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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. lol, I cant ever remember what my gmail password is and I have so many different passwords and variations.. so good luck with that one you useless cracker!!

    Obviously you just did it to look cool with shout outs on the page. WHHeeewwwWWW your so 1337!!! You deserve some awesome sauce!!!

    Wow makes me feel like it's 2002 again! I'll bet you watch hackers 3 times a day, and getting drool all over your 300mhz power pc you friggin' idiot.

    Yes I am sure you are here. It's just like an arsonist. You love to watch what happens afterward you stupit twit! Screw you and your whole game sir. You fail. Because we ARE back, and we will not stop.

  2. arch should run smooth as glass on that hardware. Matter of fact, you wanna know pretty close to how it should work without getting your fore-arms dirty, just run sli-taz on it and it should be pretty much on par with it (if the repos were not so limited in that distro I would be running on damn near everything I could get my hands on right about now.)

    Btw, on the hdd controller question. Hdd controler revisions between hdd and controler is the same as memory. If the plug fits and the board doesnt support it, the speed just goes down (with the exception of ata33 and +100gig disks). Sounds like your all good there mate. Make's a hell of a linux test box too if needed :D

    Also I had a computer I just gave away with close to same spec (actually your's is cumulatively better) and it was doing pretty well with sli taz. Matter of fact, the only reason why it would lag is because it only had 96mb of memory! :X but as long as it could hold it in memory, it was doin' mighty fine :D

    Mine was: Intel Celeron 700mhz, intel integrated video, 40gig hdd, and a whopping 20x cdrom.

  3. lol.. so glad I live in MS... Hey the entire county will be getting U-Verse in a year or so, so you can live in the middle of no-where and have high speed! :P

    They should'nt be such bitches about it. I have had neighbors with dogs that barked all fucking night (constantly) and I live in a trailer where the walls are pretty thin, so I heard them 10x louder than they did.

    If they only bark once every once in a while even if it's spotty all night, it wouldn't bother me. Sounds like they need to shut the fuck up about it.

    BTW, how to you train dogs to not bark exactly? every single dog I have seen is completely ignorant to it, or it just depends on their personality. I have a cat, so... Can I train it to bark?! :P

  4. @ EnzoMatrix - thank you! yah, I like my pricing model on new builds. I mean think about it, you need some cash, they want a professionally done job. Also with this, I give free support for up to a year for a new built computer just for the courtesy of it because since I built it, I usually use at least 90% of well known hardware that I use myself.

    Also I like to document the hardware and tuck it away. I'll download the latest drivers for everything and install that fresh so it's 100% updated. (I mean how many of us got the arrrgghhss when we bought a new laptop, and as soon as we got it out of the box, were checking it out and vista decides to reboot and take forever installing updates..)

    I could probably charge more (I have actually been offered more on a few occasions) but for me it's a trade off, because I can't always be around the latest fastest hardware all the time, so at the same time, the research I use when building a price list and part to part comparisons when building the the part list, and the learning about the new hardware I get when building the actual pc, I keep myself up to date.

    Not including I will go ahead and download and install the latest frequently used applications and put a few good freeware games on it to start off with.

    I guess you could say what I try to do is emulate what you USED TO get when you bought an Alienware system (when it actually was AlienWare, of course now it's a dell in the same case with a huge price tag)

    Original Alienware systems actually came with a custom made guide book, install disk set, and custom made configuration book specifically for that system.

  5. You definitely have a point there Whedgit. I'll have to admit that even when 'giving away' service, I end up getting a cool $60 here and there :D

    @drOp - well if your in the same boat as I was (well i'm married now so im irrelevant anyway) unfortunately it never works the way it does in your head :P

  6. As far as ANY compromise with the audience that is the freetards, or the Big Content Creators, I just do not see it.

    The only way this would work without it getting the shit pirated out of what your basically legally pirating anyway is if it has DRM...

    Bottom line you cant spit shine a turd..

    I see your point VaKo, but the bad thing is, you can't exactly clean up the torrent system to deliver content in a really good reliable package. The torrent system was made for quick delivery with faster delivery as more users had it, not a content delivery system (as far as for consumers anyway). How would you clean it up? You would end up having to have a Pirate Bay torrent system, with Pirate Bay DRM files, I still don't know how the hell quality control would be kept, and I still do not see how big names, or even little ones that want to make money would buy this kind of pitch.

    To top it all off you would have to have one hell of an elaborate deterrent system for people trying to put illegally pirated stuff and virused/spywared/botted files on the network, and to top it all off your just asking for bunches of lawsuits from big names that DO NOT want their stuff on the network.

    This is no different from when napster went corporate. It went from tons of people using to.... umm... who the hell uses napster anymore? The protocol is the only difference here, and it's the same situation. I mean if they were just wanting to lay the name to rest and use the interface and company inventory for something else then fine, but seems to me they are just wanting to get the name, change the interface, and make users pay for what they have already seen.

