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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. So I was on youtube looking for videos of phreaknic 12 to see what to expect for when I go this year, and I saw a video that said "OMG! This girl is sooo hot!" under some of the search results.

    My logic was that search.Phreaknic_12+OMG! This girl is sooo hot!= A hot looking girl @ phreaknic 12... So also my male logic thought. YES, click it..... damn...

    if you dare, see this vid:

    Guess it could happen to anyone?

  2. speed.io.png


    i usually get 1meg uploads... I have no idea why it's like this right now... My plan is 6mb down, @ $45/mo.

    Strangely enough, I'm closer to New Orleans than Baton Rouge...

    This one I did for Lols~

    7300mi away at the speed of 1.94mbp/s :X


    @Keiyentai- I hate you.. nah, j/k. Damn fine connection you got going on there.

  3. Thanks man, I appreciate it! Yah the one with everybody in the sf2 stage took awhile.. and didnt turn out the way I wanted but I couldnt find a SF2 font and I just ended up getting lazy with it toward the end. TBH I just like to let the ep. go for a day or so so everybody will start posting the obligatory same picture/different caption thing, then watch and find a few shots that are interesting and just take it from there.

    I'm still learning alot about gimp. I have a few strategies that I use for alot of the pix I make but for the most part I just try to have fun. BTW, all graphics from the sf2 stage were shots taken from me in game for that photo. Damn I did'nt know how much multiple background movements there were in that game till I made that photo!

    I just try to keep the scene simple and pay attention to detail.

  4. I hear getting in a bath tub & submerging the dsl modem in water, while plugged in, helps. I can't be 100% sure, but you'll have to try it out & let me know how it goes.

    LAWL! yah! I wanna know how that goes too!.


    OOOH.. Super Guey Tastey Doublepostity!

  5. here ya go! I have been wanting to write this tutorial for a long time.

    HOW TO TURN ADSL INTO SDSL (and increase speed)

    Tools you will need: Phillips screw driver, flat head screw driver, wire splicers, weight scale, soldering kit, etc.

    How to:

    1. Open up your DSL modem.

    2. You should see a chip with the label siemen. This is your quickflash chip used to ensure the modem doesnt get tapped, so go ahead and start desoldering that chip. This may take awhile and you have to be very careful because of the connections being so close to the board... one wrong slip and it's toast.

    3. Once you have removed all the chips labeled siement, your going to need to rewire your phone cable to BoE spec for DSL (Boot over Ethernet). If your using bell wire, you should only have 4 wires. Red, green, black, and brown. Double up the Red and Black ONLY on the connections between the wall and the phone box. This is important. To make this magic happen, there has to be enough bandwidth and ohms on that side of the phone line or else it will not work. Next take the Red wire and disconnect it from the phone box, for it's now not needed and the phone company with catch you with the signal sent out of that wire.

    4. Go here and download this firmware (depends on your modem)

    5. Now here's the fun part! Take the weight scale (digital of course) and take it apart. Remember those chips we de-soldered earlier? We need to replace those. You may need two weight scales, depending on how many chips are in them, but what we are looking for exactly is this one chip that is used in the scale, coincidentally, it is the only chip in the scale. Put that chip from the scale into the modem. Solder them in place.

    6. Run the firmware upgrade...

    7. Connect and enjoy 30mbps up and down!


  6. Put BT3 (or BT4 depending on preference) on a USB and have fun WEP cracking. Windows fails at WEP cracking and all of the other fun wifi things you can do.

    He speaks the truth...

    BTW, is backtrack 4 out of beta yet? reason being, wifi didnt work out the box (you know how my luck has been with my atheros...) so fun.Factor= 0;

  7. here's my perspective.. If I DID connect to your access point, 1. how would you know, and 2. how would you know who I am? You would'nt. Not unless I'm sitting outside on your front lawn (which would be stupid)..

    Your making mountains out of molehills, you dont want anyone on your network, dont make it open. and FYI to everybody getting crazy over this, this is the reason why the American courts are crap, and innocent people get sued over BS all the time. That being said Also if I were going to get sued for something, I would make sure it was something worth getting sued over, which in turn means at least one person is going to the hospital... That's all I'm saying..

    Whiney baby idiots..

  8. While your at it, you could run two phone lines over one cable with cat6.

    This is true, however you would still have to do some jank wiring for the second line (though this would be great if both lines are going for multiple gang boxes of two different connections.)

    ... actually, you could do 3 different phone lines with it.

    Using cat6 for the phone cable is cheaper because you just buy more of the same rather then two different cables?

    Come to think of it you are completely right! you can run the cable in series even if you have 2 different lines and you can do it with just one cable! awesome...

  9. shouldnt be a problem running coax with cat cable, but if your worried about it, just use stp instead of utp. Also what is up with everyone using cat6e for the phone cable? i mean sure if you have a break in a wire 15 years down the road, it would be good because you could just change wires, but at the same time it's not going to actually give you any kind of edge because cat is designed to cancel out the signal between the wires if all the wires have a connection, not just two. Now if your wiring up for full PoE, then, yah, that would be awesome, but us usual joes just dont have the money for a home made pbx phone system + phones (well not TOO many of us anyways).

    Just my thought. I used standard bell wire to replace my bad wires a while ago, and i'm getting a great connection *though as a thought... im in a rental, so I would never see any positives in it later on down the road)

    **BTW** the standard for computer to switch, switch to switch, and computer to hub IS T568B To T568B (straight through)

    The standard for computer to computer, Router to Router, Computer to Router (big routers anyway) is T568A To T568B

  10. 0X!% FTW! wow.. Now I cant wait to get home and try it out (hopefully it will work better on vista!)

    been having problems with it in linux too.... maybe it's my hardware? but I mean.. Far Cry 2 and Burnout Paradise works perfectly?!

  11. Just downloaded the CTF version of Sauerbraten ... I must say... MUCH improved !! The game still locked up on me when I changed the resolution settings,.. but hey its NOT perfect. I actually like the floaty acceleration feel, everything kinda "flows" when your playing.

    Hey Hexskrew, any particular server you generally play on ??

    Well, Havent been on for awhile (been playing Burnout Paradise and Far Cry 2 w00t!) but when I am on, it's always the major 2 instagib servers (the only ones with people in them anywayz :P)

    sry took me so long to send back on that.

  12. w3schools even though yes, there is a whole TON of depricated codes on the site, at least it will tell you it is, and you cant beat the error finder they have. Saved my butt a few times.

  13. No, your ISP will only give you one IP address (probably). You need a NAT router. I'd recommend a WRT54G.

    Actually that depends on your modem. My oldschool westell wirespeed dsl modem from 5 years ago has a dhcp server built in good for however many ips you want. Check that your modem has a dhcp server built in. However I will say you might as well just buy a WRT54G so you have WiFi..

    Just make sure if you do go the router route(heh. pun wasnt intended) then make sure you know how to set the modem and router so that the modem just sends everything to the router and then the router takes care of everything else (i.e. sign in, public IP address, and etc.). This keeps performance going. If you don't do this and you have the router on your network, then basicly you get double routing(if your modem has a dhcp built in), double nat'ing, double firewalling, and it just ends up really putting a knock in performance. Plus if you let the router do everything for you then you get alot of cool features :D

  14. www.thehouseofgames.net great place for old abandonware.

    BTW @Geeek - OutRun was on ALOT of consoles but back in the day it was best on the Sega Master System which I always wanted... Got to play it for like a week back in the 90's though.

    BBTW! my fav racing game back in the day: Virtua Racing -Arcade Version.. Which was very technologically advanced for it's time and included many things that spawned into later racing games and games in general.

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