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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. yah, I feel this is the best way too. I have heard of people just mind f*(ing the books over the weekend and passing the written but unless you actually KNOW what your doing then your going to get nowhere fast. I cant wait till this coming semester. Were getting into switching (BLAH WITH ROUTING!!). I know my shiz man, and everybody between the two classes gets pissed at me everytime we have a hands on test, cause I get it done right the first time, usually in about 25minutes give or take, and they take 2 hrs if not having to wait till the next day to finish it..

    BTW, anybody ever need any help, I'll be more than happy to lend a hand (as long as it's not in ccna 3 or 4 atm)

    TBH after I am a CCNA for a few years I want to study up for the CCNP.

    And I'll tell you like this... In the CCNA courses, your gonna get pissed, because everytime you see something mentioned that looks interesting and useful, it says "We will not focus on this subject in this curriculum. This subject is studied more in depth in the CCNP courses"

    Boatload of crap...

  2. well just glanced over the wiki for semantic web... I dunno, sounds nice but it just sounds like a fancy QOS system w/ a search function :P

    They have talked about shit like this for eons, I highly doubt it will be active (or rather usable) anytime in the near future.

  3. My thoughts are just to know all your shiz and do it right the first time, just try to know more than you are supposed to.

    BTW, what you will need for equiptment if you are going it alone:

    at least one 2621xm w/ (correct me if Im wrong on this) 64mb/128mb (ram and flash)

    at least one 2610 w/ 16/32

    at least one good catalyst switch.

    you also need @ least one rollover cable (rj45 to serial.. dont buy a random cable!! make sure it's for cisco routers!!) Usually when you buy even kicked around routers they come with these, but if not make sure you either buy one, or DIY it (just make sure the schematics are right. I have the proper one if you need).

    at least 10 cat5 patch cables *just buy a box of cat5 and rj45 terminators and the crimp tool.. you need to learn how to do it yourself anyway*

    BONUS: want a nice rack that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside like you have your own personal 'command center'? check this out: http://www.ciscokits.com/cisco-rack-stand/ 12U, $30, what's not to like???

    I have calculated (through deals on ebay) that I could get away with it for around $400. Your mileage will surely vary.

    BTW, I couldnt do it on my own.. That's why I am in college. but unfortunately I only have 4 classes left (ccna 3 and 4, and win. server 2, and security class) but have one year until I finish... yeah... 2 classes a semester... BLOWS!

  4. hey, as soon as I get home I'll hook you up with some stuff. be online @ 10pm CST!

    I have been in CCNA classes (along with regular college classes) for awhile and I am about to be going into CCNA 3.

    I have a few resources that could/would be of great help to you.

  5. Sounds like you have a poor grade pwr supply trying to run what it cannot run.

    Well actually before we get into that it could be a myriad of things. Give us more info.

    What specs are your computer? (CPU, MEMORY, MOTHERBOARD, POWER SUPPLY and VIDEOCARD mainly)

    What kernel do you have (you can find out by looking at the boot screen when first starting up your computer. you will see something along the lines of 2.6.x.x.x write down that number and post.

    If it is a store bought computer (and you have not uninstalled or installed any hardware) then just post the make, model, and serial no.

    Hate to ask this, but have you tried, or does this happen while playing a game in windows?

    Remember (and I am not preaching) the best thing to do is give us the full Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How so that we can better figure out what might be happening. It could be almost anything, and I could suggest where to start looking, but it may be a wild goose chase until we know the details.

  6. eh.. I dunno, I mean mainstream wise, yeah, MIDs are the future... No, better yet it's NOW but I highly doubt that desktop os's are dead, I mean really for the point of there are too many at least half ass savvy people out there that do more than 'surf the web'.

    Now if we pull the cloud computing ouija board out then yes, no contest that the desktop is dead... But it's still something that will have to wait for the speed of the global internet to catch up on.

    Here's how I feel about it, the closer we get to 100% MIDs ruling the world the closer we get to cloud computing. Now I don't know about any of you but the very thought of this makes my stomach churn. Why you ask? Cause someone has to pay for it. And I am sorry, but I pay to play for my phone, internet, satellite tv, car, living, etc... and you do pay when you turn on your PC but it's the trivial price of the power that it takes to run it. If I want to make something in the Gimp, or scan some photos, or insert something here, then I am not paying for anything but what it takes to run the device. No service fees.

    Microsoft has kicked around the idea of pay to play for Windows for quite some time. They have not said anything (that I know of) about cloud computing but the basic principle is easy to put together. Windows Online all the time 100% stable (but for a 'nominal' fee of course).

    Anyone else smelling sulfer?

  7. I'll admit that this is pretty sweet. specially when you want to check something like compiz, or see if we can start working out those bugs with nvidia drivers and flash (as I also have this problem.. and sick and tired of waiting for either nvidia or macromedia to jump on the damn issue..)

    Whoa! Just thought of something that made my head spin....


    MULTIPLE VIRTUAL Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games... How much longer can you make it?

  8. Dunno why, but this just reminded me of when I first installed Mandrake 6... It would install programs @ random each time you reinstalled it, and I had no unearthly idea of how to install software with it, so it was like christmas every time I reinstalled... until I got sick and tired of it not doing something I wanted it to do so then I re-installed it.

    Truthfully, A LOT of things are easier to install in linux than windows. (have no idea about mac <-unknown) But there are so many other programs out there that you have to install in cli that make it hard, or better yet, things like flash that do not work specifically because of the hardware you have.

