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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. What about the question of what experience/age?

    The reason why I ask is I am in my late 20's and even though yes, that is still pretty young, I am pushing 30 and have no real work experience in the field short of being a phone tech for Gateway back in 01' to 03'. I am about to finish college with an assoc. in programming + networking, and am going to get my ccna and mcsa, but am worried that because I am not a fresh earlier model that they will pass me up. I am sure this is just paranoia talking but has been a thought in the back of my mind for a little while. What are your thoughts?

  2. sorry bout that. We get a lot of "hey someone hold my hand for me plz" around here, but it does seem to me that you do need help with this...

    Which ver. of the kernel are you running, and what distro? I know people have had a few problems running it in backtrack 3, but backtrack 4 should work otb.

  3. I also agree, and as a matter of fact, the reason why I have dogged on it (personal reasons anyways) is really cause I am the type that roots for the underdog, which sometimes means beating the dog with a shoe when it does something bad lol.

    I guess every time though that I do download the next release, I am looking for that oooh feature that linux has provided here and there throughout the release cycle. If not something totally new, then something that makes me think 'it's getting a lot closer'. Case in point - Ubuntu 7.?(can't remember the revision) to Ubuntu 8.04. Huge difference. It actually worked with most of my hardware otb! That was pretty much a first for any linux distro as far as I was concerned and I was mesmerized by it.

    But then at the same time, I was not used to it at all. Had NO idea how to kick around in the shell, and barely NO ONE was using it back then. Now linux is pretty close (well as far as computer geeks like us go) to becoming a house hold name. Many people know about it, and there are tons of people using it. Unfortunately I have gotten used to it, which is for better or worse I guess. A little bit of both ways really. Better because it has came so far, but yet, I want so much more. The kernel I think, is where it needs to be, but it's the apps and services that need to get better.

    Gnome doesn't need to change. I think it's THE most elegant PC interface south of Windows 7's. Sure KDE4 is all pretty, but then I never liked the GUI management of it. It always seemed just down right clunky to me.

    3rd party support in the most major players are what I think is the short stick for linux of any kind right about now. Mainly your top contenders: Apple, Microsoft, and *most* Game Makers. If any linux distro could pull all 3 or even 2 out of 3 into the tent, then we would be in some serious business here.

    But even at this I guess I have to stop and make myself think.. How far the kernel and linux as a whole have come?

    People who know nothing about computers are using it like crazy on netbooks, hell even grandma's that can't afford a new pc are using it to cut costs on older hardware just so they can surf the web and check email.

    Two years ago, no one hardly heard of linux in cumulative populational terms, but now darned near everybody has either seen or used it at one point or another.

    So I guess the question stands, where does it go from here? Will Linux beat the cloud? Will Linux BE the cloud? Will Scooby and Shaggy get to the bottom of the mysterious wolfhound humanoid? Find out next time!!! lol.

  4. While I do side with you wh1t3 and n3rdy, I will also have to admit they have it coming to them. Now let's say a little distro such as... mmm ill pick SLI-TAZ. Let's say you download it and it doesnt work out. No big deal, it's an independant distro, folks can only do so much, they don't promise anything, and if they deliver than that's awesome.

    Ubuntu on the other hand, with Canonical running the place, does put a target on their back for support of some type or another, especially on joe blow hardware.

    "Canonical's mission is to realise the potential of free software in the lives of individuals and organisations. In just three years, Canonical has been globally recognised as a leading provider of services to both individual and corporate open source software users.

    We achieve our mission by:

    * delivering Ubuntu, the world's best free software platform

    * ensuring its availability to everyone

    * supporting it with high quality professional service and engineering offerings

    * facilitating the continued growth and development of the free software community

    " - http://www.canonical.com/

    Now this does not come out right and say "I Promise it will work for you" but what it does say is they will do their best to ensure it does. This is not their best. Especially when I have an Acer Aspire One that was having problems. They come out with a distro just for this laptop (and recent full ubuntu versions worked otb as well), so this is a company that supports and helps develop the distro.

    They should have been all over this.

