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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. I have to say I could bet that (at least in linux) it could probably be done in one line in the cli.

    here's an example of what I think it would probably look like

    vlc output | tightvnc display0

    Reason why I say this is cause I know you can UBER easily do something like this with serial connections (run linux w/out a video card installed in a tiny machine, and pipe output of the virtual 'video card' to the serial connection there by having access to the cli/gui without having to run a vlc like or ssh server.)

    This tutorial seems like something you could use to create what you need:


    Not exactly what your looking for but ill bet if you read up on vlc and basically just substitute whatever the output is supposed to be in this article with vlc's output, ill bet it would be exactly what your looking for. :D

  2. Hell, it's a great service. I'm sure it will be within your reach in the next year or two..


    I watched a hell of a cool documentary the other night!

    If your a linux head, and wanna learn up on some Linus/Gnu history, I HIGHLY recommend Revolution OS

    It's mainly about Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman and how Linux really came together. (btw, something just tells me Linux and Richard don't get along too well :P)

    btw... just dont listen to the band at the end.. no REALLY... dont do it.

  3. well....

    Movies - I just wait for on netflix.. I can't stand cam-rips...

    Software - I am in the MSDN account from college. I can get anything I want as long as it's

    the business edition (except office)

    Last game I bought that I downloaded off the i-net was Trackmania United... you get 3(three) chances to install.. After that, too bad too sad. Pissed me off really hard. TBH, I would love to pirate that game just for the shit of it because I did pay hard earned money ($54 TBE) to get the right ass cheek. (2 times hdd crashed, and one of those two, I hadnt even played it yet. Got a new hdd, installed, system got a bad case of xp crapping out, reinstall, oops fuck you for playing, please pay again.)

    I'll be honest with you, I don't like pirating really.

    I like steam though. That is a great system. I can still download Half Life 1/pack if I wanted just cause I had it originally.

    Other stuff, I just use open source cause it's just as good and great at getting the job done:

    CDBurnerXP- Awesome and easy to use cd/dvd/iso burning app. I suggest if you never used it, go get it! (Works with ALL versions of windows > 95!)

    Magic ISO's Magic Disk- Great ISO mount system. Also you can create ISOs with this program.

    The GiMP - Self explanitory.. Unless your a professional (like a l337 pro) just use the gimp... Honestly..

    Open Office - Hell whole buisnesses use it. I spoofed ALL of my college professors with it (i.e. read any syllabus 'MUST USE MICROSOFT WORD!'.. Makes me wonder if Microsoft Pays them to say that....)

    Even games around 90% of the time if I play, it's a freeware game. My fav? Sauerbraten

    So in short, I dont pirate...

  4. Thanks dr0p! :D I know it's a pretty well noob issue. I just couldnt figure out what was going wrong.

    The main issues I have is when trying to install something new. For the most part it works, just getting the full desktop stuff to get it looking good, it usually gets about half way through downloading, and then something is missing from the repos.

    TBH, I went back in to find the exact errors but I forgot what app I was trying to install.. But that just goes to show even after all these years, I am getting A LOT more informed about linux, but im still just a grasshopper! :)

  5. hope your not looking for any monitor mode functions, as the only usb dongle based wifi card that works with that is the cace airpcap card (uber expensive)

    BUT I did find this little nice thing when I was rooting though newegg!!



    This would be a great tool for anyone with a newer laptop (like me) that needs either a fully supported monitor mode network card or a wireless N card that does not have a pcmcia/express card slot.

    anyone here know if it works well with linux?

  6. Hello there! Just your average frustrated linux user here, to convey my aggrivation with a specific linux distro....

    Arch Linux...

    Ok, so here is my beef. No matter what way I install it, it seems to screw up in the repo updates or something because everytime I try to install openbox, it will install, but when I try to add anything else (besides lxpanel) pacman cant find it. Yes I did a pacman -SU, and a pacman -Sy, etc.etc. on down the line..

    Now I am using Virtual Box to test, as when I get finished with it (if I EVER do) I will export to usb, and install on my laptop.

    The reason why I am doing this, is for one, to learn the full ins and outs of linux, but two, to create my own Super Fast, Fast booting, packet capturing distro.. Yes I know I can use backtrack, but I wanna do it with even faster results... (+ I have yet to get it to work with my atheros 5007k card)

  7. Well, one final point that I think we can all agree with. If simulations got to the point of 'simulating' all the senses... think about it. No one wants to go from their comfortable couch in a house that smells decent, to a rotten smelling, rat infested place to run around killing people cause people do not feel like doing that. I mean that physically. I mean think about it. yeah it's great in a game to run around in a car looking for people to kill, but for me...

    I believe once it get's to that point, we will all just be screwing simulated women.... Hell would'nt you?

    Actually I think that there is a little truth to the idea that the violent game's niche will take a turn, because you could do SOOO much more if you were in a simulation. I believe it would turn to a niche market personally because you could do so much more than being a mass murderer.

    I'm not going to lie.. here is what I would do... Tour the country.. screw... go sailing/skiing/climb mountains/maybe even play basketball (hah! if there is a handicap involved anyway :P) oh yeah and screw some more :D

  8. damn japan... first it was canada, now JAPAN!!! (sry, just joking)..

    Wow, i didnt know there were actual 'rape games' that is scary.

