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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. lemme ask you this then. Do you have the newest Nvidia drivers? If not then very much properly uninstall all of the older drivers, and install the new ones, as I know from experiance, the drivers were not fully compatible with the card until about 6 months ago.. If you have installed the newest drivers, did you have old drivers installed before hand? cause if so then I would completely uninstall all drivers and then reinstall with the new ones.

    BTW while I have a fellow AMD/Nvidia owner here.. Do you have a crappy time too even with the newest ver. of flash? *I STILL get serious lagg on fullscreen vids, just not on small vids*

  2. well.. pretty much the exact same laptop. I think you have a 1.8ghz instead of a 1.9 and like a 120gig hdd instead of a 160.

    well.. wait. You have an intel or amd proc?

    here's my spec so I know were on the same level:

    Amd QL-60 @ 1.9ghz per core

    2 gigs ddr2

    Nvidia 8200m g video card

    *for what it's worth*

    160 gig sata2 hdd

    Atheros 5007x series 802.11g wifi card

    super multi dvd+-rw (mine's without lightscribe nor the camera nor the mem card reader... it was $350. can I argue?)

  3. Well from here on out, I am not going to comment on all of this with the major point of global warming and pollution, but I will have to add something about Glen Beck...

    I used to be a big fan of him till I noticed something that took me awhile to put together. He jumps on whatever Rush Limbaugh was talking about the day before (or if it's breaking news that he knows Rush will cover then he will cover it that morning), and then BLOW it right out of proportion. There are Bullshitters on the Right too, not just the left.

    Just remember what the tagline for the show is "A fusion of entertainment and enlightenment" It says nothing about truth.

    BTW this does not mean I am swaying my opinion. I am just stating that just because he is a more republican than a democratic person, does not mean he is right. And we all know Rush Limbaugh is a money feeding hose hooked to a shitbag hooked up to a microphone (and obviously the extreme right is the one feeding him all the money)

  4. ya know... I am sorry about my posts. I let my head get above my you-know-what. You are all cool people, and though I know this is a debate, I got a little out of hand, and for that I am sorry. I am happy for anything that is good for the people, but my bottom line is that everything lately that is for the 'good' of everyone is something you have to pay more than usual for, and in the economy as of right now or the future, this is not good for us unless we do not have to pay extra for it.

  5. @moonlit - I completely agree with you with everything you said.

    @CraigHB - I have to side with moonlit on the Nvidia drivers. They are solid. That's all you really need. besides what would be the point of giving the source for drivers that cannot possibly be debugged any more than what the manufacturer has made them.. I mean THEY made the card, not you. *btw, sry for the rant. Welcome to the board*

    Who knows maybe Microsoft or Apple will suddenly file Bankruptcy and Obamasoft will be born. lol


  6. They actually pay more for their service with boost mobile, overall. The problem is that some people don't know how cell phones and radio wave work. So they bitch about service when they are in a forrested area or going into a tunnel or decide to live between two hills or make a call underneath powerlines. Or they dont look at the coverage area before they their phone.

    Well, while I see your point on that (yes there are A LOT of dumb users out there) I live in Southern MS. There are NO hills here. Matter of fact, the only hills over 30ft tall are few and far between (and most man made). I have seen many phone carriers, including At&t, and cingular that have HORRIBLE reception here, while I can cruise with perfect signal all the time. Fact is, I am on a coastline, so if you dont have towers down here to cover properly, or poor telco/transiever equiptment, then that's the only reason why you should have bad reception or dropped calls. Louisiana is even worse, and nope... no hills.

    I live right beside the Tower service power lines *ya know the big ass power lines that go from tower to tower* and my signal is always intact.

  7. heh, they wouldnt do anything different. They will just call us whackos just like we have called each other before. We can't do anything at this point. Everything in America is out of control of us. Has been for quite some time. Not enough government officials know what's best for us, just what's best for them.

    See seshan, I am venting alot right about now, and it's not aimed at you particularly. But there IS a major difference between the United States and say.. England for example. They are comfortable with the smaller cars. But the big difference is that they can pay for them. We can't because it will not be cheaper, it will be more expensive. Everything in America is more expensive when you think about the comfort level difference. Now I know that England uses less power, blah blah blah. Ever looked at the forecasts for England? It doesnt get very hot does it? 1/2 of the United states get's at least 90+ degrees F. each and every year. If we start restricting power consumption and things of that nature, many people will die of heat stroke. I will say that air conditioning has changed the human race. I feel it's the most powerful and life changing technology since power itself. And because of that, there are many people who since they have been in an air conditioned environment all their life, that their bodies cannot tolerate the heat.

  8. kinda like ours thinks we are terrorists

    I have nothing against europe.. Food's good there. Nice weather I heard.

    it's trading jobs and higher energy bills for a cleaner environment

    You hit the nail on the head, except for one thing... The environment will not be any cleaner than it is now, and it will never be. Even if it is, this will just turn into a spiral effect that the gov. and the environmentalists will shove down our throats until they find something else to make money on. Unfortunately this is the biggest money making pyramid scheme that has ever been dreamed up, so buckle up kiddies, your in for a real crappy ride for the rest of our lives.

