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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. While I highly agree with you Wh1t3 and n3rdy about the screens, you gotta admit, that would be more of an ultimate entertainment/gaming system rather than a work box.

    And yes.. I wouldn't EVER have a system of this caliber without a UPS. Hell.. My build is worth all 3 of mine and my wife's cars combined... But I would never spend that kind of money on a system, even if I had it. Now if you know someone who wants that build.. heh. I only charge 15% total of parts before shipping.. hmm... what would that be? $2836.33? Hell. Keep the change!

  2. Well.. Not trying to burst a bubble, but what kinda performance are you looking for? Server style performance, or Gaming style performance? Since everyone gave builds based on server based performance, where multiple cores from multiple processors is key, I figure I would see what I can build. I'm just saying, if your looking for gaming performance, you want a multithreaded chip, but not more than one, because unless the game your playing supports it, your not going to use any of the other 3 opterons or xeons or whatever you throw in it. (and yes I know he just said the fastest you can buy)


    .. Oh yeah, and throw in another $400 for water blocks for the chipset, cpu, video cards, and memory.

    BUT.. If money is REALLLY not an issue???


    Just remember, as everyone else stated, everything, even that kraken XT5 will be out dated soon enough.

  3. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It worked perfectly. I cleaned up the code a little bit, found out that the random generators only go up to 32000 *I think*, so what I did was make an extra random generator, and then added them together for the wait time.

    I also hacked together some code to hide the window. Cheers!


    //Blepper, the act alike of the annoy-a-tron beeper :)
    //It has been done probably 1000x but this one was hacked together 
    //by hexskrew @ hak5.org/forums with help from Kerberos (not teh kiteh, nor the encryption)
    #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
    #include <iostream>
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <ctime>
    using namespace std;
    int endr = 0;
    int main()
        HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow(); //gets console window focus *I think*
        ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_HIDE ); //hides console window
             DWORD nWait1 = rand() % 325000; //nwait1 randomized to max 32.5 seconds
             DWORD nWait2 = rand() % 325000; //nwait2 randomized to max 32.5 seconds
             DWORD nWait = nWait1 + nWait2; //nWait = both randomized numbers put together
             DWORD nHz = rand() % 2000; //hz to be played
             DWORD nMs = rand() % 800; //ms of hz to be played
          if (nWait > 20000) //makes the timer a minimum of 20 seconds
                      Sleep(nWait); //sleep timer
                      Beep(nHz, nMs); // x hertz (C5) for y milliseconds
        while(endr != 800);
        ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOW ); //Shows console window
        cout << "HAHA! Gotcha! Have a great Christmas!" << '\n';
        return 0;

  4. ok, so I'll give some back story.

    I am making this program to play a good joke (nothing else, and this guy is totally cool, I'm not going to get into any trouble with it) by using a switchblade to put this program into his desktop and a few old servers that are never really used (at all).

    I am using Bloodshed's C++ to code it cause it's just way simpler to get started with than Visual Studio (I have this as well though)

    All the program should do is make 3 random numbers, and allot those to how long the program waits, how many hz the beep is and the duration of said beep. Then it just does it over again. It does not hide itself *yet* I will be doing that in the finishing stages.

    Think of it as a software version of the annoy-a-tron.

    This code does work, it's just that instead of the numbers being completely random each time, it's stepping the number up @ random. Any help is much appreciated (specially since I want to get him BEFORE exams are over [next monday])

    #include <iostream>
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    using namespace std;
    int randomNumber();
    int randomNumber2();
    int randomNumber3();
    int main()
        dehehe: //basis for goto loop
        DWORD number = 0; //convert to Dword for use with Beep (milliseconds of beep duration)
        DWORD number2 = 0; //convert to Dword for use with Beep (hz of beep)
        DWORD number3 = 0; //convert to Dword for use with Beep (time to wait until the loop)
        number = randomNumber(); //calls random number generator
        number2 = randomNumber2(); //calls random number generator
        number3 = randomNumber3(); //calls random number generator
        cout << number << ":"<< number2 << ":"<< number3 << ":"; //used to debug randomizers
    //Beep(number2,number); // x hertz (C5) for x milliseconds *Uncomment to hear beepys!*
        Sleep(number3); //sleep timer
        goto dehehe; //loop
    cin.get(); // wait.. if it ever get's here.. which it wont (well.. shouldn't)
    return 0;
    int randomNumber()
                int randNumber = 0;
                srand(time(0)); //This seeds the random number generator
                randNumber = rand(); //This gets a random number as an integer
                const int MAX = 800; //Sets a constant variable for the max
                int number = (randNumber % MAX) + 1;
                return number; //sends random number back to main()
    int randomNumber2()
                srand(time(0)); //This seeds the random number generator
                int randNumber2 = rand(); //This gets a random number as an integer
                const int MAX = 2000; //Sets a constant variable for the max
                int number2 = (randNumber2 % MAX) + 1;
                return number2; //sends random number back to main()
    int randomNumber3()
                srand(time(0)); //This seeds the random number generator
                int randNumber3 = rand(); //This gets a random number as an integer
                const int MAX = 10000; //Sets a constant variable for the max
                int number3 = (randNumber3 % MAX) + 1;
                return number3; //sends random number back to main()

