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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. Well.. When you do a Ddos, it's generally a draw of three things.

    1. How many nodes to botnet

    2. How fast the average connection is

    3. How congested is said networks and etc.

    I know from experience 100mbps connection will NOT lock up, but will REALLY bog down a Pentium D @ 2.8ghz with one node doing the ddos (on my own network of course though so that is an ideal situation)

    If your going for a gateway Ddos (i.e. the router or modem) then you are going to need a lot more as that hardware is specifically built to handle a lot of traffic both ways and switching.. 2 100mb ethernet computers and 1 54mb wifi connection cant down my wrt54g, so you'll need more firepower for more of the newer ones for sure.

    If your just testing and do not want to get your hands too dirty, then I suggest nettools (just search for it you'll find it). It's a pretty neat all in one fuck around program. I cannot say that it's a pure pen testing suite because it's all just premade stuff without any extra input but it does have a few examples of ddos programs built in it (you will have to find which one works the best though.... I think the only one that I got to work was the Extreme UDP flooder)

  2. If it ever went down, I would just open all my ports, throw on a Ms 2003 server, set as a root server, and broadcast my IP address with me as a url redirect... That way, most probably (unless the telecom's clusters were shut down) everybody would just get to my page, get an Ip and a reverse lookup and boom. Half the south coast is back online (and my internetz would not be usable for anything else :P)

  3. Well I do know about a 1up for automated telesales and the like for the US. A bill went into play last month stating that unless opted-into an automated calling system, it is illegal to receive those types of calls. How do I know? Cause where I work, we had to send out a mass automated message... explaining that they wont get the automated messages anymore unless they call in and opt in... Oh what a nightmare that was.

  4. I have to add just one thing about a store bought PC though (disincluding the cheapos brands)

    You cannot beat some of the support. Especially when it comes down to their own programs..

    I had a recent issue with a client where their nic WOULD NOT WORK. I mean at all.. Not in Windows, or Ubuntu. The nic showed up fine, used multiple cat5 cables, used a different DSL modem, even my fon. Used the fon to do a wireshark on the nic, and nothing came from the computer. It would not even accept or deny a DHCP packet.

    Ends up it was a Dell program that locked the nic in some odd mode that deemed it unusable...

    And for the life of me I figured it was a bad nic, which was built onto the mtb, so that deemed an rpl system because it was only a week old.

    However if it were not for Dell's ignorant techs, then this issue would have been handled at the first call, and if it were built by parts, then this issue would have never happened in the first place...

    Just depends on what you wanna deal with.

  5. ...wow. I dunno, I just watched one, jumped the gun and said it has to be good. Cmon, My posts arent full of BS manuel_l! This is epic fail, and I really apologize...

    Yes I do need to get out more.

    ZoMg! Ok.. Now I see what everyone is talking about... I had the sound down and was just really surfing through a bunch of stuff @ one time. Heard a couple of proper terms (well proper as in, if you were going to really know what you were doing.

    Ok. so.... wow. um.. yeah.. So here is what I will do then :D I'll change the top post to something awesome!

  6. **edit from origional thread cause it was EPIC FAIL!**

    Ok, so to try to keep some small thread of credibility on this forum, I'll contribute a place that has so many resources that hak5 really could not outdo by themselves...

    Go here: http://www.securitytube.net it has a lot of awesome information about things such as:

    buffer overflows

    hard drive forensics

    deploying metasploit

    and etc.

    Also I found this article that brings some interesting thought to the table on security and the cloud: Life in the Cloud: Cloud hackin' and jackin'

    It will be interesting to see what comes to light security wise when your virtual instance hops from one server to the next, and how that can be exploited.

    Don't mind the title... long story. And I will say again: Epic fail on my part.

    Moral of the story... If your just surfing and find something video related.. have the audio up to examine it instead of listening to 2 things @ once.. I learned my lesson.

    ***and @ the hak5 crew*** this was nothing really pointed to you. Your doing fine, and it was nothing that was saying anything negative about you all. I must have had a case of acute retardation for a moment.

