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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. Why not wait until you get to college? Suck on their bandwidth (which is likely to be a lot quicker than yours?)

    I also have to add, that most of the time, the technical teachers will gladly take a couple of cds/dvds from you, and burn the pre-downloaded images right there, and give you your very own cd key to boot.

  2. you can install Windows 7 x64 with a x86 cd-key and will still register with Microsoft

    oh really now?! (twiddlez fingers in a h@%0r type of way)

    getting the key for the other 64bit I mean 32 bit version of 7 for my lappy B)

    well. Then again. I have worked hard on my Ubuntu 9.04 on my lappy lately getting all the good stuff on it.. (jtr, aircrack, nmap, yerserina, wireshark, metasploit, etc. etc. etc.) sry, but sure beats having to re-config backtrack every time I want to use it off a live cd, and I really don't care for everything it comes with either.

    btw, I wasnt really trying to bust your chops there, I was just saying that's probably what you need to do to make sure you don't have another run in with your ISP and most of that stuff you can download you (or most anyone else) will ever use anyways.

  3. well.. I mean I will have to say this... Just because you have MSDN access does not mean you need EVERYTHING on it.

    I mean really. You don't have to download the 3 different versions of XP and the 2 versions of Vista, and the 2 versions of 7, and all the other nit pickity crap they have on there that you probably wont use. Unless your only going to college for another 2 weeks, I would just chill out on what you are downloading. Obviously you probably used every bit of bandwidth for the entire day every day. Unless your on like a 1.5mb connection, there isnt much point of having it all right then and there. Now if it was something less than 8 gigs per day for every day, THEN I would definitely worry about the ISP, but this is just speculation because of the question... How fast is your connection? If it is really fast, then maybe you should just download one or two large chunks a day. If it is slow, then they should not be bitching. If it is moderate then. I dunno. Just dont download all day long, just part of the day.

    Unfortunately I will have to say though, that if it is choking the network, then they have every right to slow you down. IMHO not much of a good thing to just cut your service though...

  4. heh... damn. 18 gigs per day?! shiz. best I did (as per my router logs) was "March 2009 (Incoming: 36958 MB / Outgoing: 6239 MB)" For the Month! Highest download per day was the 15th. it was 8581 MB... I have no idea what I was downloading (cant remember :P) but I think I was watching online movies from Netflix all that month...

    Good job man! ;)

    Also heh. You got MSDN access? So do I. Know what else I got access to? VmWare ELMS w00t!

  5. new to this and don't have a clear knowledge about this can anyone help me out here

    not a spammer here only a new guy to this world and want information what hak5 is all about ? Don't want to tell me, its a different thing and thank you for the posts.

    Holy crap! Spam bots now have smart replys!!! :P

  6. Well... Hate to say it but since you can boot a linux over pxe, maybe the file just is corrupt? I would definitely check for issues others have had with this.

    Wait.. seems others have had this issue *with winpe*...

    Try hitting f12 to get to the winpe boot menu as soon as it starts booting and see where that gets you *per thread, may or may not work*

  7. Actually data plans have started coming WAY down recently in the US. As an example... A year ago, if you wanted ANY data enabled smart phone you were paying at least $30 for a really crappy plan a mo., then $50 for the DATA PLAN, and then $200 minimum on the phone.

    And if you were looking for a decent plan you were looking in the range of $45 to $50 a mo. BEFORE the $50 data plan, so that's $90 a month for something half assed decent, but now you can generally get it all for around $50 total per mo. If not then not much more (usually on cell providers like mine where their sales are mostly Husband/Wife/Kids type sales, so it just pays to get the 2nd cell phone/plan.

    Oh btw, actually it seems a lot of providers in the US are looking into going BACK into preprogrammed phones instead of sim enabled ones. Mainly though I think because the phones themselves are so cheap (and the other provider almost ALWAYS has the phone you want) so that way your stuck in a plan with their phone on their network at least till the contract is out.

  8. I think it really depends on what you want, how easy you want it, and how fast you want stuff in the future.

    Linux installation - PITA (unless you actually HAVE all those vm's on the cloud or unless you do want to go set all the compys in your company to netboot..)

    Windows installation - EZ

    Linux Administration - PITA.. no excuses or bias otherwise *unless you wanna remaster your distro and make sure it has packages for all the different drivers for all your different end user compys and cross your fingers and HOPE you never have to update anything that may be uncompatible with one client or another*

    Windows Administration - EZEZEZ

    Linux TCA - Free (but you pay in support in the long run when you have to go sift through forums or something trying to find support, unless you call the distro co... if they have call in support that is)

    Windows TCA - :~ Cost but you have support right there right then.

    Linux TCO - You got the time? I mean LOTS of time?! Well then your ok I guess... if you feel like it.

    Windows TCO - Upgrade to the latest every other major redo (about every 6 yrs or more I guess) and for specific support on specific software is usually cheap.

  9. You know that's not a bad idea going with a smartphone w/wifi on a without-data plan... I would personally, but UNFORTUNATELY my carrier (cellular south) doesn't do sim cards, so only their sold phones *preprogrammed* and no smart phone without a data plan (hence why I bought the moto hint..)

    BUT I can't knock the service, and the plan price... so... data is 2nd seat for me right now (though as soon as were back on our feet, we may get it). With my service, you can get a sweet android or Palm, but you have to either get the crappy smart phone plan (50$ for 300 day time min. a mo. ?!) or couple with another plan for.... $40 extra a mo. I pay less than that for my 6mb DSL...