    Also I have noticed that there is no real proper direction on the forums of Ubuntu for support or fixes for things. Now things like flash.. well we have all went round for round on that on Linux and Mac, and that's no one else's fault but Adobe's, but when it's like this, that's crap. Sure I got it working, and that's great, but why did it happen in the first place is my question. They have been beta testing for months now.

    I can't tell you how many times I have went to Ubuntu's site for an issue with stuff that came on the iso that there were a few people who have had the same issue for quite some time, but with no answer from the team. This is why I say that Ubuntu is going south, cause when you get an actual business into the equation then it's got to work or something is wrong with the picture.

    This is why even though I really do like Ubuntu, I do not think that it's going to overtake Microsoft anytime soon. More likely it will overthrow Apple sooner or later (at least on the phone market). But even that is unlikely because there are very few and far between turnkey "killer apps" on linux..

    well, unless you count pentesting and hacking..

  5. The Internet Is Evil(Louisville Infosec) - A talk by John Strand

    For any Network security or Net admin students, this is a must watch. It will either make you want to learn more about your own network/work network/etc and think of ways to fix the leaks as much as possible or it will MAKE YOU WANT TO HIDE UNDER A ROCK.

    We pretty much as a community should know all of this already but to hear it in one cohesive talk is something that brings chills to my back.

    It really makes me think.. When I DO become a network administrator, how am I going to protect 1. My network, 2. Myself, and 3. My users.

    Very interesting speech though, and very thorough.

  6. Yersinia ***Warning*** there are a few options that will not only make you root bridge, but will also DoS the lock up the switch or router or whatever is running STP, So before you go running it, remember you don't wanna completely lock the network, just hack it :P

    ***BTW*** - if your looking to eh.. um.. "Clear the Air" so to speak, and cause some wireless AP havoc, this is fun (accidentally knocked out the wireless @ school once with it)

  7. What are you talking about? the last change Microsoft made like this was with the first release in the Windows 6.x family, Vista, Canonical does this shit on a 6 month timetable. One of the biggest things that is holding back Ubuntu is the lack-luster efforts it puts into keeping things compatible across releases. Who honestly gives a shit about getting a new OS every 6 months?

    ... this is true. Actually I know why. Because everytime there is a new release, everyone downloads it in *hopes* that they have fixed something that has been broken for them.

    That is the one thing I have always noticed about linux in general... It's a great OS as long as you don't mess with it (after you get everything working). It's never about configuration files, or write out screw ups, just upgrades to stuff. BTW, I thought compatibility across releases was one of the reasons why Canonical was a good pick to get into Ubuntu in the first place? Oh well. Mandriva all over again :P

    Well at least 7 is doing well :)

  8. Well, I have it loaded on my laptop... Wheewww. Can't connect to the net by ANY means unless I set my wap as a completely unsecure access point?!

    Well seems to me like Canonical has started following the Microsoft tradition.. If it worked before.. It's not going to this time (well until people get pissed and they finally put shit in that they left out the first time.)

    Sorry to all, I'm not trying to be a troll. I love Ubuntu, matter of fact, I think the interface looks sweet, finally replacing the standard issue default theme, and boot times... eh. don't really see a difference at all (Win7 boots faster on my laptop)

    The bottom line is for me that everytime they come out with a major release they break something that affects me using it, unless I want to jump through hoops getting it to work.. Yes I know it's free and open source, but if it's just an upgrade (ala 9.04 - 9.10) then why should stuff that worked in 9.04 perfectly stop working now?!

    Oh well, I think I am going to try reinstalling, or seeing if it will connect through the live usb. My major bitch with this is that even in bare metal minimalist distros like puppy and unity work perfect OTB, but a bloated cure all distro can't deliver...

    Well, see you all again for 10.x

    **Update, still no connectivity through laptop***

    Also, I have the same issue with the Acer Aspire One.

    If it were just the wireless not working, then that wouldn't be a hard fix but... It's ethernet as well. I don't understand this.