  5. Well, abc123simple, I don't think L1qu1D was really laughing about the google search. Google really is your friend when your trying to hack anything. You want the best way of learning how to do everything you imagined? Google for : Backtrack Video Courses. Yes it's all in Backtrack, but all Backtrack is, is a linux distro they remastered with a bunch of forensics and pen testing tools. If you want to learn how to get in deep, just go here and watch the tutorials on stuff like manual buffer overflows and things of that nature: http://www.securitytube.net/

    Hope that helps.

    Also.. It's just easier to do tasks for hacking in Linux, which is why all those hacking utilities are made for linux. There are very few things made for these tasks for Windows because of the closed source nature of Windows. Also, if you learn enough, you can do everything in equivalent in Windows that you can do in Linux for hacking, just that your going to have to create your own programs to do so.

  6. Even though it is quite out of date, the truth of it still holds very strong today. They should have this in English books.

    The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

    ah.. I am in college getting a degree in networking, whereby I have only one or two teachers both teaching either programming or networking and yet this line is still very true to my life today.

    Very deep and very awesome writing.

  7. While I will admit, my post was pretty crappy and un-needed. There are some truths on it though. I am not 100% sure that Discovery's web journalist decided to give Darren a head's up when he wrote that. Not that it is untrue. Matter of fact, it is great to see Darren get the cred that he deserves from a more generalized source, but it's the fact of the way that it's worded. Maybe I am just still a bit paranoid after going to Phreaknic... There are so many things that can be used against a person, and truthfully, with so many crazy bastards out there all you have to do is be in the wrong place at the wrong time and your a target. Just like ZFO and their shenanigans, but the thing was, they didn't even have a real reason to hack this site except to just look cool for their own amusement.

    Maybe I just need to take a chill pill on all that. I do apologize. I wish folks on here could see who I am in real life cause I have no idea why but when it comes to this forum, it's like my keyboard is a toilet bowl, and the 'Add Reply' button is the handle. I am nothing like this in real life tbh. I guess though that this place has became like a part of me. And I really care about it.. Kinda weird I know but it's true. So I guess I am also a little obsessive with it and maybe a little bit too open about speaking my mind and not thinking twice. At the same time I have to admit, I have not really contributed anything lately either on most things, and yet in spite of this, you folks still comment well on something I say when I do have something of value to contribute, so thank you for your tolerance... Especially to VaKo, cause if I were you I would have canned my acct. long ago for drunken blah threads and pointless pot stirring posts.

    So cheers to Darren because hopefully he can clear up the skepticism of being a "Hacker" and have people accept us as who we really are which I have been working on the true definition of what being a hacker really is.

    Hacker -n: A person with ability and strive to learn from indirect principles to reverse engineer a given piece of pre-manufactured matter*, of which can be anything from anywhere to be incorporated for the purposes of the set objective in the hacker's vision. (*matter can be anything imaginable in the mind of the hacker, thereby being anything from the stars to air to dirt. ex. The first reliable directional system was made in the theory of tracking stars by explorers, whereby the stars were not meant to be used as a directional system, but were reliable enough of their placement from night to night in space to be seen and used to reliably tell which way is North so that the theory of east being to the right of north, south being directly adverse of north and west being directly left of north had been created for these purposes.)

  8. Wow... just great. and now, that just gives more trollers and crackers more of a reason to harass darren, take down this site (as has been done..recently), snoop for our data and cause a big fuck-cake. Look at the list man! Kevin Mitnick sucks dick! He doesn't even know how to hack his own shit much less not get brutally screwed by some serious folks. All he is, is a name, and get's hacked ALL THE TIME! Furthermore, when I was at phreaknic, on one of the talks, some folks busted one of his servers wide open, and then gave him a call, and you know what he told them? 'call technical support about it'. That was it. He didn't want any part of it. Want this guy protecting your site? Not on my dime. I wouldn't let Kevin set up my wifi security at home, much less anything worth money.