    SOB!!!! I just checked their website... Unlimited Voice/Data - $79.99 + another line 1/2 off = $119.99 a mo... Hell that's better than what we have now... Where's my wallet?!

  10. whatever you do, don't get the Moto Hint (QA30). I have it (with another provider) it's pretty neat but non-hackable pretty much and also, has lots of bugs (turns itself off or locks up or restarts at least once a day regardless if in heavy operation or not)

    I would opt for a lower end nokia since you know for a fact that they are hackable.

  11. dude... it's stainless steel. It's tough no doubt. BTw, I will say that it's also heavy for it's size so... kinda aggrivating in your pocket, but small enough to take around with you. I have used the poo out of it and the only real bitch I have with it is that on some cases the metal/aluminum/plastic comes over where the pc card screws are, and that's a bitch because you CAN use it 90degrees but it's a real pain. Also, I will say you can NEVER replace a real screwdriver/needle nose set. The pliars are not small enough to pull a jumper, but I never used that anyways.. Use the flat head with just enough force and the right angle, and it's out no questions asked. :D

    Most of these that you can buy are at least stainless steel. Unless you bought them from china or something..

    Oh one more thing... forgot to tell you that they were given to me about 5 years ago from a friend... And he got it from is dad like 4 years before sooo..... Yeah, you can say they last a lo00ng time.

  12. Yeah that would be nice to fix one pc, but I am saying what is good tools to fix alot of PC's, something a pc tech should always have. Something like needle nose plyers, built in with a phillips head screwdriver, general wire strippers for cat cables, knife, beer opener, ect.. the best one in all tool for a pc tech. Some all purpose tool to fit in your pocket that does everything a A+ or Net+ certified pc tech would need all in one. I seen one once but didnt have the cash to get it, so I was hopeing someone else has heard of this.. the multimeter is a different story

    You mean like this?:


    Go to your local hardware store, and they should have them.. Don't go buying one of those elaborate leatherman mutlitools cause the only extras they come with are crap stuff anyways like scissors...

  13. I think you would most probably need 4xpower supplies to juice this board. Either that, or maybe it uses 2 for powering with 2 for redundancy. Either way, I would suppose if you did use this board maxed out, then you should expect your power bill to go up that month :P

    This board must be mainly for things like rending severs, cad, and vector processing systems (3d video). I do not really see any other use for it besides a 1computer for 4 hardcore gamers type of box...

    Would be a really wicked kit for a 4 person tourney though seeing as you could use the onboard video for spectator mode! Unfortunately the problem would arise that most games you cannot choose a video card/mouse for multiplayer between multiple monitors unless you used something like xen where you can distribute all the resources, input, and output for each monitor but even then, seeing as though when I tried to use xen it just seemed like such a pain in the ass to setup, it would not be worth it for me.

    Possibly virtual box could be used though, since it has the new video api's, and it's really easy to assign most resources + you can still assign processor cores in windows 7

    absolutely could not use ESXi though because the video performance is pure crap.

  14. I'd rather have stand alone appliances with front ends for configurations vs trying and set up and maintain access lists for everything on a router. Firewalls were designed for a reason and you don't want the overhead on your routers anyway. Basic rules on the router, yes, Im all for that, but for real security, stand alone firewalls would be much better in my opinion. Especially if you wanted to review logs and such or set up IDS, the router is meant to route traffic quickly with basic IP security, not protect all the clients behind it on the network.

    This is true.. You should definitely have a firewall AND/or appliances from the inbound device going to the router for full security.

    The reason why I didn't put a firewall in place is because packet tracer does not have that Icon, and the servers only allow for one connection in the program.....

  15. Water cooling has been a pretty safe thing for a while now. Well the only time it really was not was when it was a homebrew only scene where it was all custom built, but as long as you were hella good with a lathe and fittings, then you were good to go.

    Reminds me of a page I found a WHIIILE back (well, like 10 years ago type of while) where someone used a non-conductive solution in their deep freezer and put their whole kit in it *not in a case* but I think there were some big temp fluxuations in it and it cracked the board.. Don't ask how that happened, but I remember it was a 333mhz chip he got overclocked to 900mhz. pretty epic back in the day.

    You may not even realize it but water cooling (or the concept of it anyway) is used all over the place in higher temp computers these days, even in video cards.

    Most higher power video cards have the heatsink on the chip/memory, and has a copper pipe coming out of it into the actual heat sink located a little foreward from the chip. This uses liquid cooling as a heat spreader. Same as a lot of intel chips (Dell has TONS of these in systems).

  16. Hell you think that mobo is crazy...

    This one is buck ass nuts!

    TYAN S4985G3NR-SI Quad 1207(F) NVIDIA nForce4 Professional 2200 + 2050 MEB Quad AMD 45nm Quad-Core Opteron 8300/8400 Series Processors Server Motherboard

    Dunno why you would need a QUAD Nvidia setup in a server, but could you imagine the performance for gaming on that thing!!??? (well that is IF there was a game out there optimized for it)

    Max memory: 128Gigs

    4 PCIe X16 video slots

    8 x SATA 3.0Gb/s

    3 Gigabit nics

    4 Quad core opteron slots

    2 proprietary slots available for 2 MORE operon processors...

    Hell I mean imagine 24cores @ your disposal.. Wow that would make one hell of a rendering box..

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