  7. Phenom 2 Black Edition Quad @ 3.6GHz. more memory banwith


    Phenom 2 Black editions only support up to DDR3 -1333 natively, and thats with the higher end boards, and only still support dual channel memory pipes

    Core i7 supports up to DDR3 - 2000 with higher end boards and uses triple channel memory pipes.. Also the stock core i7 can be overclocked like a mug, specially with the water cooling, and the memory as well, so it would ultimately leave the Phenom eating dirt.

    Don't get me wrong, my pocket book tells me that IF I could afford upgrading my system it would be AMD, and most probably that Phenom 2 Black ed. your speaking of, but if it's for more performance, then I would be going for the Core i7... IMHO though, they price out pretty similar these days.

    ***BTW @VaKo **** yes.. that is teh bizness!

  8. Dude this is freaking awesome! Well.. Sorry about very few responses... This part of the forums get's pretty slow sometimes, and right about now for some reason (I think I know but am not saying) there just are not very many people who post anymore..

    You should re-post this on the General Discussions forum, as much more people read that part, and also, let's see if Darren and Matt & Snubs would syndicate this on the show!

    I know I will be watching! :D

  9. mmm... I dunno Sparda. Some of those routers won't pass through the IP addresses when you turn off the DHCP server sometimes...

    Here is what I think you need to do though.... Get DD-WRT, and there is a great article somewhere (cant remember where if I find it I will post it) on using the inside network routers for DHCP pass through service. This way, you can still get into them and they will function properly, but they will not have to read the full header packet to retransmit. Think of it as putting it in layer 2 mode (if you dont know what that is, it's basically switch mode instead of router) without actually looking the IP address for the router itself. But I'll be honest with you, whatever you do make sure you put the IP of the router within the IP block before you do whats on that article (ie. if your main router has an IP of with a [most probably] netmask of, then make sure that the routers are statically assigned IP addresses and netmasks of and /24 (or rather the /24 means respectively.... I am not good this time around of explaining it....

    Ahh! It's called Wireless Bridge Mode...

    go here: this is the shiz you need: Wireless Bridge - DD-WRT WiKi

    ***BTW, if you wanna know about how the whole subnetting thing comes into play you MAY (or may not dunno) wanna read this***

    Repost from a while ago...... *by hexskrew :D*

    HAHAHA! Took me 3 weeks to get subnetting down.
    It's easier (WAY EASIER!) when someone can explain it in terms you can understand.
    Everyone has their method, and this is mine:
    Network address x.x.x.x (an example
    let's say you need a subnet for 40 computers
    2^n - 2 = x will give you as close to 40 usable addresses as needed.
    <btw 4 anybody who does not know ^ = the power of so 2^4 for ex. would be 2 to the power of 4>
    remember it's in 2's!
    so it can only be (starting with ^1) 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096.
    If you need over 4096, then get a calc, or just keep multiplying by 2.
    2^1=2-2=0 <-do not do this, unless you just wanna be an asshat... it achieves NOTHING!
    2^2=4-2=2 (best for router to router)
    2^6=64-2=62 This is the formula that gives us at least 40 usable ip addresses.
    Take the 6 (since it is 2^6) and subtract from 32
    32-6 = 26 <-this number tells us how many bits we have for the subnet.
    think if it from here as a table.
    |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1| . |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1| . |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1| . |1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0 < starting from the left you put how ______________________________________________________________many bits (1's) we get from the
    Ea. group of 8 bits forms the # (or octet) 255 starting from left to right,
    so from this we know we have:
    255.255.255.x <- with x being what we have left to calculate for the subnet address.
    now we need to convert those two bits into the end of the subnet. So let's but it up against what ea. # means.
    | 1    |  1 |  0  |  0  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    |128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
    x x
    now lets add what we have
    Our full subnet mask =
    To find the Broadcast address, since we got 64 total addresses (with 62 usable),simply use this formula
    x = x + 64 - 1 (because we count from 0, NOT 1!!!)
    x = 0 + 64 - 1 = 63
    so our broadcast address is
    Since the broadcast address is the LAST address that is in the network (ALWAYS THE LAST ADDRESS) we can conclude that the last usable address in the network is: (the first address is ALWAYS the Network Address and is not usable. Just forget about it)
    To finalize our subnet here is what we have:
    Network address -
    First Usable address -
    Last Usable address -
    Broadcast address -
    And remember kids! the number of ea. octet only goes to 255, so if say you need over 255 ip addresses you simply increment ea. 255 addresses as +1 to the next octet (2nd from right in this ex.)
    i.e. + 64 total addresses = = broadcast address.

