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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. lol. yeah, your right about it being from the mid 90's because that's when 3d, polygons, and raw power came into play. I feel it is getting better though. Sure you can't play crysis in full settings unless you get an uber expensive system, but at the same time, there are games that have just as great of detail and do not have to have those types of specs.

  2. While I admit that it would be fun to toy around with said 'hacker' you have to admit there are not THAT many people around that know what we know. He lives in a rural area, so most probably either that person connected by accident, OR they just let themselves in.

    I would just cloak/whitelist and be done with it. No fuss, and no mess. If your that paranoid, and you have a WRT54g (or better), just go get DD-WRT, make 2 Vlans for it, set the mac addresses, and on the second Vlan, make it loop to nowhere. To top it all off, you could just make it to where only a certain amount of people can be on at one time, so even if they tried to connect it just would not.

  3. Yeah, I dunno.. Time will tell I am sure, but the thing that makes me curious is Intel and AMD's stance on the issue. I don't think especially Intel would like itself to end up in a market basically making crap chips for peanuts so everyone can get on the cloud.. I mean it would be great for them in the short term, but long term I see it as really grim in that market because you wouldn't need any more technology than what is already around now, so there would be no real innovation needed, which in turn would end up putting them into something like the bic pen market.

  4. hmm.. This is an interesting thread.. Let me ask you first. What do you want/think you want to do with it...

    If it's just simple browsing/video/maybe a little hacking or something, go get THIS:


    4 Gig's of ram, a dual core processor, even a flippin' sweetass looking case and a 19" widescreen.

    I'm proud.. *tear* Actually you could go alot cheaper on that memory though... Also you take of things and it get's WAY cheaper... Got a monitor already? -$74, got a keyboard and mouse? -$16 And some OCZ memory that's cheaper, and it get's down to $410.07 + shipping!

  5. hmm... here's a good questy! What happens when we go to the cloud? (yes i'm bouncing this idea from another thread)..

    Are computers just going to end up being just cheaper to throw away and replace? Seriously. Think about it. I don't think Intel AMD Cyrix etc. are going to just step aside and be cast away after a few years to the cloud... hmm.. conflict of interest.. this interests me..

  6. let me better clarify about the whole linux client thing though... I know you can make linux submit to an AD. So you just make 1 linux remaster, lock it down, put what is needed on the client (which would not be much at all) and then make it look fisher price easy... Moblin would be a dead ringer for this, since a 2 year old could use it easily. That's the real beauty of linux though. it can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. Do it once and it's over. To top it all off, it can be uber small.. Imagine in a full cloud computing environment... Client goes down and needs a reload? That's easy. A 40 to 80mb file over gigabit (should all be gigabit in about 5 years anyways if not 10gigE) is NOTHING for the network. Client is down for what? 5 whole minutes? Not even enough for a smoke break. They get back to work, and not even miss a beat. That's what I am talking about. :D

    But on the server side of things at the end of the day.... I think we can all agree that Windows Server IS the only viable option.

    @ Seshan -

    . If everything is going into the cloud, OS does not matter, I can't wait to see what company's like Microsoft will be like in 10 years.

    Trust me, they have seen it coming for years. They have had much debate about it on the inside and out, but I think they are just trying to figure out how and more importantly when to be the innovator, or at least one of the pioneers of the cloud.

  7. It might be that the port is 'open' but the firewall, or switch behind it is blocking the telnet packet. Hell it may be a whole other service that they are just doing a 'security through obscurity' type of thing. Could be an HTTP port, just redirected and masked or something like that.

    Trust me, even though the port is open, there is so much more layer 2 and layer 3 security that is probably behind it that who knows what it actually accepts and what it does not.

    Just for hoots, did you try just pinging the port? sounds stupid I know, but if you got a ping back then it obviously accepts ICMP traffic. (but I highly doubt that cause that's just waiting for a DDoS)

  8. When we all go to the cloud, why would you use microsoft other than just for deploying the cloud itself? I mean think about it, it's like what you said VaKo. You just use a terminal session to stream apps to clients. Hell sooner or later, the client will just need to be a gateway to the cloud.. What better way than with some kind of Linux Client. It's hard as hell to implement AD into a Linux SERVER, but the opposite way around (so I have heard) is quite easy.

  9. great post man!

    WDGreen - Low power/good performance

    WDBlack - High Power/Awesome performance

    as far as performance or efficiency, I have never seen a comparison, but a good google should go pretty far there.

    Using built in controllers are ok, but the performance wont be as good as a raid card. Usually I have heard the onboard raid controllers are just junk parts thrown in for the spec anyways. I would go with a pci raid card.

    Unknown about the VT support on Xeons but I figure they probably will... I really don't think with you just having those two drives, that there will be that huge of a difference between the power consumption so I would personally go with the WD blacks because I have heard great things and you cant knock a 5 yr warranty.

