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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. No, you never submitted the notified copy of form 38-c we requested along with the required witness statements and supporting evidence, we only got your self-signed copy of form 90a which serves as a notice to submit your request for consideration at the annual meeting.

    Don't forget the faxed copy of form R-9198F (revision B ) along side everything else..

    And oh yeah, don't forget to brush your teeth B)

  2. lol, first play got a 57. That crap is hard.. my main thing was getting my brain to remember that the wasd was for the right hand side and the udlr keys for the left hand side..


  3. Ok, so after a while of knocking my brain, I am thinking I either have an overheating chipset, or a failing hard drive...

    Here's all my info...

    Power Supply: Ultra 650 modular pwr supply

    Motherboard: Asus M2N4 SLI mobo (NFORCE 500)

    Proc: AMD 5600X2 (non-overclocked) Windsor 89Watt

    Hard drive: WD 1T green

    Video Card: MSI Nvidia 8600GTS

    Memory: 2gigs Gskill PC2 6400

    Ok.. So here's my issue...

    Strange things started happening here and there where the pc would lock up. It used to happen just here and there, but then recently it started happening a lot, especially when under heavy all around load.

    One day, windows conked... "could not read boot sector" or something of that nature..

    Windows will install fine, and RUN fine before reboot (after fully installing and getting into windows, during the install process, the restart is just as it should be).

    Upon reboot, it will only show the screen saying 'loading windows files' (windows 7) and then reboot in a loop.

    Windows recovery always finds TONS of orphaned files, fixes them, and reboots to same issue.

    hard drive never really gave any problems before. When doing a hdd scan, sometimes it will lock up, but when it does not lock up, it passes with flying colors.

    SMART has NOT been tripped..

    I got to touching the heatsink on my mtb and it was HOT! I mean hot as hell hot. but it does not seem to be loosed from the chipset.. Ran fine before hand. Unfortunately I do not have another computer to test the hdd with.

    Runs off linux thumb drive/cd like a champ.

    Passes memtest with flying colors

    Also does same thing with 1 mem stick instead of two, also swapped to make sure one wasnt messed up.

    Any suggestions?

    What I have NOT done..

    Put in an old ATA drive (I only have another sata drive that....shit... *epiphany* stopped being able to boot.. it was on the same mobo... Could my mobo be screwing up my drives?! Is that even possible over a given ammount of time?!)

    Have not put a multimeter on my pwr supply (I dont have a multimeter nor can I afford one right now..)

    Recent things I have done with my computer:

    Tried using an old sound card that ended up not working... (but hdd was fine afterward, the issue started a week afterward)

    ANY help is greatly appreciative.

  4. I feel that it all comes down to this.. If you think Apple is doing the right thing, and you think you should back them, then by all means back them.. Buy an I-phone, or hell buy 2 or 3 if you want. That is how you back them.

    You think Apple is being asshats, then just go buy something else. No-one is making you buy an i-phone. You can do the same things that the i-phone productively does on other smart phones.

    They cannot be charged of the idea that they are denying anything to anyone because it is not the same as if i-phone was the only thing out there. In the computer market you have 2 competitors on the x86 front (well.. not really but I'll stick to my point here). And that is Windows and Linux. Windows is the dominant OS on the platform hands down, like it or not. When you buy a computer it has Windows on it, therefore, if Microsoft denies a program to run on the OS because it is being anti-competitive, then at the same rate they are creating a monopoly because they are by leaps and bounds the more dominant OS on that front, and the only desktop solution that has proper backing and support. It's also held as such because of Windows being the only real compatible OS with so many business solutions that also make it a requirement to use.

    On the smart phone side of things, the i-phone is just a small fish in a great big bowl. There are hundreds of other smart phones out there that do the same thing that the i-phone does, just as good as the i-phone does it just may not be as popular as the i-phone, but just as easy to obtain, and to top it off, Apple owns everything in the i-phone structure from the chips to the software to the plastic that houses it, therefore Apple cannot be bound to the idea of being anti-competitive because they are only fending what is rightfully theirs and not stepping out of their own bounds. If you don't like the fact that X app getting the boot from the app store, then buy another phone, does the same thing.