    The only people who will benefit from this is Apple, because the people who finally decide to go buy their content will hop on the i-tunes wagon.

  7. computers are changing all the time, and it gets to a point when u want to live a life.

    So true... I am a basement dweller (well living room dweller you see.. I have no basement :P) but at the same time there is money in network administration. Sure it's not 100% secure but it depends on who you work for and the skills you have and the willingness to learn, but if you look around at the other co-workers that get the boot, most of them didnt try to do shit in the first place (my general view in the workplace and in IT as well)

  8. yah, I know I could shave 130 with a disc I may or may not have laying around :P but for the sake of purity i guess...


    With some Amazonian searching I found OSX

    Mac OS X Version 10.5.6 Leopard

    Price: $106.49 (free shipping)

    510.05 - $33.50 = $476.55

    Were sub $500! w00t!

    (btw, price with h@%3r ver. of OSX = $370.06.. wow.. makes you wanna download somethin' doesnt it?)

  9. I was looking around at macs and noticed the great things say and the boos (from people who actually own them, not fanboys and haters, just buyers off amazon) I wanted to check out a cheap mac.

    The first thing I thought of was the mac mini. Sounds great at first but for such issues that people are having with them with the video port and alot of power users complaining their asses off about it (even doing benign work that we all do on cheap computers) I thought surely there is a way to get a hold of one that is powerful yet cheap..

    To accomplish this, you have two real choices:

    a. steal one

    b. build one..

    Since OSx86 is starting to get fairly mature, especially when you have things such as the EXI-X alternative going round, it's not too hard these days to run OSX on generic hardware. I mean we have all seen the videos and all. But I thought what about building a cheap one?

    After doing some searching around the net, and checking out Newegg for goodies, here is what I have..

    BEHOLD! The Power Mac Cheap 500 (as in $500)!


    So what do you think? Can it go any lower?

    The big differences between this one and the mac mini:

    Mac Mini MB463LL/A

    - 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

    - 120 GB 5400 rpm hard drive

    - 1 GB RAM (4 GB max)

    - 8x SuperDrive with dual-layer support

    - Draft-N Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n)

    - Gigabit Ethernet; Bluetooth 2.1

    - NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics with 128 MB of shared memory (256 MB recognized if 2GB+ of RAM is installed)

    - Five USB 2.0 ports; one FireWire 800 port; Mini-DVI and Mini DisplayPort video output (included Mini-DVI to DVI adapter)

    - Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard, iLife '09, and Front Row software included

    ------Price - $594.00 (Free Shipping)

    Cheap Mac 500

    -2.5GHz Intel Dual Core E5200

    -500GB 7200 rpm hard drive

    -2 GB RAM (16 GB max)

    -22x dvd+-RW w/lightscribe

    -Gigabit Ethernet

    -Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT 512MB dedicated ram

    -8 USB (no firewire)

    -Mac OS X v10.5.4 Leopard

    -----Price - $510.05 (plus shipping)

    Only thing this doesnt come with is bluetooth, wireless N and firewire. Stuff most of us don't use in a desktop anyways *most of the time*. Everything else is either the same or better *cept the processor. I have no idea what the hell intel was thinking when it came up with it's cpu scheme..*

    either way, here is the chart compairing the chip in the Cheap Mac 500 and the Mac Mini 2 GHz Core 2:


  10. Not against the law here.

    ....So!? (j/k)

    Well, here is the reason why I think it will be epic failure...

    There is NO guarantee that what your downloading will

    a. Be what you are wanting to download in the first place

    b. Not be messed up or viral.

    c. Have any real quality control whatsoever...

    They are trying to take mud and make a cake out of it and sell it.. Not going to happen.

    Damn near sounds to me like Hudson's Salvage, but for the internet.

  11. Wow this is weird because... I fully agree with VaKo *yet again [swear i'm not sucking up!]*.

    If your a student, you need to know your tools. Would you go into gardening if you did not know what flowers smelled like or a little of what goes on in the first place? No. Same goes for most other things.

    Unlike gardening however, it does not take 700usd to buy a hoe, shovel, and seeds (well most of the time anyway)

    Now there are always demo products but um... cmon. If your a student of the trade you need WAY more than cut down, time limited, hendered demos of products....

    That's like me. I'm going for my CCNA in a year. Do I have $700+ to spend on Cisco routers and switches? HELL NO, but I do have a couple of emulators :P

    Would I route a network with it? hell no. I wouldn't route my home internet traffic with it, but it's perfect for learning.

