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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. there are many MANY options for education for the CCNA, but the classes (or at least the books) are the only sure fire way that you know you have all the PROPER resources and answers available to you. There are ALOT of unreliable resources out there that you do not want to use, because you dont want to fail not because you just didnt know but because insertccnacertsitehere.com was setup by idiots that didnt actually know what they were talking about when they made it.

    It is best to go from multiple angles on the studying though from different sources if what is in the book does not make sense to you but just make sure after you know what something is, that the book lines up kosher with it, or else it's false information.

  2. good call pritchardo. TBH, I don't have too much love for the command line because of how frustrating it can be to try to learn half the stuff it does without a college professor explaining it in detail (because for a TON of stuff, just doing a man <insert cli command here> doesnt do jack but confuse me.)

    Now I do have love for the GUI and Distros in general. I have to say that the reason for this is I was a quick adopter to Win 3.1 and then 95, So to me Gui is a step foreward, not backward. I just wish people would put more into the Gui of their programs in linux, or rather, everybody needs to come together and think of a standard. Let the big differences in distros be what's under the hood and what it's made for, not for how many places you can find firefox, but nowhere in site to manage users, or vice versa for the next distro. We need that to just depend on which Window manager your using.

  3. well, yeah, you are right but instead of them creating the hardware, they have intel or whichever other company custom craft it for them, and then they structure the existing O.S. archetecture around that hardware. That's the only real reason why OSX is superior to everything in stability anyways (though I'm sure there are certain criteria that Apple provides to intel or whoever to ensure it's Apple proprietary er something..)

  4. Well at this point the only other thing that I would really suggest, unless you would want to just use it for parts or for making a junk server, is just to try another wall plug (yes it has happened before).. other than that, sounds like you need a new system cheif...

    And there is NO better way to spend $1100 than this:

    Asus Core i7 Barebones Kit

    Here's teh specs:

    NZXT Tempest Black ATX Mid Tower Case

    Asus P6T LGA 1366 Motherboard

    Intel Core i7 920 Processor BX80601920

    2 Sets of Corsair XMS3 Tri Channel 6GB PC12800 DDR3 Memory

    Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 1.5TB Hard Drive

    Corsair TX750W 750-Watt Power Supply

    Throw about $200 for an ASUS made GTX 260 from newegg, and you got one hell of a system for $1300!

    The only thing I do not agree with on this kit is the seagate hdds (I have a personal beef with them though.. I dont like them and they dont like me.)

    Wish the kit came with WD Black 1tb drive... Then it would be solid.

  5. I hate to say it (and yes you can shudder) but I absolutely HATE using vi and/or emacs, or any other linux cli text editor.. Why? Because they are all different in their own different ways with different shortcuts, different this, and different that, and call me old in my ways but to me NOTHING beats the cli notepad from old dos days past....

  6. It would be rather neat to see where cloud can go, and the extent of how far. Truthfully this is easily feasable for anything that does not require streaming. A fullscreen flash client/server model that is used to render the desktop and apps. This would be wonderful for things like corporations mind you, where you can have your proprietary O.S. that you can administer on the fly from one central location that uses lower overhead, so you would basically have dumb terminals that just needs the fullscreen flash client, but... at the same time, you can just implement Sun O.S. with the sun terminals and you have the same solution.. Vako wasnt it you that was researching that?

    But as a home system this would be a horrible thing for many reasons.

  7. Yeah, it blew my mind when I heard about both of them. While I have to say I of course did not personally approve of Mike's outlook on life, You have to admit he was a pioneer in the music he made.

    But ya know, I really dont remember what farrah was in...

  8. First off dont buy an HP laptop. I work on more HP laptops than any other brand and most of the time something has went bad on the motherboard, the hard drive dies, or the power supply goes bad

    Really? I have had the exact same issues with Dell and Toshiba laptops lately...

    You have to remember, laptops are now much like desktops. Same hardware, different brand. It's all on support.

    Compaq seems to do extremely well (yes I know it's hp), as long as you immediately reload after you buy it to score off all the shovelware..

    I have a compaq cq50-215nr. Super cheap laptop, AMD X2 QL-60 running @ 1.9ghz/core, 2gig's of ram upgradable to 4, and a 160gig hdd. It got SLAMMED by every review outlet out there, but seemingly NONE of them decided "hey, let's slick it off and see what happens?" Now I will give them this, with the 5 different DVD creation/playing suites that came on it, the mass memory crapper that is the HP support system, and god knows what the hell else was on it from the shelf yes, it ran like shit. It took 45 minutes on first boot out of the box, ran like crap, and you couldnt see the forest for the trees, but with a fresh install of vista? I can play Far Cry 1 @ maxed settings with a framerate of around 55fps. With the Nvidia 8200m g video card in it, it's a laptop that can beat the everloving shit out of some of the older high end video cards out there without paying $4000 for it. Here are the only downsides - Laptop get's HOT in your lap(yes I put it in my lap. Hey if I cant have kids that makes me happy..) and battery life. 2 hrs on a 6 cell isn't what I would call great for any laptop, but for about $350 for a full scale laptop.. You can use the extra money to buy the 12 cell.

