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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. Well, tbh, i originally digressed from this thread, but now that it's exposed to all...

    as per the .txt file out there...


    hexskrew - blacksink27*

    hexskrew - blacksink27

    hexskrew - blacksink278

    But as of now, password has been demoted, a super INSECURE password is used here, and higher level passwords are used elsewhere as per my heirarchial password design per purpose and importance..

    btw, I do have the file but moreoverly I am interested in what else is in there. Not for script kiddie purposes, or anything else. I like to say that I am an active member of this community and by all means even if I do not agree (and sometimes fight with) some of you folks, I do respect you all and have NO purpose to use this file in any malicious ways... But it does have something to say about the people that did this... What was the real purpose? I mean they say they did it because they don't think mubix, darren, and matt know what they are doing, but this place is not about learning semenars. They don't act like they are supahz 1337, and they never throw their weight around. Seems to me that zfo did this just to act like they have big balls... I say it's bullshit and they just wanna pull stupid shit.

    Why the hell else would they do that? I mean yeah, if they just defaced the server and then spit out what they did to do it and what could be done to fix it would be one thing, but they just took the whole thing down... What did they think this was the Gipson?!

  2. well here's my laptop.. has changed a lot since I last showed it (even though you don't really see the changes much)


    -Unity Linux Beta w/kernel

    -background: Tokyo

    Conky - *latest nightly build*


    # Conky script *heavily* simplified -N- modified By h3%5kr3w.
    # Please feel free to modify to your own needs.
    # Inspired by tcrroadie (Kris S) and Pengo's edit of tcrroadie
    # Based on conky-jc and the default .conkyrc.
    # -- Pengo (conky@pengo.us)
    # -- H3%5KR3W (hexskrew@gmail.com)
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # fiddle with window 
    use_spacer right
    use_xft yes
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 2.0
    # Maximum width of window area
    maximum_width 1280
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Text stuff
    draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
    draw_borders no
    #font monospace
    uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    # Xft font when Xft is enabled
    #xftfont Sans:size=12
    #xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=8
    xftfont Terminus:size=12
    #xftfont cubicfive10:pixelsize=8
    #xftfont squaredance10:pixelsize=14
    #xftfont swf!t_v02:pixelsize=10
    #xftfont soulstalker:size=12
    # Text alpha when using Xft
    xftalpha 1
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 3
    # border margins
    border_margin 9
    # border width
    border_width 5
    # Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
    default_color 333333#302d2d
    #own_window_colour brown
    own_window_transparent yes
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    alignment top_left
    #alignment top_right
    #alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    #alignment top_middle
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    gap_x 1
    gap_y 1
    # The following code is written for dark wallpapers (backgrounds). 
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} Date: ${color} ${font}
            ${time %A %d %Y}
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} Time: ${color} ${font}
            ${time %H:%M}
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} Kernel: ${color} ${font}
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} System: ${color} ${font}
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} Uptime: ${color} ${font}
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} CPU: ${color} ${font}
            ${freq} MHz
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} CPU Load: ${color} ${font}
            CPU 1: ${alignr}${cpu cpu0}% ${cpugraph 8,60 660000 A7CC5C}
            CPU 2: ${alignr}${cpu cpu1}% ${cpugraph 8,60 660000 A7CC5C}
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} Battery Power: ${color} ${font}
            ${battery_percent BAT0}% ${alignr}${battery_bar 8,60 BAT0}
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} Ram: ${color} ${font}
            $memperc% ${alignr}${membar 8,60}
    ${color a12525} ${font Terminus:size=20} Network: ${color} ${font}
            Up: ${upspeed wlan0} 
                kb/s ${alignr}${upspeedgraph wlan0 8,60 789E2D A7CC5C}
            Down: ${downspeed wlan0}
                kb/s ${alignr}${downspeedgraph wlan0 8,60 789E2D A7CC5C}
            Upload: ${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
            Download: ${alignr}${totaldown eth0}
            WIP: ${alignr}${addr wlan0}
            LIP: ${alignr}${addr eth0}

    ***btw, no scripts kiddies!!! this script works on all systems and should work with all recent builds of conky. Also I just added the darker part to the wallpaper itself instead of just putting the code in. You do need a pretty dark or black left side of a background to see it properly unless you modify the colors.***

  3. well, not just for your own leisure, but I cant stand - Ohhhhh... are you deleting that? Is that a bad file? What if the virus gets saved with the files your backing up? What if I download it again? Where do you think I got it? blahblahblahblah. Fuck that... My house bitch! :P

  4. Well even though I did not see any of this from any of you, but what about maybe the reason why it has inevitably changed so much is that for the most part (or so it seems) it's just Darren and Shannon? I mean yeah Matt is still around and in eps. here and there but you just dont get the variety that there was when it was 3 or 4 or 5 people on the show at one time.