  9. This is quite interesting.. Never heard about this before. So is this something like a publicly open to use account? I know I have been to a few sites before that I wanted to add something (no not trolling) but other than that one thread, it didn't justify my time of having to register.

    Of course there are trolls and lamers everywhere so 1/2 good 1/2 bad...

    Moderators, is there a system where you can ban by an Ip and username combo? If so, then I really don't see a problem personally, just if an idiot wants to be an idiot, just ban his IP.

  10. well it's been great actually! I have so far met a lot of cool people and learned A LOT of things. I have seen int80, but haven't had a chance to talk to him 1 of 1 yet, but I am soon. But I was just wondering if anyone else is here?? I don't think so but it would be cool if so.

    **side note***

    WOW this hotel is run down! the upside though is that they really don't care what you do here, so it's fun. I also talked with skydog a couple of times , and he's pretty cool too.

    Wish the Hak5 crew was here too but oh well. I can't bitch, it's my first con, and I WILL be here next year!

  11. Canada eh? lol. Actually Canadians are cool and so are Aussies. We just like to pick on canadians, like that friend we all have that we always pick on but were totally cool with?

    Yah.. I am from well.. you know.. (whew)

  12. every computer i've ever built was AMD & Nvidia, dunno why just never liked ATI or Intel too much

    Yah, same here. AMD for the wallet, and Nvidia for the eyes.

    Seriously though.. You don't need that much processor to run awesome games as opposed to a video card, where the better you get the better it just is.

    Mind you yes... there is always crysis... come to think of it. have they yet maxed it out? Maybe I am just being jaded, but has anyone ever thought, maybe the reason why crysis doesnt run good is more along the lines of crappy code by developers and less likely the hardware being up to par? That's my theory.

    There are games that look just as good as crysis, but run better and with lower hardware requirements.

  13. @IOSys - You probably paid more for those 8MB than my 1TB green drive :P

    60GB OCZ Vertex - Your Price:$239.00 Per newegg.com

    WD cavair blue (250gig/7200rpm/ Average Seek Time: 8.9ms)Your Price:$44.99 x5 = 224.95

    (theoretical.. avg seek doesnt change no matter how many drives you have, but they only need to seek once per sector of read/write, and have a combined thouroughput of probably 2.5x that vertex drive in raid 50 if not better 'w/backup protection I might add!!')

    You really can't drag that into the equation though becuase it's how much something means to someone. I value large ammounts of space for backup and such, so I opted for a big drive. I feel SSDs are still too expensive, and also still too volatile in their operation to be used on a daily basis, but if it's a gaming only PC then I digress.

    All in all it always ammounts up to depending on what you really want heiko. Great speed + encryption, avg speed + encryption, or crap speed + encryption. Personally I don't encrypt my data *on my hdd* but then again.. I don't have anything that would be of any value to anyone. Any printable receipts I just print and delete. None of the passwords on my public/private system or online and email passwords are the same as my banking/school pin/etc, I have passwords and cache flushed upon closing of firefox, so no data there and I personally don't care if they go play sauerbraten online under my name, or make a song or two with FLstudio, but then that is me.

    I think that sometimes, knowing things like we do, that we tend to get pretty paranoid. Knowing what some of us have done or will do does not help when we look at ourselves and our loved ones, but at the same time, there are (I feel) way more white hats than black, with the majority being in the grey some what, but just remember, that around 97% of the population would not know how to physically hack into a box if it jumped in front of them, and always remember that the teeny tiny bit of theves that DO know anything about computers would reformat first thing so they could turn around and sell the box. Just thought I would throw that in there.

  14. Ok, so I'm getting my lappy setup for this event, and just one real question.. Are there any tips anyone can give so that I may have a SECURE outbound connection @ the event? I mean yes.. I know there will be no such thing. I would just like to send an email or two here and there without people snatching my gmail user/pw and sending everyone I know dickpix. IF this were Windows, then well... there wouldn't be much of a problem there as I am pretty confident I can set some tight settings to at least make them work for their meat, but linux security... I mean yah it's secure, but then @ the same time I heard it is ez if you know what to do :P

    Maybe I should just try hacking it myself?

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