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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. welcome to teh f0rumz!

    It is a very comfortable and informational community. You will see some flames going on here and there, but don't worry, most of that is just high strung n00bs that just do their script-kiddie things..

    As long as you just keep common sense in mind when posting (i.e. not 'I wanna crack my sch00lz interwebz, how I doez dat?') then you won't have any problems here.

  2. If you Freeze your turd with liquid nitrogen and dip it in acrylic , it will shine up nice and pretty.

    Gotta admit, it made me lol :D

    Sounds interesting.. I dunno, I would love to see something like a steam client for it.

    Shit... Imagine how great that would be?

    ... just re-read this post.. Just for the record I did not mean a pile on steam.. HAH!!! A steam enabled pile.. LOL!

  3. While I will admit that insurance is WAY too high, I just do not think that universal health care is the resolution. It seems to me to be like a Microsoft Patch, Tighten one thing and in turn loosen another.

    In other countries I definitely see U.H. as a great thing and for good reason. I am not all "if your into universal health care your a communist" I think that people who say that are just bullshitters. They think that there is some dark, secrecy clad room of ten people (ala MGS2 er something) that are the people that make the world go round everyday and think that they are just swaying us all in toward communism.. It's pointless. Really.

    But what I do think is that drug companies, insurance companies, and hospitals need to get their ass reamed because of all the high prices. Everyone thinks it was the poor people that shafted the hospitals that shafted the insurance companies which in turn shafted the drug companies, but really it's the whole other way around.

    Drugs became a gold mine, insurance companies got greedy, and hospitals decided to screw everybody.

    Your paying in the ballpark of $50 for tylenol in a friggin hospital! I mean cmon... BUT

    Doctors and hospitals have to pay MASSIVE ammounts for malpractice insurance..

    Insurance companies have to pay MASSIVE pay outs to patients because of horrible hospitals and doctors

    Drug companies are getting hit with lawsuits all the time because I feel that the FDA did not do it's job but at the same time, drug companies are paying under the table to shave time off of research and green lights from the FDA.

    It's like rock paper scissors but were always on the loosing team.

    I watched a documentary once where it was a staged person going in to get a quote for a surgery with and without insurance. The one with insurance was quoted 7x the amount as the person without insurance.

    What needs to happen is we need the government to police these entities, not soften their lives. Sure they wont be making as much (maybe) with U.H. but the cycle will still continue.

    This is the reason why I do not think U.H. is practical. Not because I do not think it will work (it will work.. that's actually not the issue) but because it will just make taxes AND the national deficit skyrocket. It's just a big patch.. Kind of like if there was a service pack 1 of ME. You can patch it all you want, it's still going to suck.

    And the bottom line really here is the fact that we will have to pay. Now here is the other thing, will we see it? well yes an no. It's always the same issue.

    Taxes go up, prices go up, lower class is left out in the cold, the government mandates an elevation in minimum wage, businesses tighten up and lay off workers, once everything settles the U.S. dollar get's that much more worthless, and so the cycle continues. This is the reason why the bush administration stuck us where we are now, and even though I do not feel that everyone thinks this will happen, that is what is very possible to happen if U.H. is not properly administered.

    One more thing *sry this is such a long ass post btw* I think that the reason why I as well as a lot of other people are so scared about this is because we as Americans are WAY out of our comfort zone with everything that has happened in the past 10 years, and we have seen a lot of crappy things happen all around us. It really does freak us out, and we are all just to the point that we just don't want it to get any worse than what it already is. We are to the point to where we just wanna see positive, and not negative. We demand ONLY positive results now, because we are sick of seeing negatives, and with the great big toilet that the bush administration has thrown this country and economy into, we all fear that it will only get worse. I think that is the reason why this scares us. We don't wanna see more government help, we want to see government reform. We want to see us standing on our own two feet, not just shoveling money we don't have into other people's wallets. Whatever happens at this point, I only pray that it is a good thing and that it will help turn this country around. I only hope that my future children as well as everyone else's do not see an economical and social downfall to the extremes that we have seen since the 80's...

  4. well.. OSX is not really nix.. it's a unix derivative (just like linux though)

    OSX is based on whatever Unix someone feels like throwing out atm.. I'm surprised I havent heard that it's based on HPUnix yet.. lol.

    But origionally Apple OS was based on Berkley Unix, which is also what BSD is derived from.