    Oh that 22" flatpanel you bought last year.. yeaahh.. well you'll need to replace that one with this one that is 12" smaller and takes less electricity to use.. oh, and btw, that will be 3x what you paid for the previous one.

    Oh that car you barely bought for $6000 a couple years ago that get's 28mpg.. yeahh... well, you will need to trade that too for this hybrid that get's 45mpg.. oh, and btw, that will be around $30,000 with no options, but you need to get it quick since gas will be going up to $14 per gallon soon.

    Oh that 12mbps internet connection you have.. well the servers are sucking too much electricity, so in turn we are going to be making everyone go with virtualized servers and routers running @ half the power but unfortunately it's going to cost the telco/cable companies billions to implement.. so were going to cap your net connection to around 800 megs per month and charge you 2x what your paying now.

    Oh that house you bought and your striving to pay for? Well we are now requiring new insulating materials to be implemented to cut your power consumption, which will take around $5000 for very small houses and going up as the cubic feet increases, and btw, if you don't your insurance will be going up around $6000/year, and your power bill will be going up considerably as well..

    need any more examples?

  9. Hell my car is like a matchbox and so is my wallet.. Wanna know anything else?

    Bottom line I AM NOT paying till im homeless because poor dumb shit watched the previews to 2012 and Day after tomorrow. Wanna know why we Americans do not like this? Because it's not AMERICAN. The American way has always been to better ourselves, our lives, and our futures. This does NOT include paying politicians tons of money so they can make money on shit that they sell BACK to us for more than what it's worth.

    Not only is it just plain un-american, it's also against our rights. This is the government not only interfering with business, this is the government interfering with our lives.

    Bottom line... If I want to buy it, and I have the means to buy it then I will. The government should not be trying to stop me, weather I want a car that runs off of dust mite farts, or 1 mpg of gasoline. (though I do hate hummers, and people with super huge vehicles that they dont do shit with... but most of the time it's because they act like they are better because of the fact they have huge ass vehicles)

    The real point of this though is the fact of, we will have to pay for it.. I'll say that again. WE will have to pay for it. Not Chevy, Not Chrysler, Not Big corporates that have billions of dollars.. us.

    Now I am all for change and all for the better of us, our kids, etc.etc.etc. but we can accomplish this by competition in the market and buying power. Alot of people prefer foreign vehicles over American made ones. Why? because they LAST longer, and the TCO is cheaper, AND usually get compairable if not more gas mileage. Personally I dont give a damn if I drive a bus that runs on air, but with this bill, I'll be paying for the entire process from start to finish instead of a company that finally said 'ok.. we really need to figure out on our budget how to build this'

    Also, the whole power frenzy... WHY?! There is nothing wrong with using tons of power. Don't look at us, look at the power companies, and everybody that doesnt want nuclear power. The technology has been there for close to a century, has been perfected for the most part and is close to as clean as clean can get, but everybody doesnt want it because of what happened in chernobyl and long island. Screw ups. Thats what you have laws and restrictions for now that were not so tightly in place back then.

    If your living in America you know your power bill is way too high. And what's worse, is if you live in an old home or like me, a rental with a landlord that could care less if you have holes in the floor, your bill is in some months, up to 3x higher than it should be. I cant afford any other place to stay or else I would, and there are enough people out on the street. Why the hell would anyone be doing this besides for MORE MONEY?!

  10. Are there any sqeezing on the sides or bottom of the cases to install them in their own areas? I am thinking something is shorting (just not in a horrid way.. the pwr sup. catches it upon startup)..

    LOL! reminds me when I was a ghetto computer nerd (back in tha day... say 96-97). I had this board that WORKED but only if you put something in the middle of it to make it bow down cause it was CRACKED! hah! good times.

  11. cq50 you say.. wouldnt be a cq50-215nr would it? Mine runs hotter than moose piss but it never shut down as a result... I understand that the glass get's hot, but since it pulls are from a little distance away, this should not cause overheating at all... Did you have enough clearence between the laptop and glass? Your fan may be getting weak or something....

  12. I dont think the wap54g has enough flash memory to even run openwrt. It barely has enough to run dd-wrt, which you could run but I highly doubt you would have enough room left to install Jasager...

    BTW, Fons only cost around $20... You spend more on gas everyday.. (or a carton of cigarettes..)

  13. Call me cazy, but aren't molex to sata power adapters only a couple of bucks? It seems like it would be worthwhile to go that route rather than splicing connections.

    Heck, I have like 50 of them in my closet (it was all the craze when sata wasnt mainstream yet)

    Also.. you ever heard of newegg.com or tigerdirect.com??? If not, 1. your a fool, 2. CHECK IT OUT!

    (just kidding about the fool part)

  14. Any true geek would usually say the best OS would take the good bits from Windows, OSX, Linux, BSD, UNIX and Plan9 et al and remix them into something awesome.

    The thought of this idea as an operating system just made me soil myself...... (in a good way.. if there is one like this)

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