  5. Was browsing around and lookie what popped up.


    I downright Lol'd @ this.. Thank goodness I did'nt go here on my windows box...

    btw, just a heads up, here was the google link that went there : Life after big brother jordan

    and YESS i think she's hot and though dumb as a rock I couldnt care less :P

    hmmm... strange though that now when you click the link it goes to... A BIG RED BUTTON!!! *press press*

  6. i'll have to admit DarkBlueBox, that you have a very good point. Now as far as standing in court, unless someone pulls the ole OSX card about legalities (which I am sure that Apple covered at least twice on the I-Phone) then it will be thrown out in a heartbeat, if it even gets to court.

    Personally though, I do not like Apple's business practices, but that is only because they slap legalities on hardware that they actually do not make, that conforms to everything else that the X86 archetecture is except for a tiny little chip that says to the software that it is an Apple. But that's on the desktop/laptop side of things. As far as the I-phone, I do feel that it is in fact their hardware, and definitely their software, so it is their phone, and by all means (unfortunately, but definitely lawfully) they have every right to say what can and cannot run on their phones. If anyone wants to really point fingers, I feel they should do that to all the other cell phone manufacturers (specially Motorolla and Kiocera) who intentionally come out with crappy phones to make their overpriced peices of junk sell more, and not for the people who just can't afford a smart phone, but for their hindering of what the phones they do make can do... But alas, especially Motorolla, that's obvious that they do create their own chips for it and to top it off, their software is specially written exactly for their chips (just wish they would get the coding right some day), so you really cant say anything about them either.

  7. Well I only read the major tid bits but ok.. So basically Google called on the FCC because Apple has turned down the Google voice app.

    I do side with google in my own little way... But you have to admit that there are two sides to this issue...

    1. Apple's lucrative business practices surrounding the Apple store.

    2. This is a pretty smart (though dickish,) ploy to free Iphone users from paying higher fees.

    Ok, so here is my thoughts on this.

    On the Apple side of things, you have to admit that they look at the apps from every angle to ensure it works properly, that there are not 10000 notepad, text, chat apps and things of that nature clogging the app store when the I-phone already has it built in, they do not want people intertwining with their own software to create back doors, and also they do not want major competitors competing with them on their own platform.

    On the Google side of things, I feel this app is aimed a lot at the current I-phone users on the AT&T network because of the horrible service on that network. Also can people take their I-phone over to Verizon once the switch is made? I thought for some reason or another it could not. So with that in mind if that is the case then it is also a rejuvination for people with i-phones that do not want to stay on AT&T's service, but cannot take it with them to Verizon, (just read, no they cannot change the i-phone over because verizon does not use sim cards, unless they will reprogram the phone for you, but if it's anything like cellular south's service, then it's a big fat no). So with that in mind, that also casts some shame on Apple for not (or most probably will not) offer a way to get their phone transfered over, and of course not, because that way, you have to buy the I-phone AGAIN! For a lot of us that is a very big investment. I am still rolling with a standard style phone because not only are smart phones expensive, but the plans are too, so until I make some serious cash, I cant even think of having an I phone. So I do see the greedy side of Apple for this. But you really cant blame it on Verizon for it because it's not like they just recently went to the no sim card phones.

    I say yay on Google's side of things, because not only A. does it free I-phone users from having to have AT&T's service, B. it will be a niche market anyways because most people even if they wanted to go wifi, cannot afford to do so because of low availability of wifi, and C. because hell.. People are just going to jail break their I-phone and put this app on it anyways.

  8. g.ho.st

    This is awesome!!! It's a desktop in a web-browser! That is what I am using to type this on right now!!! Don't know how secure it is but it comes with 5gig's of storage and works pretty good.... Though yes... I do still think it's scary, but I'll embrace it ATM :P


  9. This is a pretty interesting read for me, especially since I have always been an AMD fan till' recently, seeing how the Core Ix series has been mopping the floor with AMD.. I have a few different points of my own to add to this.

    IF performance was equal or relatively equal, then I am definitely on board with AMD. Mainly because it would most definitely be cheaper, and thus better for my wallet, and better for the industry in terms of competition.