    I have thought about that a lot recently. It almost seems to me like the last two eps. of each season of Big Brother.. You only have 2 or 3 people in the house and there is just not the spontineity there was when it was more people.

    I think that maybe they should try dividing the segments to half what they are now, and just try to grab people they know (well at least people who know what they are doing) and fill ea. individual segment with what they are doing, and then give links to more knowledge on the subject in the show notes. At the same time, even though it looks more professional, maybe not cut away to the 'intermission' segments as it were, and just have paul edit in the segments to tighten it all up. That way the segments are 1,2,3,4,5,6. So that would be 6 segments in a show, by at least 4 people, and go ahead and have some goofing around and random blahblah (which actually, I enjoy because it's more personable sometimes) @ the end before they close the show.

    TBH it's not that there is lack of content to actually put on the show. I would personally like to see more wallpapers in the beginning (if any of you have seen how many wallpapers I have put in you know what I am talking about :P) Not for self promotion mind you, it makes me giggle like a school girl when I see my wallpapers showing after the intro vid, and on the flat panels in the background, but just in a way that gives back to the community ya know?

    How's about this? I know you have hack stalkers and stuff like that, but what about a live segment ea. week or so, running about an hour long, with video uplink, where it can be about anything. Doesn't have to be about even tech. I know there is more than that implemented now, but just something where let's say as en example it would be a live thing anyone could watch, but then have like a cue system where people basically line up and get 10 mins. On their own chatting with Darren and or Snubs and or Matt about whatever. It could be about the show, it could be about them, or just bullshitting away about stuff.

    Personally I think that the show lately is dwelling too much on too few topics. I don't think it's anyone's fault though, and I also think that it will get better. The show is always evolving which is why I always watch, and I think that is why we all watch even when we really don't care about the topics on the show, or when we think that the segments go on too long, or blah blah blah (insert whatever here).

    Although we all have our yaps about this topic in one way or another that cannot fathomably be resolved without coming out with 4 hour eps. with 20 sum odd people featured ea. week, I think we can all agree that without Darren and Matt, the show would not be Hak.5 in any sense. (sry snubs, it's not you, just that you were not an original but definitely a key part of the show, and continue to be a benchmark person for the part you have in the show).

    Without Matt, Darren would just be a goofy gz.tar, without Darren, Matt would be some super serious .dll file, and without Matt and Darren... heh.. Well it would be funny as hell I'll tell you that much, but not really techno-lusty as we know it. It's like a Reeses... Without peanut butter it's just chocolate, and without chocolate it's just peanut butter. And without the package... It's just nasty. :P

    ****BTW I was so excited when I saw my background on the hd monitor when everyone appeared on the new york segment of Diggnation. I was like 'ooooooohhh shiizzz!'.*****

    lol, I know no one was really looking but I thought it was awesome hehehe.

  5. Actually I have been having an open forum style discussion with the author of that article, and I have seen his point. It's not about we SHOULD go to the 3g/4g route for all our internetz but that the consensus of rabid spenders (i,e, 3/5ths of the population) will buy into said 3g/4g crap @ fail bus prices because 'it's hot and new'. Go to the link and read my discussion. Turned out pretty well. This guy does see it our way, just that I have to commend him because he can see the idiot spectrum of consumers a mile away.

    BTW, when I say 'idiot spectrum' I mean the masses of people who just buy it because it's new and they saw a commercial pitching it so they want it, not because they will actually use it (like we would do :P)

  6. why use nmap when you can just go into your routers settings and look at the dhcp table... if you dont want him on your network put a wpa2 password on it.


    w00t! I second that, and if your really paranoid, do a mac address use only (where if the mac address doesnt match what's in the database, it does not connect) add that with turning off the ssid broadcast, and your pretty secure

  7. i have sprint and i tether my windows mobile phone when i cant get wifi access... it works fine for me and is plenty fast enough.

    I see your point there, but this is about this article saying that 3g and 4g will completely make cable, dsl, fiber and wifi obsolete. If you have a 3g phone and you use it for internet when needed, then sure, but it's definitely not going to replace any land based ethernet any time soon.

