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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. lol, this is fun...

    The camera.. well, my bad.

    Minimum wage doesnt cure poverty it cures greedy corporations and is written in with labor laws to ensure companies cant promote slave labor. Think that would'nt happen? Look overseas.

    Yeah, there are good parents, but around 8/10 of them that I have seen in the past 5 years do nothing but sit their kids in front of the TV, expect them to learn on their own, never giving a crap on who they hang around with, and to top that off its no suprise that bullying in school is at an all time high, along with drug use and rampant sluttiness (though.. kinda wish it was like that when I was single :P but then I'm glad I didnt get an STD either)

  2. Do you have any idea how hard it is to work for 8$ an hour 7.25 is minimim wage

    hell up until not too long ago it was $5.15

    Also I'll include this for some more shock value (but true)... minimum Wages are bad for the POOR!!

    that's a bunch of Rush Limbaugh bullshit. If it wasnt for minimum wages, we'd be 10 fold fucked right now compaired to the current state. The whole reason why they made minimum wages is because if not, Mc D's would be working people for 2$ an hour right now. People would be starving themselves to death just to feed themselves.

    Obama so you would have no problem with it but what if a child's parent's didn't agree with him and wanted to see the speech too

    Fuck parents.. When the hell have you seen decent parents *course except our own* that gave half a shit about anything in the past 10 years. Besides, regardless of what's on the tv, they are either ignorant (i fall in that category :P), love obama and wanna lick his balls, or they hate him and want him burned to death. It just screams assault and battery... I say let them watch. At least they will learn something more of worth than what the schools are actually teaching these days.

    about the cameras.. WHooOOOoooo big gov. is after me.. WhoooOOOooo!!! I'm a 28 year old in college for computer networking, I own a 07' car and a 95' car, rent a trailer and like watching movies and porn.. WHOOPTY DOO!!! they have real interest in me! Next thing you know Moulder and scully will be at my door telling me I need to get away because they feds think I'm an alien (extra testicle kind, not illegal)

    @VaKo, I fully agree with you.

    oh and btw

    a California County did and it hurt poor people a ton (the wages went to 12 dollars)).

    when the hell has california did anything worth more than pissing in the wind @ the cost of millions (if not billions) of dollars... Someone has to pay for those condos and yachts and the revenue comes from special interest groups.

  3. hmm... ya know, now that you say that.. That does sound about right. I have never heard of anyone having power issues pushing an ATI card, but Nvidia on the other hand...

    I have always been an AMD + Nvidia fan. If I were to go for a hardcore system on the cheap right now, it would be AMD + Nvidia (I still see people with driver issues on ATI cards so that's why I steer clear of them)

    I will definitely say this though.. dollar for dollar on the laptop market, AMD+NVIDIA kicks the SHIT out of Intel+Intel, Intel+Nvidia, AND Intel+ATI.

    My laptop spec: Amd ql60 1.9ghz (dual core) + Nvidia 8200m g. $450

    Plays: Farcry 1 @ around 50fps @ full settings

    Farcry 2 @ around 17fps @ lower settings

    HalfLife 2 @ around 45fps @ medium/high settings

    Sauerbraten @ 20 fps @ medium/low settings

    Some dude @ school just bought a laptop:

    Core2Duo w/Intel integrated $900

    Plays: .. most games unplayable.

    AMD+NVIDIA = Phucking win again!

    Sure your thought is: well if it wasnt intel integrated... BUT you would not get that @ under $700 would you?!

  4. hmm.... Ever thought maybe one of your heatsinks are off a tad? Maybe on your vid crd? I have noticed that vista does well in supressing bsods, but that doesnt mean something is not wrong.

    Maybe a pwr sup issue. How many watts you running? Also could be incompatibility between components.

    Let's be like house. Start bouncing ideas.. GO!

  5. @halo_f00 - well sure we can advance. I just do not think going that far backward is going to show how far foreward we are going to go. Furthermore, it has already been proven that we simply adapt to our environment in the proper ways. Our environments have changed 20 fold since *back in the day, however long ago that was* but we change to the environment in predictable ways, and our environment is ever changing. Simply put, this is something you cannot fit on a timeline or on any curved scale. Our bodies change over time in whatever way it can. If it can't, then we die. If we need 3 arms, we'll start growing 3 arms, if we need 20 toes, then our bodies over 1000's of years will change for the need.

    However, the one thing that has not really changed is the brain's capacity and logic. Simply put. I feel that we are at the top of the scale @ this time. People get to ages where learning still occurs but they simply loose collective fragments of memory to accomodate for the new memories. Sure we only use a tiny fragment of our brains, but until we find THAT key element that wakes the rest up, we will not use it. This is also a part of evolution. Hell maybe we have been growing bigger brains this whole time, but our brains have not evolved enough to utilize the actual mass yet... Maybe think of it as Windows 7 32 bit to Windows 7 64 bit, both having 16 gig's of memory.

    I still want my cybernetic arms and legs though...

  6. My bad, I was not stating anyone here was really trying to cram anything, it just seems like 99% of research such as this is generally just to prove christianity wrong. But for informational purposes, that is a great thing. But I also side that we have physical, and biological remains of people from 1000+ years ago, so I don't think finding out we came from fish, apes, or birds is really going to advance anything more than what we already have. We just need to experiment more with proteins and stuff of that nature. Besides, what's so wrong with everything the way it is now? I mean aside from cancer and AIDS, the general populus has between a 70 to 110 year life expectancy. I dont wanna live any longer than that. Just me... Well unless I get my cybernetic implants.. Then I would like to go for a good maybe 200 years :P

  7. Personally I just do not see the point of trying to figure out where the hell we came from other than to give a finger to everyone's religion. This is pointless and time wasting. Besides, in 100 years I'll be dead and so will you so.. I really could care less where we came from.