    I feel that companies need to look directly into the learning market. Why not have a fully functional Adobe suite for $100 instead of $1000? Obviously the biggest grade student is using the suite on a full time basis to learn everything and do all he/she can so that when they get out into the graphic artistry world, they have half a chance as a living with it. So either A. they have rich RICH parents [or they saved their entire teen years and worked a job for it] or B. they pirated it. I mean cmon Adobe. This is where I do support piracy.

    I hate to say it but at least Microsoft will cut you a deal. This is why I think Microsoft is more of a saint than Adobe ever was.

    I feel that Adobe also pushed the issue so far out that it's ridiculous. Right now, either you use Adobe or nothing at all (what the hell else is there?) for professional work. Used to there were tons of suites you could get a hold of for professional artistry, so it's not like they are not making money. To top it all off, even for institutions, they wont give anyone a break (their idea of a break, at least for my school, for 50 licenses for the full adobe suite for web developer class was $35 off... No one in school get's a freebie or even a discount outside of it either)

    Also I feel Adobe is loving the fact that they just cant seem to get it right with Linux and Mac. A company of their size and after how many years, still cant get their product working on either properly??? Now before you go saying 'hey it works fine on mine', go look at your processor chart the next time you fire up a good flash based vid (hell even the hak5 vids).. Bet you it eats up at least 45% of your clock cycles, and that low of a number is probably only if you have a corei7. So what I mean by working properly means not only does it work, but works efficiently, and there is no excuse whatsoever that you cannot get video streams to work properly. In linux, I can view HD quality video in H.264 format and clock for clock beats the snot out of the flash player in a windowed stream...

    Blah! :P

  12. D.

    You don't act like an ass to a burger joint worker, or else they will spit in your food (or worse)

    You don't act like an ass to a cop cause he will throw your ass in jail (or at least go through with that ticket he was writing)

    You don't act like an ass to the plumber, or else you wont get JUST the crack package, but the FULL ROUND BROWN package..


    You DAMN SURE don't act like an ass to a computer tech (unless your in I.T. which is a whole diff. story altogether)

  13. Ya know arkninja, that is the age old question on piracy, and that is, are they loosing any money to piracy? TBH, I am not sure at all. I have seen hockey stick diagrams that go both ways. Now I am sure that what they do not realize are A. Most piracy (that they call it) they will never see (rip cd/give to a friend, or copy to mp3/ipod) because it's not 'online' when it happens. B. and this one is for the movie industry... Sorry but the real reason your losing money is because the good to crap movie ratio went far right-field years ago, so my bad if I do not feel like paying $30 of my hard earned money to go see a real time and life wasting movie on the big screen, especially if I can just wait till netflix has it, and to top it off my surround sound is just as good as yours!

    The only people I really feel bad for are the software makers, and the mall shops, though the mall shops has nothing to do with piracy. But the internet influence with piracy has ripped thousands if not millions of dollars away from software developers, and for the mall shops, well... I'll put it to you this way. Before the internet boom, the local mall was a beautiful sight to see. Thousands of people were there. You could probably bump into one of your friends there. You could meet new friends too. And the mall had a large excitement to it.

    Now the mall is close to being deserted.. You go in on a Saturday, and at best.. maybe a few hundred will be there. Here is my problem with malls though. PRICE. No-one ever seen it coming, but the whole thing that happened WAS why the hell do I want to go to the mall to buy something when I can go online and buy it for at least 40% cheaper, and the worst of it, is I have to pay for shipping, and the best of it, I dont have to go anywhere..

    Ya know it's kinda strange.. People seemed so much more eager to get out there and have fun before the internet.. (not that I am blaming it completely for what has changed these new generations) Any of your remember going and hanging about the mall?

  14. damn, is that Dieselboy? Sure sounds like it :D

    Hell, glad to hear I'm not the only one who plays audiosurf. I love that game, but I keep forgetting about it (hell I forget about steam from time to time... going to download again :P!)

    Hey that reminds me... Has anyone got Audiosurf to work properly in Wine yet? It's been some time since I tried it. Only worked half-assed last time I looked.

  15. wow.. I am really undercharging.. Oh well, it's beer money.

    Quick fixes - free

    If it takes me too long (more than a day or so) to get off my ass and work on it - free

    If I have to leave the house - $20 to $40. Depends on how much I like them.

    Well, @ the same time you all make me think my build model is overpriced, but people seem to like it alot.

    New build:

    15% Of total price in parts before tax and shipping.

    ex. $400 computer = $60 labor

    $ 800 computer = $120

    $1200 computer = $180

    $2500 computer = $375

    Now at the same time, I get down in the trench and dig HARD to find the best deals, talk to the customer to find what they really want and need, and full rule of thumb:

    Unless your willing to spend at least $600, just go buy a dell or hp. I can't beat them in entry level computers in both component value to price ratios nor warranty.

    Now if your willing to get down and spend come real cash.. well then, i'm your guy..

    I operate all over the mississippi gulf coast andeast coast louisiana.

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