    But to put it frankly, serious hardcore, white hating, crackers don't like hackers that get syndicated in any way. Especially not white hats. So this just pretty much puts a big red dot on everyone on the list. Better put on that very unreliable password here that doesn't link to anything else people can find on the i-nets, because kids, I feel some scary dudes trolling these forums and breaking around here pretty soon. (no I don't want any part of it)

  9. Hey, now don't get me wrong, you wanna serve your country, then my hat is off to you, I show full respect for vets and active military, and truthfully, there was a small part of me that would love to feel the honor in doing so, but it just was not for me, it was not what I wanted and yah.. pulling off being gay is really hard.. unless your so pissed at being tracked like a mouse by some guy from the military that sits around getting paid for stalking teenagers that you couldn't laugh if you tried. Hell, he ended up calling multiple times AT MY FRIENDS HOUSE, sometimes around midnight for god's sake. It's rediculous, and to top it all off, these people get commission on it. I once knew a guy that came home @ 3am, to see the recruiter waiting for him on his living room couch! Now that is just cause for a restraining order... Unfortunately here, recruiters and military promotion is not just cause for such an order...

  10. These users suggesting arm forces, are you guys by chance one of the "sponsers" lol.

    Don't look at me. I once told a recruiter I was openly gay, and I could not supress it so he would leave me alone. It worked :) But then, not sure if it's the same over there as it is in the states. If your a 16 yr old male (wow.. that was a long time ago) and they have your phone number then they basically target and hound you till you basically curse them out or find a clever way to get them to quit stalking you.

  11. oh... my bad. um.... do this: (I hate setting up wifi/internet in backtrack)

    iwconfig -A

    see if it shows your wifi *may be shown as ath0*

    If it shows it do this:

    sudo dhcpd3 wlan0 start *or replace wlan0 with whatever your wifi card is*

    it may also be necessary to do this:

    sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

    if your using backtrack 4, then dhcpd3 is not the right command. Just type dhcp<tab> and see what it gives you and it's something close to it I believe. Havent really messed with it in awhile, but wicd sucks sometimes at seeing my wifi card.

    hope this helps, and sry bout the last post. I need to start being more helpful, just didnt know if you were a bot.

  12. this sort of shit leads to carpentry....

    Lol yah.. One time my bought a really cheap death metal tape (long time ago) and it was seriously bad ass sounding... Then we started reading the lyrics. It was christian rock type lyrics... eh. after that it just didnt sound so bad ass.

    Here's my thing about christian rock. Does it have to be ALL about god? I mean c'mon if I were god, I would be like.. man. this is boring as hell, lemme hear some type-o-negative... :P (Type O's last album does seem to have a lot of christian reference, but then with them, you never know if they are just poking fun or not)

  13. I was reading about the dual core atoms and the performance hike was not really what everyone thought (around 25% performance hop). So it may not justify the price difference when they come out. HOWEVER, that also means if you wait till the dual core atoms come out, that also means a price drop (possibly a significant one) for the single core atom based netbooks. Only time will tell.

  14. Here's mine! (laptop)


    I remember soemthing about a company or artist that does those skins for server racks and clusters. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you? Can't remember where I saw it before, but I think they also do cars and vans, etc.


    Cray supercomputing. Always well ahead of the game :P


    btw.. here's the specs on this monster

    Kraken Cray XT5 system specifications:

    * System has: Cray Linux Environment (CLE) 2.2

    * A peak performance of 1.03 PetaFLOP

    * 99,072 compute cores

    * 129 TB of compute memory

    * A 3.3 PB raw parallel file system of disk storage for scratch space (2.4 PB available)

    * 8,256 compute nodes

    * Each node has: Two 2.6 GHz six-core AMD Opteron processors (Istanbul)

    * 12 cores

    * 16 GB of memory

    * Connection via Cray SeaStar2+ router

    *me wonders.. how many virtual machines THAT can run?*

  15. Probably would not need too much as that camera that was produced had an accidental effect (still wonder how good it worked though..)

    I am sure it's all to do with how much IR is emitted, what frequency would work best for what material, and how well the CCD/CMOS can receive the IR that is bounced. Thinking maybe sorta the same concept as night vision, or a mix of that and radar.

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