    It has ran perfectly from day one. I have used it exclusively for running VM's (particularly for Windows Server 03 class, which also requires 2 XP vm's running with it @ once) with no noticable lag. It get's a 3.6 base score in windwos (due to the graphics subscore for Aero, which is completely misleading, since that gaming graphics subscore is 4.3, which truthfully is the smallest subscore by far with the rest of the system.

    Here's a breakdown of the score:

    Proc: 4.8

    Memory: 5.5

    Graphics: 3.6

    Gaming Graphics: 4.3

    HDD: 5.2

    now would I use it for my enterprising laptop that holds the key to multiple million dollars worth of information?... no. But then I would not use a laptop at all for that. I would use a desktop. Would I trust it for extended business affairs that require stability and usability on the road and around town with the use of an open wall plug here and there. Yes I would.

  9. oh yeah, semprons you can buy like candy *and for just as cheap*

    One time there was a guy I knew that built his own system, but he couldnt get it to power on, it was basically the same issue that the OP has, but this was a brand new build. It was an AMD based system, but it would only beep that the processor was dammaged, so even though the first thought was the proc was dammaged, I decided to check the issue. 1. no thermal compound, so we put some on, and then it booted but could not get to anything but the bios. I kept asking if it was the right heatsink he had (I have always been into monster sized heatsinks, and he had a tiny little one he bought separate from the proc). He said yeah, so I didnt question it.

    After a week he came back and told me he found out the heatsink was for intel systems and OLD AMD's... Computer still works like a charm to this day.

    ~AMD says burn baby burn~

    I'm starting to really wonder about AMD though. I have always liked them for the price to value ratio, and I have always had great results from them, even with gaming. I have talked to people that have the phenom X2 quads and they said they love it, and that the price point vs. noticable performance difference greatly outweighs buying a corei7. I have seen the benchmarks and blahblahblah, but at the same time, I wonder how it is in real life side by side.

    I mean yah, you could run a webserver/photoshop/ 3 instances of a vm/and play a game on a core i7, but... even though some of us do that, not too many, including myself because I like having just a few programs open at a time. I believe in conservation and simplicity in my own desktop for the point of productivity (which is probably just because i'm gettin a lil' old in my ways) but at the end of the day, if you have only a few programs open and wanna play FarCry2, it's the video card that really makes the difference...

    @the same rate though now, it seems AMD has little going for it since the i7 boards are going down in price, and it kinda pissed me off that AMD thought "hey I know what will make us competitive, lets take the phenom x1's with the 2 bad cores, and rebrand them into overclocked Athlons"... They could have just worked on bringing back the Athlon name as a flagship, not a crapchip that my old Athlon X2 5600+ could outdo. (and mine is a REAL athlon).

  10. Everybody I know in the southern and central U.S. hates AT&T. Their plans are crap and their service is crap. Alot of you that get good service, that's probably because your in very big cities or very close to them, so AT&T gives all new updates and fixes to your areas first.

    @ the same time though, Boost mobile seems to get excellent service from everyone I know that has them.

  11. IMHO, before anything reseat and take out ea. ram chip. they can throw those codes you speak of.

    Let me ask you this: is it beeping? if not, then try just taking all the memory out, and if it starts beeping then that is the issue.

    *BTW* you HAVE to have thermal compound of some kind on the processor. I suggest Arctic silver, it's tried, true, cheap, and been around for years and years and just works. The reason for needing thermal compund is because even though the chip and heatsink both have flat surfaces, there are usually imperfections in both in the flatness that make it not spot on flat (were talking less than 1/2 mm here), and thus will not transfer the heat properly. Thermal compound is the bridge used in this gap, and the higher grade you use the more efficient it is for the transfer of heat.

    That is another issue that could be the problem. Take the heatsink off and check the compound. If it's all dried up and chips off, chances are that the cpu is overheating instantly and is making the computer lockup as soon as it boots up.

  12. ... mr Manuel_l while you do have an opinion, that is just plain rude.. besides she's the primary hak5 crew, not one of us blokes.

    *why the hell am i now talking in england style english?!*

  13. TBH, I have Cellular South which probably most of you have not heard of. They are not the cheapest (but close) on cell plans, but they have near perfect service. The only downfall is you have to have phones bought through them (their phones are setup pre-firmware from manufacturer. You cant even use smart cards in them unless you get it unlocked by a local store. )

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