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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. damn VaKo.. you beat me to it.

    But actually I had another idea. One that would 'seem' a lot easier.

    ez@pz# old machine w/ Windows Remote Desktop Viewer | dvr set @ datetime 8_hr_record_time cin << user_login_datetime

    eh.. some things just sound easier in cli and c :P

  2. With the Atom spec. at this time, it will not let you get above 1.5gigs (I think) of ram. I don't know if it's the deal with Microsoft (in which they specify what the highest spec for netbooks can be to be eligible for Windows installations) or if it is a framework limitation of the bus *most probably the Microsoft hammer*.

    Well.. Seems there are a few with more than 1 gig of ram... check this out: Lenovo IdeaPad S12 - 29595GU - Black. 3 gigs/320gighd/nvidia ion/Atom n270.. but with broadcom chipset....

    Honestly at this point, I would try to wait it out for the dual core Atoms and see what happens.

    ***BTW, if you don't believe the whole thing about Microsoft's strong arm ala russian hammer, check this out***

    Engadget: Microsoft publishes maximum specs for Windows 7 starter edition

    That's probably the deal. In which to get windows on the cheap for manufacturers *for starter edition* the netbook cannot be more than the maximum specs. If you notice, the second you take a netbook and sell it with the ability to have more ram, A. it comes with at least 7 home edition (why the hell would you want starter anyway?) and B. the price hikes generously.

  3. Ooh.. So Queen of the Damned was supposed to be Interview2. Well.. hmm.. that's weird, but I understand that does happen sometimes.

    Unfortunately come to think of it all vampire movies do follow either 1 of 2 themes.

    Theme 1. Vampire comes out, kills people, people kill vampire, end of movie.

    Theme 2. Vampires are everywhere trying to take over the world, one get's lonely and makes some idiot a vampire, that idiot vampire upsets the vampire prey balance, a bad vampire dies, end of movie.

    Wish there was a movie that was just about like.. Vampires against vampires in a power struggle (both for bad intentions) and not include mortals. That would be cool.

  4. hmm... could it be?


    damn.. maybe people was bitchin' in bars about the lost boys when it came out?

    Kiefer Sullivan, Cory Feldman and Cory Haim are still way more badass though (acting wise anyways).

  5. Well maybe we should have seen this coming since 'the interview with a vampire' movies (specially after the sequal)

    There was a sequel?! :o

    There was a movie that also had some interesting merit to it. I have searched and searched for the title but cannot find it... But if you have seen it, it's pretty close to just the regular day in the life of vampires. I do remember there was some goofy vampire slayer that at the end instead of the vampires killing him, they just made him a vampire.. Also remember that one was a nasty hooker vampire too.. damn the formula has been used too many times I guess.

  6. Actually I totally agree with *or rather have the same opinion as* a lot of others that Twilight is a large smathering of backwoods B.S. but it's not because I am not a fan of twilight, it's because I am a fan of Vampires... Which is not twilight.

    (Best reference: Interview with a Vampire) However though.. Anne Rice takes too damn long writing details...

  7. It doesn't even run out, its just the end of a repeating cycle. Everyone knows the world will end at 03:14:07 on Tuesday, 19 January 2038.


    actually... I thought it was when linux time rolled over?

    Yah, as far as the Mayan calendar, I just think they said hell.. if it goes this far, screw it.

  8. Damn fine piece. Glad to see that out there...

    On a different note. It would be wonderful if major corporations learned the same thing.

    Case in point. This is cut and paste from an undisclosed major entry level networking curriculum.

    "The term hacker originally meant someone who delved deeply into computer systems to understand, and perhaps exploit for creative reasons, the structure and complexity of a system. Today, the terms hacker and cracker have come to mean malicious intruders who enter systems as criminals and steal data or deliberately harm systems.Hackers intent on doing harm are able to exploit weak security measures."

    I think they need to learn the two terms 'cyber criminal' and 'script kiddy', and write that backwards from the way they have.

  9. Strange thing about 2012.. I thought it was just a bunch of b.s. Well.. in a way I kinda still do. So I did a good google on the Catholic view of it (I am more of an open cath than well.. 85%.. most of that 85% though are just hipocrits) and here is what I found:

    2010 St. Malachi's vision.

    And this is a really good read here *if your into that sort of thing*

    A Catholic Timeline for Future Events

    Yah.. I take it with a grain of salt, but it's interesting to think about at least, with 2012 being the beginning of revelations... (and btw, I believe unlike many others that revelations takes part over at least 300 years if not many more. no one knows when or why)

  10. My main concern is security. No, not like hacking. I am talking about personal security. All your stuff would be on the cloud. 24/7. Anyone's account would just be a goldmine, all in at least one place to find.

    heh.. found this:

    Worth a laugh at least.