  8. Well Razor512, while no one can deny the general population that is basically African Mountain Gorillas (see backstory here :P) A lot of people have bought routers and computer equiptment in the past, and in the past they were told it was dumb-ass easy, but ended up with a faulty cd (must like damn near any linksys router cd) or just that it comes with a really craptacular setup program, and what ended up happening there is they had to call tech support and have a nightmare of a time anyways, mostly to the point that they didnt learn jack crap cause technical support (especially pay for tech support) is not designed to actually teach you how to not mess something up but to just get your through without teaching you anything, therefore there is a greater chance of the end user calling back and getting charged *yet again*.

    Not everyone knows people like us. Now some just don't care and are happy to spend their money on nothing and to those people well.. Wish I were like them, but at the same time not everyone is like that.

  9. I second that hearty bowl of Bs! Sounds almost like AT&T, Sprint,Verizon, and every other major carrier got together and said 'what could we write about on the web to get people to buy more of our services?'

    Gimme 10mbps down and 2mbps up, no cap, GUARANTEED CONNECTIVITY, with no contract for oh.... $40/month. Then we will talk..

    Oh one more thing. CONNECTION SHARING!!!

    Even if they had the plan I thought up, you would end up paying for ea. extra connection. AT&T doesn't charge me for multiple computers on my connection. Nor do they control what hardware I use to authenticate myself and connect to the web. Neither do most cable services, and though services like fios and u-verse do, it's still in early stages so of course it's only going to use their hardware for the hard push of it. Just like DirecTV (though they have seemed to go backward lately) after the initial 4 years in service, there were all kinds of different sat. boxes around. Hell I have two Phillips Directv boxes. Have used them since I first connected my service like... 6 years ago and they work great. Truthfully I don't care for the new silver and black boxes.

    BLAH endless rambling yet again!!!

  10. Well forgot about posting this earlier.

    Here's my laptop! (linux partition)


    Not too much glamor to it but I wanted it that way. Fast and simple. Mainly I just knocked conky down and to the left. Other than that I just took some options out to fit to the background. Cant remember where I got the background but it sure does save me time having it!

    This is Unity Linux. I'm not even sure the producers of this distro even know they have it up (found it on accident on their site while looking for the previous version of the distro that just closed shop.. it was a different name though) they have started from scratch with this and are now migrating *which kinda sucks cause the repos are short and so is documentation. Also I think this is Alpha but I have not had any problems* but it's really fast, and completely NON-BLOAT! other than drivers it is a minimalist linux w/open box. Guess think of it as an Arch install but you didnt have to build it yourself :P Very nice distro indeed. I will be upgrading to the newest ver. when available.

    ***btw update***

    With the newest kernel, my Atheros 5007x card FINALLY works otb! Also I don't know what is different, but even though flash is a tiny bit buggy (some fair amount of page tearing when fullscreen) but is working super fast and smooth. Wait a go adobe.. er.. well at least it's usable this time around :D [one more throw in the bucket of leaning toward passing windows completely]

  11. Well, for mom and pop style computer shops, I can understand high prices because that is their bread and butter. You cant expect to build too many PCs for people, but for places like staples, best buy, and circuit city.. It's really lame because they should be using onsite support as a point of sale, not to just rape people and to top it all off, the company is the only one benefiting from the prices. I heard a computer tech at circuit city get's paid the same as the sales staff.

  12. TBH I would piss my pants if I was able to get it working on my desktop... but it's the worst mix by far for a hackintosh... Nforce 4 clipset, AMD 5600+.. The only thing that may work well is the nvidia 8600gtx I have.

    I have seen where my exact board works fine, but the closest I got to it was to actually install it,and then it did not boot. wheeww.

  13. My arsonal:

    DrWeb live linux usb stick (virus removal)

    BartPE: misc. stuff

    UBCD4Win: hdd check, backup, removal, registry tweaking and TONS of utils and uses with this cd

    UBCD4DOS: Quick and dirty stuff like hdd checking and stuff like that

    Ubuntu: you never know

  14. Hi there Silver7 I have two things to say:

    1. Welcome to the forums and #2 is not meant to be negative toward you.

    2. We have a sticky thread for introductions.

    **had to add one**

    3. Richard Pryor was tha shiznit!

  15. That's great that your going for the word of mouth, but take it from me, there can be a little TOO much mouth sometimes and it ends up messing you for a while here and there (mostly from people having you fix their junk computers... cheap asses)

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