven't found a good enough deal on one yet. ;)
  7. How close are you from your clothes dryer? That's going to be a 220 outlet. If you do ever get it to boot, you can use it to heat your house.
  8. sites.google.com Here's my test page. I used to use Mobile Me from Apple until they pissed me off. http://sites.google.com/site/barry99705/Home/home-network-20
  9. http://www.niteize.com/collections/flashli...r-optic-adapter You can usually pick these up fairly cheap. I've used them to do exactly what you're describing. I didn't feel like unsoldering a surface mount led.
  10. That's what we use as well. I'm also running a deploy studio server in our training network to image the Intel iMacs in the classroom. It is also our backup pc imaging system when the main WDS server in HQ shits itself.
  11. Unfortunately no, you can't do that. There is a way to install to an already encrypted drive though. This is for installing to an external usb drive, just input your internal drives instead. http://www.infosecramblings.com/backtrack/...isk-encryption/ Once done, on boot your get a screen asking for the key, the laptop won't boot past this screen until the key is input. I'm running full disk encryption on my laptop and desktop. If there's a slow down I don't see it.
  12. Make sure you have the ssl-dev packages installed.
  13. My gaming machine is running win7 with the microsoft security essentials apps running for av/anti-malware. I don't run a firewall on it. I used deploystudio to make an image of it. If something happens, it gets blown away and reimaged. The only thing I use it for is games and sketchup, so nothing is stored on it.
  14. http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Support
  15. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, full disk encryption, with an encrypted home directory inside that(different passwords). Computer never sleeps, always shut down when done. I use vmware images for my "other" browsing needs. ;)
  16. Without seeing the a good pic of the board, it might not even have the components for the second antenna. If you're going for an external antenna like the OP's mod, I'd just unsolder the original pigtail and use that point.
  17. Too bad you used instructables. That site is so full of fail it's not funny.
  18. BackTrack runs just fine on netbooks. I don't see the point of adding the backtrack repo to Ubuntu. Most of the applications are compiled for the customized kernel. 90% of the apps in the standard Ubuntu repo will work just fine anyway. About the only thing I'll compile from source anymore is the Aircrack suite and Kismet.
  19. There's a ssid, you're just not seeing it. I'm not sure if you can make a network without one. Never tried though.
  20. I've got one that's similar to that that comes with backtrack 4pf on disk. Also has the backtrack logo on it.
  21. I'm staying as far away as possible from that pos. Who's dumb assed idea was it to use glass on the front and back? They could have used aluminum on the back, then at least when you drop it you have a 50/50 chance of breaking glass.
  22. +1000 Just use a wap, much easier to implement in the long run.
  23. As was said before, there's a reason for the firewall. Now with what you're trying to do, you're going to completely bypass the firewall. You're an "IT guy", just get the site unblocked. I've never seen a proxy that didn't have bypass passwords, or the ability to set certain mac addresses to not use the proxy.
  24. The 1U server is my smoothwall box, overkill, but I had it. The next server down is running Windows Home Server, about 3Tb of space in that. The next one with all the drive bays is also a WHS with about 2TB of space, they're all ide, mostly 250Gb drives and a few 120's. The G5 on the bottom has 4Tb of space, that's the media server. The one with the drives is an older Chenbro server case. I have 4 more of them, all ide, but the sata backplanes aren't too terrible. I'll probably convert to sata eventually. It's similar to this one, but with ide backplanes.
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