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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. heh, this is pretty funny. Not like what you see on TV here. Usually when there is a shooting they grab the dumbest person they can find, influence them a little of what to say and then they look like they were shot themselves..


  2. I agree with stingwray and some others...

    This is basically an Acer Aspire One w/o a screen but with a DVI out, and at least you cold take that with you to watch movies (btw, the aspire one does play sd dvd video mighty well) and well.. the AO's have dual core procs as well... and you can usually find them for cheaper than this box... hands down.. this would be a great server for other things but not a media center.

  3. I'll side with the both of you. I have despised HP printers for a LOOOOONNNG ass time. It's all Lexmark for me baby! (and with my wireless printer all you have to do is connect to it wirelessly to set it up.. the only unfortunate part is the drivers you have to install manually on ea. compy, and no linux love from lexmark.. they'll come around)

    BTW! if I can just get the pix off my phone, I got some pretty sweet campus server room pix. Wasnt supposed to take them, but they have no idea who I am

  4. While I really don't think that Microsoft will F this one up (They can't afford to. Not with linux and mac on their asses now) I think it's all going to come down to what kind of a price tag they put on it. And I know I'm for damn sure not going to pay $1000 or even $300 for an O.S.

    If they bring it out for $150, I'll be the first in line to pay for it. If not, viva linux.

  5. Hey moonlit, that was pretty awesome man, I listened to all the tracks the other night, and I am quite impressed. I have FLStudio, and I have been tinkering here and there for greater of a year or so, and I have yet to come up with one quality track.

    Let me ask you, what is your process (mentally) when making these tracks? Cause my issue is that I will start making a few elements for a track, usually with some oscillators and a pad, go to add some beats, and then my brain goes spastic. It's just hard for me to keep a track simple. I'm always wanting to add so much more, and then when I cant incorporate some beats cause they are too hard to keep track with everything else, basicly I just save the track, exit the program, and then I never go back to it.

  6. 512KB on-die Cache - wow..

    Imho ya you are pushing it there. I would come down to $150.

    Here's what I paid $350 for: 1.9ghz dual core amd/2gig's ram(upgrdble to 4), 160gig SATA3 hdd, nv 8200m (plays farcry @full settings perfect). 17" screen.

    You just have to remember the extra peripherals dont help depreciation.

    So in a nutshell, when you take away the peripherals, here's what you have:

    A slow singlecore proc, VERY limited hdd, an outdated videocard, and a few fun extras.

    Not trying to be mean at all when I say this but that is just how the market is my friend.

    Ya know, you don't have to sell it though! Get an external hdd for more storage, and with the remote it would make a great little media center pc!

  7. Well Vako I will tell you this: Do you know if this X-box is one that is prone to the red rings? If it is, there is a PROPER way to fix it but unfortunately... Microsoft has a sensor somewhere in the case that will make it phone home and ultimately will ban itself (the console itself) from xbox live.

    Basically the whole issue with the red rings isnt firmware issues or anything of that nature, it's overheating due to two things: 1. lack of proper contact/pressure of the heatsink on the processor, and 2. improper air duct routing. These two things are fixed quick with some tightening of the heatsink screws *me thinks you will need shims too.. cant remember* and some cardboard cut to make the air flow in the proper direction...

    It's unfortunate you have to pay $100 more for just that....*i.e. the black version* and no I wouldnt buy it. I paid $100 for a 1t hdd, not going to pay that for a 20gig heh.

    here's the tut if your interested: Fix the Red Ring of Death!(without towels!)

  8. Hello everyone! Well I must say at least I am honest about the topic of this thread. I wanted to tell you about a new webzine/blog site called GeekDeck, created by Pete Savage who is a seasoned veteran of the FOSS community and an active participant in the linux community.

    The webzine is about his thoughts and rants, which sure we could all rant about something (hell no im not contributing.. the spelling nazis would take me away!) but from the IT guy/programmer perspective. I have read it and it's pretty good stuff. check it out. I am not getting a dime out of this btw. :P

    Here's the site. Give your comments: GeekDeck

    BTW, here is the article he wrote that I am hooked on:

    Industry : Time is an illusion

  9. Do you always use the full syntax or was that just for making the tutorial ease to follow?

    In any case thanks again for the refresher on some the stuff and I learned a couple of handy things. XD

    thanks man. Yes I only used full syntax for making it easier to follow.

    here's a short idea of how it looks when i really do it


    conf t


    ro ri


    sho ip ro

    no ip domain-lo

    mo ba &

    cop r s

    era s


    hell i have to think about it when trying to remember the full syntax... but you really do need to know the full syntax, because it depends on what ver. of IOS your using depends on how short the syntax can be.

