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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Currently using Autotask, but have used OTRS and a couple of in house coded apps. Still looking for the best application.
  2. 50!!?? No. I've not seen any DIY microwave grade amplifiers. 50 watts of 2.5ghz can hurt you.
  3. Good luck, don't let the jail cell door hit you on the way in...
  4. The way the world is going, Mandarin would be a good idea.
  5. Power doesn't have anything to do with speed, power helps range. Omni antenna radiation patterns look like a big ass doughnut. The higher db the antenna is rated, the flatter the pattern is, which translates in farther range, but with the loss of some signal above or below the horizon of the antenna. Also transmitter output is measured in watts, not dbi. Here's an example... The HakShop USB RT8187L WiFi Adapter, outputs at 1000mW, with a 5dBi antenna for a combined 35db of power. If you were to replace the antenna with a 3dBi (awesome for wardriving in cities with multistory buildings) you'd have 33db of power, so less range, but the radiation pattern would be more spherical. Now if you were to go crazy and stick a 15dBi antenna you'd up the power to 45db, with a really flat radiation pattern.
  6. http://www.amazon.com/RunCore-70mm-50mm-Converter-Adapter/dp/B003BK4OZ8
  7. Hopefully we won't find our passwords on the internet again....
  8. AFAIK no other phone can do this with it's internal wifi card.
  9. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=101...74&comments Why, oh why, am I not independently wealthy??? :(
  10. As long as it doesn't start with "Hey ya'll, watch this!"
  11. Pretty much. That's why they are now using Nokia N900 phones.
  12. It's also not out for public consumption yet. Well the phone is, just not this OS.
  13. Correct, the tool itself isn't really illegal. It's the use of said tool that is legal/illegal. Same can be said for most things.
  14. I'll take a Reaper and a Harvester please. http://zombietools.net/tools/ Blades never run out of ammo.
  15. I think these look better. http://forums.bit-tech.net/showpost.php?p=...mp;postcount=85 http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=183018
  16. Just the usual. Order forms, and ancient records. All of it got shredded. I think there were a couple of the old SCSI to Ethernet adapters that the old black and white Powerbooks came with. They got pitched too.
  17. I like this one better, and Martin is a pretty cool guy. http://vimeo.com/16204254
  18. Just don't let them catch you!
  19. Heh, I got the "Bag check!" at the airport once because of my picks. I also had other computer related tools in my bag. TSA lady asked me if I was a locksmith. I replied no, and she put them back in the bag and wished me a good flight. This was in DC flying back home from Shmoocon a couple years ago. I've actually used them several times for my job. We've had servers shipped to us from the corporate office with the front locked. Also opened up a filing cabinet that hadn't been opened in 15 years. It just kept getting moved from one office to the next.
  20. Make your own. You'll learn more that way.
  21. Not really, the phone's just don't have the horsepower. They have closed source wifi drivers, so no monitor mode or injection on that front. I think someone ported metasploit to it, but having run metasploit on a Nokia n800, I wouldn't suggest it. It's really too bad they can't get at least monitor mode. Then you could hang around long enough to get a wpa handshake to work on at home.
  22. Which still requires the password to be in the word list used to create the hash file.
  23. Have you ever used one of those? They are a pain in the ass to use, unless you don't know how to type and have to look at your fingers. You can't rest your fingers on the home row. Touch screen keyboards are the same.
  24. Technically any computer that does 1gigaflop or more is considered a supercomputer. Most desktops have been able to do that for the last 8 years or so.
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