  10. Alienware has not been worth the money since back when Dell bought them.. possibly even before that...

    Now all the Alienware line is, is Dell XPS desktops and laptops in ugly assed cases with a bunch of flashing lights in them. Pointless. The only thing that makes them an even half assed worthy purchase is the Liquid Cooling, but then that's cheap enough to feasibly put in @ low cost too.

    **btw, just did a quick build off newegg and xoxide.com***

    Built a pc matched to spec pound for pound with the Aurora...

    Alienware Aurora - $1554

    Core i7-920

    875watt dell pwr sup

    Aurora Case

    Nvidia GTX260

    6 gigs triple channel DDR1066mhz PC3 8500

    1Tb Drive (probably a seagate)

    Some water cooling.. dunno by who

    No Monitor/keyboard/mouse

    Homebuilt -$1296 -

    Core i7-920

    Ultra X3 600watt pwr sup (modular)

    Smilodon Case (oohhh.. I want that case man)

    Nvidia GTX260

    6 gigs triple channel DDR1600 PC3 12800

    1TB Western Digital Black Drive

    Thermaltake ProWater 850i Liquid Cooling System

    Swiftech CALDERA-HS Heatsink for AMD HD4870X2

    No Monitor/keyboard/mouse

    And that was just the quick and dirty side of it. Probably could have got some stuff cheaper looking around. I had to up the ante of the Alienware to get it to go side by side with this one. Yeah, I know the pwr sup isnt that big on the homebuilt, but you really don't need over 600watts unless your pushing 2 graphics cards and a bunch of pretty lights and fans everywhere, but the stock case fans would suffice for the rest of it after the water cooling took care of it.

  11. ... did you open the proper ports on your switch? I noticed you said it was a V.8. so I do not think you would be using DD-WRT.. Those linksys firmwares can be kind of finicky on the wrt models... lest as far as I have known.

  12. mmhmm... Did you look at any of the other cases on that site though? There were a few gems but most of those looked like anything any old joe like me and you could buy and slap together.

    Also, why the hell is the temp gauges located on the inside of the case like that? I mean I know it's for show, but imagine how much of a pain in the ass that would be if your shit started overheating or something and you were trying to monitor it...

    Oh well, guess it's like a Lambo... Looks flawless, but just for show...

  13. hmm... Me thinks that is not good. Bad design, no redundancy, and too many problems..

    This would work much much betta!


    Reason why I added the switch between the access point was so that vlan security could be implemented. The router can do a lot of work. You do not seem to have an outbound server farm in it :P. All the clients should have some redundancy, so if a server or switch goes out, it's just one dept. jumping down your throat instead of the whole masses going after you with pitchforks! Also, this way the speed between server to server traffic and client to server traffic can be fully realized, along with trunking implemented. I was NOT going to sit here and configure the whole thing in sudo cli to get all the lights green, so you'll just have to trust me on that :P

  14. So I take it your not going eh? You know if D or Matt is going? BTW, how's the kindle going snubs? Hope you got all the kinks out of it. I can't wait to see that on the show :D

    Also @brimstone - Thanks man, and hell yeah I'll say hey (well... dunno who you will be but then I'll just say hey to everybody :P)

  15. OK, so Phreaknic 13 is in 4 wks (technically) and I just found out I am indeed going (w00t!) So I was wondering who else from here (if anyone else) is going? What are some tips you could give me? etc.etc.etc.

    Just called the hotel, and they do still have rooms left

    Days Inn Stadium

    211 North First Street

    I-65 & North First Street

    Nashville, TN 37213 US

    (615) 254-1551

    Make sure you tell them that your with the phreaknic group and the hotel room is $69 per night.

    Only thing I have not figured out yet is how much it is to get into the event??? I think I have read in the past that it's like $25 per person??? I'm not sure so any help would be appreciated.

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