    BTW just to let you know, I have a WD 1TB green drive, and it get's great performance as far as I can tell, and have never had a hickup outside what happened 2 weeks ago, but then, I think it was just a hickup.

    Look here for your power consumption and performance charts :P


  10. Just to add, I would be weary of the low end servers on newegg.. They have some pretty negative reviews most of the time, and are build really crappy.

    I will also have to agree with VaKo about the AMD proc's. You can get a not too shabby setup going AMD for low dough. Truthfully, I would look into the new Athlon X4's if you can spare a tiny bit of extra dough. 4 cores @ decent speed, it is a little more expensive but you would get greater performance, especially if you were using multiple VM's.

  11. Gotcha VaKo. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really buying into the whole big bad wolf hype that everyone else is with this, it was just a thought. Actually I thought more along the lines of it being just a PR move. Also to be honest, I would have to say that since some of these things have happened, Linux has made some really good leaps in what it does and how it does it (Canonical/Ubuntu).

    I also admit that your right about Linux only being successful on being a discreet platform OS. Hell, look at TomTom. Millions of people are using linux everyday and have no idea :P.

    I guess I'm just a person that always roots for the underdog.

    Personally, I have an idea that the real reason why Linux will never really be mainstream (as a desktop OS) is the fact that it has TOO many options. That paired with the fact that some of the more pointfull and powerful commands are NOT gui based, and probably never will be.

    It is crazy how far it has came in the last couple of years though. Unfortunately though, I think Windows 7 is going to send linux as a desktop platform back to the stoneage soon. It's just better.

    Also I do think that the desktop is a dying platform, but I don't think it's going away anytime in the next 7 of years, until manufacturers start making a more high performance/low cost laptop solution, which they already do, but it won't die until they can really make it more of an advantage to game on laptops. After that, desktops will end up being a niche market, and probably all of us hardcore gamers will end up just going to consoles, because I am sure that the next generation consoles will end up running some kind of cloud solution or linux desktop anyway (the PS3 already does)... you know it's actually kind of sad when I think about it... Like the ending of an era.

  12. lol! I'm currently in possession of a Pentium Slot 1 @333MHZ! I was like whaaaa?! Still has Windows 95 on it.

    Had a good Sound Blaster card in it. Might use the HDD for a reload drive. Ram for a keychain (hehe). Always keep a good modem as you never know when you may come across a client that has a bad one and is still on dialup. Of course it has a HUGE case so i'll probably keep it to slowly mod out. I'm tossing the cd drives cause I already have a large collection of those already. It has a zip drive that I'm going to keep for nostalgia. Power supply can be either kept to make a small low powered backend for something *or even an http server er something* (I can build a very small compact case out of lexan for a discreet server. great for surveillance)

    Also if needed, you can gut the power supply and just keep the fan. Never have enough good fans.

    So in all the only thing I am really tossing is the proc, mobo and cd drives.

    Be like the indians, they used all the pieces one way or another B)

  13. Ok.. So here is the thing that has my mind whirling right now..

    It's no secret SUSE is bought and paid for from Microsoft

    Just read this article that Intel is 'heavily backing' Moblin

    Intel Ports Linux Netbook OS to Desktop

    IBM has been behind linux for a long time, and Dell has shown some interest here and there. My question is why? I mean I understand that this is great for the linux community, but sometimes it makes me wonder... Are they really just buying them to clamp them down and make them die? (and look good doing it in the process?)

  14. bad thing is though, if you wait too long, it's just going to come with a REALLY crippled ass version of windows....

    but if your going to run linux on it anyways, then what u worry.

    BTW, me wonders how much a netbook would be if it did NOT come with windows??? (or any other OS)

    Curious to ask a manufacturer about that... Dell and Asus (and Acer) all give the option btw, to buy with Linux

  15. Strangely enough it's all good now??? I have no idea why. I connected my old drive (which would not boot properly) while I was at it, I reconnected the lights for the front of my case for glowy happiness, and I installed windows on that drive (same ver. same disk)... Ran perfect, couple of installs/driver/software/etc/etc/etc and restart after restart worked perfectly..

    SO. I booted with a thumb drive into ubuntu, backed up everything off my newer drive onto the one I just reinstalled windows to (which completely filled it up btw, 320gig drive, 270 gigs off my 500gig partition :P)

    Cleaned off all partitions, repartitioned, reformatted, reloaded, updated, installed, restarted, WORKS WORKS WORKS..

    Have no idea why that was happening.. I will say this though, when I was in linux, before I took off the backup partition, gparted said that there was some kind of a problem with that partition, and it WOULD NOT resize it or anything else besides deleting it till it was fixed?! but it wasnt even the primary, nor the boot partition. So I deleted the sucker.

    Maybe just a software issue gone rhy?!

    BTW, it's Windows 7 Professional (Full MSDN copy) w00t!

    AlSO, stupid as it was (yeah I am stupid), I reinserted that sound card that didn't work before... It works great now..

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