  11. Santa made fun of me :(

    But on a more serious note.. The GF gig is really a mixed bag for sure. I should have added, a GF that you can TRUST that is the type of person to work and help w/the bills, but not try to do something stupid such as: Get pregnant on purpose, spend cash on retarded stuff, AND::::con you into getting her pregnant. (seems like a trend these days, but it goes both ways I guess)

  12. Wow dude. I sympathize your pain man. It's pretty tough out there today, but it can only get better. All I can really say is keep trying. Even though it sounds silly, do you have a girlfriend? The math would be better standing (generally) if you both move in together and both try to work (once you do find a job).

    Worse come to worse, don't sell/take drugs, but if your at your absolute bottom... Here's what I would do:

    Find a burger joint, set a target (worker, preferrably someone who is with someone else with a job), get them fired.

    Put in application: Get job! :)

    Yes it is a really shitty thing to do to someone, but when it's dog eat dog, well.. that is just what it is. It's the human condition.

    Here is a checklist of things that I would do to ensure your base of the future:

    1. Find something that makes you happy and lower your standards to make it work. Yes it sounds stupid, but if you have 15c in your pocket, and you buy a peice of gum you like, BE HAPPY! If you think this way, then sooner or later it will work. Find a quiet place that is nice to look at, and day dream a little bit. Taking yourself out of the situation mentally can help by leaps and bounds on the endrun.

    2. Assess what you have. DO NOT SELL ANYTHING YOU HAVE! /**EDIT except that Xbox, u can sell that**/ If you do, yes you may have a little money, but it's not going to be reproduceable. Also, see if anything you have in a creative way can be used to your advantage (insert some MacGuyver something here). And think to yourself to be thankful for what you have and what you CAN get in the future, regardless of what you have now.

    3. Social Network. Talk to your friends, make new ones, go out of your way to find people to be friends with. You never know who may know someone who can get you a job somewhere.

    4. Assess your location. If you live in a little nothing town, and it get's to the point where nothing is happening, and you KNOW for a fact nothing is going to happen, then leave. Hop on a bus going somewhere where you know you may be able to find something. Especially if it is just the next town or two over because this way you can have ties with where you are now.

    5. Don't let your position clunk you in the head if you do happen to get an interview. Always Always make sure you cheer yourself up before an interview, or even putting in an application.

    6. Turn to a Romen Noodle Diet. <-self explanitory

    7. Quit Playing XBL!!! (that's money out of your pocket)

    8. Do something really stupid (well in a silly factor, not stupid like crime and such). It will cheer you up and gear yourself up for doing something.

    9. Dig through trash.. Just as VaKo pointed out, you can never tell what valuables people think are trash.

    Hope that helped at least a little bit.

    BTW Just so you know, be careful about giving blood. I know your in a hard rock and wall situation, but your future depends on your health.

    One more thing, snoop for noobs with computers and hang around. It's only a matter of time before you find people that don't know what they are doing and screw something up (and thus u fix and make moneys!)

  13. Just remember, you WILL mess it up! BUT don't worry, just keep on tinkering. And when you mess it up, see if you can fix it. If not, or if it's too deep for you the first go, just reload and try again.

    Always remember in this endeavor you WILL fail, but in failing you WILL succeed.

  14. I used to work in a mom and pop computer repair shop. My first day was doing a ram upgrade.

    client:"shouldn't you be wearing gloves?"

    me:"not really. why?"

    client:"can't you get a computer virus like that?"

    I quickly walked away and laughed until i cried.


    Yah, cause you know.. That's what set off the H1N1.. because h1: is ok, cause it's within standard hex parameters, but n1: is like a rogue hex bit er something.

  15. Ok.. So Before I invoke this idea I want to add that 1. I don't have a switchblade and never tried making one since I do not have a U3 drive. 2. This is just a thought provoking idea, and may not be feasable.. least for any whitehat purposes..

    So here is my idea.. For quite a while there have been a lot of you who have made switchblades from U3 drives, and fiddled with the project, exploited, etc...

    Let me ask you this: How many people hand you their thumb-drive and ask for a file/ISO/movie, etc.

    What about a code you can invoke, either by macro, or by other means, to where when any usb storage device is inserted, it A. checks to see weather it is a U3, and B. If it is a U3, then makes a hidden switchblade.

    When people put their switchblades in their own computers, then free to roam time. Sure, you could just format it (and it happens frequently) but I am sure that people who ask for a bunch of stuff puts those files in at least two places, so this is multiplicity. For every 1 person you infect their U3, you gain access to 2 computers, of course sending credentials,etc to an anonymous gmail, or (insert email account here) for you to browse through later through the tor network.

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