  5. Why they develop for OS X over *nix? Well lets see here, people like new macbooks and ipods and hmmm... oh wait! Unless you\'re a tech savy person you want everything working out of the box just like you would if you\'re buying a new PC, without a *nix OS.

    Sir you fail and you are irrelevant. Not only that, you support communism and are a steve jobs dick sucker.. If you would have phrased that a little differently, then maybe I would not have posted this retort. the sorrow said nothing negative to you about apple or mac, and you are acting like the little mac fanboy you are. So from all of us @ pc\'s that cost normal money for the proper hardware and software, screw you.

    Vako, your cool, I dont hate you, I know you like macs and that is fine, but this guy is the reason why people hate a lot of people who like macs. I don\'t really hate on macs.. But I do hate on 31337357 fanboys.

    So back to you somethingtochatwith.. Why do people ask the question why they develop for OSX over nix? because fanboys like you flock to pretty things... Funny as hell though that a SHIT TON of people dual boot OSX with nix... Probably just as many as x86... oh wait.. Is not mac an X86 based system now? hmmmm... Maybe the real question is, why dont they press the button on the compiler that makes the file compatible with nix as well.. Hell they are pretty close to the same system, and code can be cross compiled without even flinching.

    (VaKo, dont read this part, not aimed @ u)

    Also while were at it, I\'ll bet you love my post here mr \'im so cool cause I spent $2500 on a macbook pro. I\'ll bet you just love the fact too that I am typing this on a $450 laptop that has a video card thats perfectly compairable to that 9400m (8200m g), just as much hard drive space, and the only thing I lack is bluetooth (which i really would not use anyways)

    And the best thing about this whole bitch:


    Is a Mac safe from PC viruses?

    Yes, a Mac is 100 percent safe from viruses designed to attack PCs. And although no computer connected to the Internet is completely immune to all viruses and spyware, the Mac is built on a solid UNIX foundation and designed with security in mind. The Mac web browser, Safari, alerts you whenever you’re downloading an application — even if it’s disguised as a picture or movie file. And Apple continually makes free security updates available for Mac owners. You can even have them download automatically.

    Mac is based on a solid UNIX foundation..

    Linux is heavily derived on the solid UNIX foundation..

    You do the math.. Thanks for playing.

  6. Well I will admit that I am not totally for universal health care, but am coming around, but trust me, us non-universals are not against it just to bitch and moan (well... some of us do that.. not all of us though)

    The major reason why these people are anti universal health care is because of what we have seen in the US in the past. Majorly with any government run helping system... It usually gets abused to all hell, does not do what it was supposed to in the first place, gets slathered with red tape, and eventually ends up being a useless pile of shit, that no one can nor will do anything about and so our taxes go up, and we pay for all of the mistakes.. 99% of what I am comparing it to is the welfare system.

    While I would love to have a universal health care system, I have to admit it's bad enough that as of now it takes forever to get into a hospital because of everyone that has a damn cold cant wait to go to a doctor so they just go there.. So after every other hypochondriac has universal health care, what would usually take hours may take days or weeks. This is the reason why I am against it.

    What really needs to happen is a cue system based on priority. If you have a cold, stand in line and take a number.. You have a rotten tooth that is poisoning your? get in the shorter line.. we will get to you eventually. You have accidentally severed your arm half way off and are bleeding on the floor? Come on it, they can wait..

    That's my take on it, but the problem is there is no cue system like this... It's first come first serve, and until we have something like this in place in the US, then millions will probably either die or live with uncureable issues related to delay of care. This is not good. Yes a lot of people die right now and go hurting, or with a lower qol because we do not have universal health care, but it would seem to me that that number will at least triple (if not quadruple) if you have the UHC instated.

    Just my thoughts.

  7. well.. we can all say what we want, but in the end, if you were a smart person, then you changed your passwords, did not use the same password everywhere and life goes on. It's a forum.. I mean what can I say. We got most of our posts back, and the worst that had really happened is some of us (including me) lost our avatars.

    I will have to agree though that I am looking foreward to a lesson learned ep. as well. The thing is though, is atm can they submit the information details to the masses though? I just don't know if they are going after these people, or if not, but if they are, and they want the details to be held in court, is it something that can be broadcast before hand, or even if so, do they want to. I mean think of it this way, if they have the records (or at least some of them) and they have the full details of how the hack came to be, then if they broadcast the details to the masses, what's to say that these people from zfo would not just get rid of everything and when they confronted them, everything would be as clean as a whistle? I think we should let this simmer for a while before really getting all the details, but that's just me.