  10. well, it depends on what cisco class your taking. there's ccna discovery and ccna exploration. They both are considered to end up being with the same knowledge, but exploration is WAY harder than discovery (and guess which one im in...) but the upside is that it makes you learn more.

    shonen, you kno i got lots of material on cisco if you need

    phuk it... time for a tutorial.

    User Exec mode: basicly the lowest administrative mode you can use on a cisco router. Actually it's not administrative at all. All you can execute is things such as ping, show (tell ya more about that in a minute) and look at different things.

    Here is the Example of a user exec prompt:


    Privileged Exec Mode: This mode is where you can do things like look at the routing table and topology tables, etc. and issue debug commands, reload the router or erase the firmware, startup-config, or running-config.

    Example of Privileged exec mode prompt:


    Global Config mode: This is the big daddy. If you are in this mode, it either means your the executive administrator at your place of work, or this is your own cisco router you bought second hand... either that or your pulling something pretty illegal :P You can enable, or disable routing protocols in this mode, setup ip addresses for interfaces, setup static routes, the whole bit.

    Example of global config mode:


    Some commands to ponder:

    user exec mode... havent used anything in user exec exect exit (to log off the router), and enable (to log into privileged exec mode)

    privileged exec mode:

    show ip interface -this will give you full info on what interfaces are doing, weather they are up (enabled) or down (disabled),what protocols they are using, and what their ip addresses are. also if you add brief to the end it will give you an easy to read summary.

    copy -this command is used primarily to do things such as copy your running-config to the startup-config so you dont loose your settings when you restart your router/switch.

    ex: copy running-config startup-config

    debug - this is an awesome command that will tell you what is going on in certain things in the router.

    Ex: debug ip rip -shows in real time what routing table updates are coming in and going through the interfaces setup with rip.

    erase -this is used... well you know... to erase stuff...

    ex: erase startup-config -erases your startup-config from flash. Fun to do on your neighbors router when he isnt looking :P (dont forget to turn the router off and turn it back on real quick!)

    Global config commands:

    interface -in any ccna class you'll be using this constantly. This basicly puts you in the prompt to setup any interfaces on the router

    ex: interface serial 0/0/0 -puts you in serial interface prompt. From here you can give an ip address to the interface, give the interface a description, and other fun stuff.

    line -use this to configure vitrual terminal lines, or the regular console line (the terminal plug on the router)

    ex. line console 0 (this puts you in config mode for the terminal plug on the router)

    ex. line vty 0 4 (this puts you in config mode for the virtual terminal lines, and it will set all properties for lines 0 through 4.. alternately, it depends on what router your working on as to how many lines the router actually has)

    ip -this command does tons of stuff.

    ex: ip route s0/0/0 -this command sets up a static default route, where if there are no network matches in the routing table, then it gets sent out serial interface 0/0/0)

    router -used to do things such as configure a protocol

    ex. router rip -puts you in the prompt to setup the rip protocol on a given network directly connected to the router.

    banner motd & -lets you set a banner when someone tries to initially login to the router. you type what you want, then type the & and press enter to exit the banner setup.

    Example of setting up a router...

    A quick and dirty example of what you will do most of the time when setting up a router:

    Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no

    Press RETURN to get started!


    Router#conf term

    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

    Router(config)#no ip domain-lookup

    Router(config)#line console 0

    Router(config)#enable secret class

    Router(config-line)#password cisco


    Router(config-line)#logging synchronous


    Router(config)#line vty 0 4

    Router(config-line)#password cisco



    Router(config)#banner motd &

    Enter TEXT message. End with the character '&'.





    Router(config)#int s0/0/0

    Router(config-if)#ip address

    Router(config-if)#clock rate 64000

    Router(config-if)#no shutdown

    %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial0/0/0, changed state to up


    Router(config)#router rip

    Router(config-router)#ver 2




    %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

    Router(config)#ip route fa0/0


    %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

    Router#sho ip route

    Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP

    D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area

    N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2

    E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP

    i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area

    * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR

    P - periodic downloaded static route

    Gateway of last resort is not set

    Router#copy run start

  11. not gonna lie, i think it's filled with script-kiddies... either that or people that do absolutely nothing BUT play this game. Im not trying to be a sore looser but when you can shoot through walls but I cant? cmon. bullshit.

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