    I think two things should happen. 1. People should quit pushing religion down people's throats, and 2. non religious people should quit pushing their theories down people's throats..

    That simple. I keep my shit to myself and you to yours. There.. Now we are all happy except the idiots that want to rub other's noses in their own shit because they feel like they owe the world a service to cram their own bullshit down the other's throats.

    Have a nice day! :D

  8. umm.... is this a warning? I don't get it but I hope your a bot sir. Cause we have been trucking along on these forums and watching this show for quite some time, and I don't understand why you are telling us this because we basically already know. If you read into these forums, we detest script kiddies, and white-hat haters because they only want to do others harm. Sure maybe we have each done a smidgen of a technically illegal thing or two but nothing that would harm anyone, so I do not understand where your arguement is heading. The stuff we do here is nothing that can profit anyone for the most part, and you have to really look into it and have a thirst to learn it hardcore to really do anything more than maybe get someone's myspace password...

    There are plenty of other forums that are black hat, and 'wolf in sheeps clothing' types of forums, shows, podcasts, audiocasts, texts, letters, fanmags, etc. that need that type of talk.. So um.. again. Why us, and why here?

    BTW, are you talking about China? After re-reading your post I guess I sort-of see what this is all about..

    So either

    a. you have a beef with the moderators of this forum, or the people who are on the show.. but tbh, they (darren/matt/snubs) rarely read posts like this so like.. call them or something.

    b. you are trying to tell us that your cool with us and you would like us to do some sort of mass hack with you which we do not take part in nor condone real threats or hacks of others.

    c. something big is about to happen and you are opening our eyes and telling us ahead of time to ensure that we know that you did whatever you are about to do.

    Also tbh, this forum is mostly dead these days. I dunno, maybe it's because everyone is crunching on school now (as I am) or something like that but I dunno.. I think you should post somewhere else if your wanting to get everyone's attention. I mean yeah, you are getting mine, no doubt, and after this last hack of the site, yeah, I believe you I guess (for whatever you mean right now). But I do realize you are not an English flowing person because of your post's perfections, and imperfections. And I also realize that maybe I am blabing too much, but hell.. I have already been hacked so I guess I just don't care anymore. Can't loose anything else that I have not already.

    Well, happy day to you sir for whatever you are about to do/tell us then!

    Also very interesting that all your references refer to this: Mary Barrett Dyer

    hmm... could this be you?: 16984511.jpghttp://www.last.fm/user/CyberRevolution

    also what is this all about? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard%27s_Rainbow

  9. funny I did'nt think about this before!

    Some food for thought here: 'Thomas Edison invented the Electric Chair'

    as per the Thomas Edison wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Edison)

    In 1887 there were 121 Edison power stations in the United States delivering DC electricity to customers. When the limitations of Direct Current (DC) were discussed by the public, Edison launched a propaganda campaign to convince people that Alternating Current (AC) was far too dangerous to use. The problem with DC was that the power plants could only economically deliver DC electricity to customers about one and a half miles (about 2.4 km.) from the generating station, so it was only suitable for central business districts. When George Westinghouse suggested using high-voltage AC instead, as it could carry electricity hundreds of miles with marginal loss of power, Edison waged a "War of Currents" to prevent AC from being adopted.

    Despite Edison's contempt for capital punishment, the war against AC led him to become involved in the development and promotion of the electric chair as a demonstration of AC's greater lethal potential versus the "safer" DC. Edison went on to carry out a brief but intense campaign to ban the use of AC or to limit the allowable voltage for safety purposes. As part of this campaign, Edison's employees publicly electrocuted animals to demonstrate the dangers of AC;[30][31] AC electric currents, particularly near 60 Hz frequency, have a markedly greater potential for inducing fatal “Cardiac Fibrillation” than do DC currents.[32] On one of the more notable occasions, in 1903, Edison's workers electrocuted Topsy the elephant at Luna Park, near Coney Island, after she had killed several men and her owners wanted her put to death.[33] His company filmed the electrocution.

    Put that in your capacitor and smoke it!

  10. I dunno, as far as support, both companies from what I have seen have been neck and neck *intel and AMD*. Matter of fact, I think Intel has had more manufacturing goofs in the past than AMD, but I think it comes down to the point of why do I have to buy a 850 watt pwr supply to run an AMD when it's slower than an intel that you can run off a 450 watt pwr sup? I think that is the real idea here as far as I am concerned. When you think about the power you need to run what you have, you end up spending the same getting an AMD because usually you want a larger power supply to run it with. I'm not for sure if this is true, but I have never seen a high powered AMD running off anything lower than 500 watts since my dear old 1800+ (which was on a 450 watt btw).

    The only thing that really doesnt make it any better to buy Intel for me though is cause I like the flashyness of a hot looking power supply :P <-currently running a silvery blue Ultra 650 modular power supply

    But I think we can all agree though that the Core I7 (lower model) smokes the AMD line pretty hard right about now, and to top it off AMD doesn't look like it has that bright of a future...

  11. for me it depends on which O.S.

    M$ Platforms:

    Firefox *though has been kinda buggy l8ly... anyone else having this prob.?*

    Open Office














    Linux Based:

    Newest Nvidia Drivers STAT!!!




    sudo apt-get install build-essential



    and eventually I clog it up with compiz (BUT IT LOOKS SOOOO GOOOD!)

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