    Along side that, there are many more people watching hak5 than just us, including great massive hordes of script kiddies... It's to the point of thinking maybe... Do we want to let everyone know? If so what's to say that 35% of the most active forums out there wont be hacked and crapped on later by said script kiddies ya know?

    More of a morality question than anything but I guess this is just one of the consequences to hak5 becoming popular...

  8. I have been a virtual box advocate for a while now, not for production networks, but for personal use, but I downloaded vmware server to my laptop the other day to try it out cause I need to get prep'd for server class this semester, and I would definitely have to say WOW.. Not only will I use it instead of V-box, but I am thinking of using my desktop @ home as the server and just access it from school. This way, if I need help with anything from my instructor, no longer do I have to give him my laptop, or even have my laptop @ school at all.. I can just throw him a login, and he's on.

    I know that this can be done just with vnc or something of that nature, but I really don't care for my physical computer being broadcast over the internetz. Unless I setup tunneling anyways.. And if the vm get's screwed, Ill just have a failover setup. BTW, man does it take up some resources though...

  9. geeze man, these people that killed their screens with alcohol and windex... what did they do soak the cloth in a bucket first and then let it drip all in the corners?!

    There are many small layers in an lcd screen, and a plastic cover to boot on the outside.

    I have always used watered down alcohol, soaked into either a really soft cloth or tissue, squeezed the excess out, and then just cleaned as needed. I have been doing this for years on my and my wife\'s LCD screens, a dell laptop, and my laptop, and have never once messed anything up. My laptop has a glossy screen, and is still whistley clean :P

    dunno if I would use car polish though....

    oh and btw--

    I watched someone try to use a dust can of air at work once paulsonfail.jpg

    (lol, sry digip, but that guy was stupid.. and your avat. was the first fail pic I saw :P probably froze the liquid in the screen, and when that happened the components of the liquid crystal probably separated, thus screwing the screen completely..)

  10. This was pretty cool to watch man. It also made me feel a lot better about the current direction and stability of the show since this was shot recently. It also gave some insight on the cast itself. I lol'd when Darren was talking about the truecrypt stuff.

    Good Goin!

  11. Imo if distributors did put out for linux, it would become the gamers choice of OS. Why? Because even though there are a lot of things linux does not do so well compared to windows, Native Gaming is superior.

    Doom 3 was a killer example. I only had 768mb of mem, w/a single core AMD 1.2ghz cpu and a 64mb TNT2 card... it ran HORRIBLY in win98... In linux, it ran @ 1024x768; medium settings; @ around 45 to 60 fps.

    Matter of fact, the only game that does not natively beat the crap out of the same game in windows that I know of is Sauerbraten.. but idk... could be my video drivers, and tbh, have had problems with it in Vista, 7, and linux, so either way it's safe to say it's buggy atm.

    If the industry could come up with a unified game installer for linux, and it could be closed source.. I could care less really. I personally think Richie Stallman is a weirdo. But either way, if you could have even a dedicated distro you could throw on a compy with a really small form factor (something around 300mb) with a simple interface that could natively use NTFS so you would'nt have any more space taken up but that, and would use the NTFS partition that is already there to install the game, That would be EPIC. Matter of fact, not only would it be epic, but maybe even Microsoft would jump on the band wagon (hell, they would just take suse, cut it down, do the same thing, and say it's the new 'Game Acceloration Layer' for Windows! :P)

    BTW.. isn't steam supposed to go linux soon? or was that just p.r. when linux was getting alot of attention in the mainstream media?

  12. i second with wh1t3 and n3rdy, emulation requires the act of 'emulating' a hardware bundle of some type, and then running the software on top of the emulated hardware. Wine is a linux program made to utilize dll files and libraries available in windows to assist in running windows software.

  13. well.. are you looking for a mac??? If not, go get a compaq cq50-215nr like I have. It's $350, sleek, fast, built fairly well, and runs perfectly with any linux with a newer kernel. Only draw back is it gets hot... But it's an AMD proc. and an Nvidia video chipset, so what do you expect? :P

    It only has to be a Mac Book if your looking for uppity cracker cred. (or if you want OSX)

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