    IE.. like me. AMD+NVIDIA+LINUX+FLASH= FAIL! I have yet to find a version that works properly.... :(''''''' damn you adobe...

    If it was not for flash and the amount of flash related content (just like on the fly watching hak5) then linux would be my mainstay.

  9. This could possibly have been one of those things where Jim grabbed Roger to the side and whispered in his ear, and then he wispered into Patrick's ear @ the last second.

    I do wish they would have done at least one best-of ep.

  10. I'll admit that I loved the broken, but it was all for laughs anyway. I feel that Hak5 was probably ONE of the major reasons for Systm going downscale, because honestly, hak5 covers WAAAYYY more than Systm does, but not with the minor details, which is great to have, but also fun to just do yourself (because it is.... DIY?!)

    I am just glad that Patrick still has a job.. ya know it's funny. I remember the first time I saw him was on The ScreenSavers, and I was pissed cause I did'nt want Kate Botello to leave the show. Lol, to think back.

    I do think the whole HD show thing sounds good.. but how long will that last? I mean. There is only so much you can do on that, and only so much about it that people do NOT know. I wish they just had a consumer review show personally.

  11. btw, for future use, if you know he is coming over:

    (may be different depending on what ver of windows your using.)






    ***Make SURE you dont have a USB keyboard or mouse before attempting this***

    as this will make your keyboard and mouse unusable (even after a restart)

    You can also just turn off the front usb ports this way you just have to figure out which ones are which

  12. @ Vako - I have not delved into powershell yet, but I do have it on a sticky note for the future.

    - I do feel that linux is more stable than windows, but at the same time it depends on what drivers your using and what hardware you have. My personal experiance is as long as you have it set up properly and you don't mess with the drivers or settings afterwards, linux is rock solid. For Windows I will have to admit that I have never had any real issues out of Vista, and even though I had some pretty raw issues with 7 beta 1, I am running 7 RC exclusively on my desktop and have found it to be almost perfection.

    - I know Windows does not cost much if you join MSDN, but it's all the poor souls that do not know about MSDN that makes me feel Microsoft is still shafting people (they do not actually advertise that ya know, and hell, until I joined this forum, I had no idea of it. I thought MSDN was just for programming and developer content.) @ the same time yes you can still buy a Windows OS on the cheap via oem from newegg, but when it is still $175 for Vista Ultimate, then that is lame because its all marketing hype that MS uses. I mean let's face it, it was never really about stability. Many many people hailed 98 to be awesome, and even ME, until you had to pay crazy prices for it.

    OSX is not BSD, it is based on the Mach kernel, and has some BSD userland. It is a *hugely* different OS.

    ... well then would you kindly send a mass memo to all the Mac fanboys out there. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard "IT'S NOT LINUX IT'S BSD!!!" hell, heard it so many times I even bought into it. :P

    Truthfully I do believe in a few ways that Mac does catch a lot of the undeserved flak, but we all know it's because of the tons of Mac users that just says "Mac is better than PC". Ya know that makes me think... Never really dealt with that issue till the commercials came out. Hm....

    Also I feel that these same ignorant people that think that Mac is better than whoever made sliced bread is only saying it because they paid more for it.. Probably the same people that sit on the side of the road with their lip poked out waiting for a tow truck because they think they are better cause they paid 10x more for their broke down Land Rover while someone like us is happily driving around in a cheap Toyota (or insert ANY other vehicle brand here).

    *btw that was not trying to link Apple to Land Rover, just using it as a synonym for stupid people who think JUST because they paid more for it that they are better*

  13. OK OK OK! Now mind you I'm usually NOT the one to ref one of these threads, but I must step in.

    This is all full of fail and you all know it. Why? You speak of the same thing as if this was a bhuddist, an atheist, and a catholic fighting on a forum over which religion is better..

    It's what is better for you.

    Here's a Little Diagram for you.

    Ease of use(for the average user):
    Ease of use (for folks like us for daily use):
    Price Point (not with hardware prices involved):
    Price Point (with hardware prices involved):

    You want a quick cheap out of the box experience with shelf hardware? Go with Microsoft

    Want a quick cheap and stable environment with shelf hardware and don't mind going the extra mile to learn? Go with Linux

    Want a quick stable environment and you don't mind spending some extra for the whole package? Go with Apple.

    My only argument is this: No I do not think that Apple does not deserve ANY thanks for the Linux desktop. Actually you could probably thank Microsoft for it, and I say that for a couple of strong reasons:

    1. Linux has mucho more traits you could tie in with the Windows desktop than any of the Mac desktops (as far as UI, if your looking at CLI, they both of course go back to Unix. Neither really changed that much with it)

    2. Microsoft, with their price points on the windows system, has led many to check out the Linux desktop so that they can have a cheaper (and yet of course free) desktop while maintaining the flexibility and low TCO of IBM compatible hardware

    3. Because Linux was a free made version of Unix while BSD is an actual Unix environment.

    And my one argument for any of the MS folks who think Microsoft was the real pioneer?

    *Unix command line was around WAAAYYY before Dos was even thought of by the poor shmuck that sold the system to Bill..*

  14. First and foremost I would go into imminent lock-down mode (cxcl all credit cards and bank cards used on pc, change or remove all paypal, online banking, and email account passwords/or accounts, yank the nic cord (or disconnect from wifi immediately upon doing that, backup your data, reformat, then reload, and for god sakes, when he is around, SHUT DOWN the computer and take the damn power cord with you...

    oh yeah, and put a bios password in place.

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