    Intel has always had (and probably always will) have the maximum saturation in the business market, and for good reason. I have noticed since the beginning only 1 major difference in stability between an Intel and an AMD processor and that is when things get sluggish (I mean close to locking up style sluggish) I have always noticed that while it may take forever, an Intel processor will trudge through it and will come out with the task completed, while an AMD processor will just simply give up and lock up. Maybe this was some type of buffer issue, but it never really bothered me about AMD because I always ran as light on the resources as possible.

    Also I noticed some of you said you had a lot of problems with Intel chips overheating, but I have always noticed the opposite (until recently anyways). My AMDs have always ran really hot, and I have had AMDs since my 486 133mhz chip.

    I will also have to admit while the core2duo seems nice even today, my 64X2 5600+ still smokes a regular core2, and is still good enough to run most new games at competitive resolutions.

    I have heard that the Phenom II X4's are comparable to an I7 but only when overclocked, and that is compared to a stock core speed I7. Regardless though, when you build the systems side by side, the price of a Phenom II X4 chip/mobo/mem combo is WAY cheaper than a comparable I7 system.

    Fact: Phenom II X4's will do the same thing as an I7, just a smidge slower. Also games are not really better on an I7. Once you get over the standard requirements of a game, it's all on the Video Card.

    So i'll have to admit with all this in play, even though I really admire a badass core I7 based system w/the triple channel ram, I still have to go with AMD. I have always looked at price with performance, and at this point in the game, unless your running a 1080p or higher rendering farm, or something needing the equivalent specs, you don't need an I7 based system. However in the same respect I would not feel too great using AMD based systems while working on mission critical applications (also because corps. are generally cheap, and are running on the bare minimum for the task anyways).

  10. Did anyone notice on the VMA's that Lady Gaga's papparazi performance had a whole shit-ton of references to bioshock? The first time I watched the video the first thing I thought was the masked girls on the game, and there were tons of detailed correlations..

    Let me try to visually elaborate.(this may take me a while to finish this thread, so if you dont see any pix, then come back l8r)


    Wheel Chair

    Strung up

    Now of course both her performance and the visual appeal of rapture shared that retro victorian/40's blended era of style, so maybe it's all just a big coincidence (actually most probably). Don't get me wrong, I highly doubt 2K games came up to her asking for some publicity, especially since Bioshock 2 is delayed for an indefinite amount of time, but just thought it was interesting. Maybe she is a fan?

  11. I'm currently in a community college pending my assoc. degree, and then I'm going for my CCNA and MCSE. MAY go for my A+ but.. does anyone even look at that anymore? if they do I'll just cram for two days and go take it (hell may not even have to do that).

    Evidently it's good enough to work for NASA and the Army core of engeneers...

  12. yah I was at it for hours, with only google maps at my side, and I could have sworn that was it.. matter of fact I dont see how it was not, but I was wrong so.. I dunno. You rock man!

  13. im up for a riot :P

    *btw, did you know if you turn your toaster knob to 10 and use it, that the government has secret microphones built in that send the signal through the power lines directly into their 'command center'! Cause if you like burnt toast your a terrorist...

    ***shhh! dont tell anyone!***

  14. Well.. Without even reading anything else but the title, I can say that I fully agree that spell check is a short cut for grammatical ignorance. Myself fully included. I can type a paper all day but without spell check I would be out in the cold. I get most of it right. To be honest I guess I was the last of the generation that went through school without spell check readily available, but especially when on this site, it comes in handy more ways that I can imagine (well when I want to be grammatically correct anyway). My real downfall is run-on sentences and commas though.

    Here is the clincher though. How many people have been asked how to spell a trivial word. I have seen it thousands of times. Funny thing is though, that I do not believe it's fully because of Google and spell check. It seems to me that it's more along the lines of idiots behind the wheel so to speak. Take any example from here. People post stupid crap all the time, and when they do it has more errors in it than Windows 95', but at the same time, I highly doubt that they type that much at all or write very much.

    Oh, and to be honest, I did not use spell check once when typing this. But do not bitch when I get stuff wrong because I don't care anyway. If it looks like a retarded post, that is what I see it as even if it was me who posted it.

    Also I wanted to say @VaKo - Your not alone. My handwriting while has progressed slightly in standard writing, has not seen progress since second grade... I never understood why. I think I am just too lazy to work on it. Especially because like it or not, it is an art form that is coming to an end.

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