    Hey john, so what game did you buy @ gamestop today? Oh I bought Teens in skirts with knives at their throats... What?!

  9. $49 for a year subscription ON SALE?! (For Hackin9) Sorry, I don't pay over $30 for magazine subscriptions..

    This is also why I am not subscribed to Linux magazine.

    Now $26 for a yearly subscription to 2600, now that doesnt seem so bad, even though it's a quarterly mag, surely it's jam packed with good stuff.

  10. VaKo is right. That mixed with pure stupidity, is the reason why shit like this happens.

    I work for a Casino. I see money/credit cards (big and small limits), personal info, etc. all the time.

    There is a huge rule about laptops at my place of work.

    *you dont bring one in, and you dont take one out*

    Seems my place of work is tighter than the military...

  11. Ya know, I am the person who is always on the gamer side of the fence, telling everyone nothing should be sensored but...

    I have to admit, it's getting mighty photo-realistic. sure you can pitch the idea that it's not real.. But I don't even think that was the writers point in this article.

    It was about how far foreward you can push the sensors. This is a problem. I found it quite disturbing you can rape women and then kill them in certain games *and as such, i do not play them*. Now to me, for the sake of telling a story, there can be great accomplishments in games where-by seeing through the role of the PROTAGONIST, and feeling the same feelings he/she does, and go through what they go through (ala Silent Hill 1, 3, and 4 *my favorite series*) -btw, SH2 you were in the Antagonist's shoes. You just never knew it till the end..

    But lets face it. Back then it was just pulling out cartoony looking spinal cords and funny looking blood, today its raping women *but not really visually*, who is to say 7 years from now, there wont be games in which you partake in a full on rape with realistic graphics and have to do movements to complete that task (god i hope that never happens)

    But it's the point of this my friends. We are all already desensitized enough. What will happen then in moral society later if we keep this up?

    Here is a prime example of what could happen, and this shit happens everyday... A murder trial. Just because some people think 'well maybe it wasnt his fault' or 'maybe he didnt mean to do it' get's the guy off the hook. Some ideas in the minds of the jury might have been 'well, this seems just like in gta... man i didnt mean to kill that guy, he could have made me some money.... maybe that's how this guy feels, but this is life... well maybe i should throw him a bone'..

    You may laugh, but there are A LOT of messed up people in this world. Most of us in one way or another are in fact messed up.. Maybe not messed up but have our big weaknesses.

    To top this all off, it seems to be a growing trend to NOT play the protagonist in the story anymore. It's all about the antagonist side of things, which seem more of a 'lets see how you would feel in his shoes' type of thing.. Bottom line. I don't kill, I don't put up with that shit, and I damn sure don't wanna know how it feels to be on the 'other side' of the fence.

    This phasing upshift has to stop, or else the future is looking alot like far cry 2...

    Now for the most part, there are a lot of games that do put a no-no type of ending to the story (like far cry 2, AND Bioshock) whereby you are basically shown the negative side of your actions, but seems these days that is rejected... I even reject it.

    *dont read for spoilers @ this point*..

    @ the end of FC2, whereby basically your called a 'disease' and everything with it has to be stopped, mixed with the emotion that everything you have strived to do to get to the end to see a happy ending out of it pretty well pissed me off. But then I thought why? In the game I killed TONS of people, innocent and not, even when I did'nt HAVE to kill them, but I wanted to... Scary thing. So the bottom line was, why should you get a happy ending when you did nothing good? The only person in the entire story that was a protagonist were the people trying to get drugs into the country to heal people with *not for getting high* and the journalist who, in the end was the only person who really got out of the path of destruction....

    @ the same time though, I rarely get into FPS anyways, besides some mindless CTF on Sauerbraten, but that's not photo-realistic, nor at all realistic. but mainly I get my rocks off on playing some really fun racing games *also prefer non-realistic* such as Burnout :D

  12. wha? :o you turned it on without the heatsink? Don't do that. You can seriously dammage it that way. What I meant was just putting some thermal compound on it and putting the heatsink back on. If it were not dammaged before, it very well could be now....

    That proc. gets super hot, lightning quick.

  13. Ill have to admit, the game itself, while others found it boring, I found it to be awesome. I couldn't wait to go explore another part of the world, and though it did get kind of off track in Act2, it was still awesome, but what about the ending?

    I'll admit the ending pretty well pissed me off at first because there were no way to keep my buddies *and I really did care about them... never let any of them die unless I didn't have a choice* and no way to have a different ending. But at the same time it did make me think.

    It made me think about everything that does go on in Africa, and how close some of these things that happen in real life are to the game. What really got me thinking though was what the Jackal was talking about at the end. The entire time your killing people relentlessly. Hurting everyone in your path, and even though it was a game, it makes me wonder if things like this really do go on in people's heads.

    An example if you will.. A hired gun. They kill for money, and basically will do anything for it, but in their minds they do not think about it the way we do. Just kinda puts you on the other side of the fence for a minute.

    At the end of the day though, even though it was a THOUGHTFUL ending, it kinda aggrivated me... No different endings? I mean cmon Ubisoft, I thought this was 2009, and we were past the whole 'you made different decisions in the game but GOTCHA in the end' shpeil. I mean if there were just one other ending, even if it was a crappy one, it would have been a choice?! Even the ending to BIOSHOCK which was not that great was still something to consider going back and not harvesting for.. oh well.. What are your thoughts?

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