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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. Sony Conference -

    Jack Tretton - SCEA CEO is a person to me that seems to give me mixed feelings.. Coming out and acting like noob, which is understandable especially in the state of Sony, and how it has performed in the past, but at the same time, it's kind of unearthing. At the same time, it's a refresher for me from the oddball bs that kaz kept belting out.

    Uncharted 2 - Among Thieves Wow... I really mean wow. The graphics are astounding and the narrative gives the feeling of being more immersed in the game. Also I like the cinematic style and the lack of a full HUD that doesnt get in the way of the game play. I also want to say I am typing this as I am watching it, so my bad if there are some errors. Wow.... when it's showing the building falling with you in it.. That is just awesome...

    MAG - Graphics look good, but a little sub-par for PS3, however, with this massive multiplayer combat, it still looks enticing. Reason why I say the graphics are sub-par is this. There seems to be a strategy of two different graphics styles. Realistic and then what seems to be some graphics that were put on the back-burner. I definitely feel this game might have been rushed. But if they redesigned the game a little bit they could use the lower graphics models in strategic places so it's transparent as games for the Wii do. This seems very much a team player game though, and is quite awesome but I feel this does two things. It takes the pwning out of just one person and also gives the team effort strategy some glammer. I an only say there is one downside though... Clans.

    PSP - Hanna Montana bundle? Personally I don't feel like buying my 5 year old (though I really dont have kids) a $200 game system, but that's just me.

    PSPGo - Looks nice and sleek. To me it resembles a smart phone mixed with a highend car stereo, but looks pretty cool. The size is very enticing as well. 16gig's of memory? Not bad.. not bad.. Not going to take the 120gig I-pods out of people's hands though. I like the thought of no more UMDs though. I felt it was just another bad media war that Sony was trying to pull out... Funny thing though that they were not fighting anyone on it. Sense me sounds interesting but how gimmicky is it? Playing music on mood? What if you it thinks your getting horny while playing multiplayer around a few friends??? Marvin Gay starts playing and what do your friends think? Dunno if this really is something that enhances the PSPGo.. $249??!!!!! Nope I wont be carrying it anytime soon...

    "Playstation has something for everyone everywhere they want to go"... yah, at a high price which is the real reason why the PS3 has not gained as much ground as it should have by now..

    The CEO of Polyphony seems pretty tense.. I feel for him though.. How would you feel standing in front of a crowd that cannot understand a single word your saying, and have to rely on an interpreter to convey your speech... He looks like he is about to cry. Hope his day get's better... I'm glad the crowd seemed to give him a good applause.

    Gran Turismo PSP sounds pretty good though I feel PSP sales will be the bottleneck on that game..

    Man I still don't like seeing Kaz saying anything... Hmm... But a new MGS? nice...

    Hideo Kojima. Man he needs to quit being a raver :P Least that's what he looks like.. Oh, MGS Peacewalker for PSP eh?.... eh...

    Wow I would have to say the graphics and story of this new MGS does make me want to play it. Wish it was ported for PS2 though...

    Resident Evil for PSP. Hope it's better than Silent Hill origins...

    Home - I was always excited about this.. Hell I did'nt even know it was out already. I thought they were still pushing the dates back.. This was one of the reasons why I still want a PS3.

    Assassins Creed 2 - Wow, using historical inventions from leonardo divinci. Nicee. I like the open feel of the game, and even though zoomed out the graphics do not look quite as good as I would expect close up they are very acceptable. And the kill system looks pretty dark cool too! Looking at the battle sequence shown though, when facing multiple foes I would like to see all three enemies trying to get at the main character at the same time. All in all though, a very cool looking game.

    FFXIII - This game has always been known for excellent CGI sequences, but this time the battle sequences look just as enticing, and the traveling in the world is just beautiful... This is the first FF I am excited to play since the first one on NES.

    FFXIV - Damn... That's all I can say... Wow..

    Motion Controller - Crazy thing about it is this... even though it's used in conjuction with the PS Eye, it looks WAY more accurate in true 3D space than the Wii-mote.. Holy crap..... This is amazing. With seeng yourself WITH whatever device you should be using in your game but rendered in your OWN hands onscreen, this is excellent.

    I am really thinking with this really unfinished demo, that Reggie is sweating right about now. Wow this is accurate... Nintendo is definitely whigging out right about now. HAH! Archery. The beauty of this and the execution of it is crazy considering the technology that they must be using, and surely the price of this wont be that much..

    Little Big Planet - Cute. Glad that they are doing extra things with it.

    ModNation Racers - Very cute. I dont think the graphics are as great as they are making it out to be but it's pretty cool and fun looking. I am a personal fan of non realistic racing games, and this looks like a hit, and to have a game on a home console that makes it easy to create tracks, this is definitely a genious idea. Not ground breaking, at least for me because I have been playing trackmania for years, but even still it doesnt look like work to actually make the tracks and you dont seem to be limited by peices per play or something of that nature which is great for people who love to just make content like me which was something that was rewarding but not that fun for me in trackmania.

    Well I have to run, so this is it from me for coverage of E3 at least for now. Someone else take it over from here and feel free to speculate the way I feel about these games and systems.

  2. *dr0p - that's not gnome panel but openbox for the environment, pcmanfm for the background and icons and lxpanel for the panel.

    Oh and btw, 96mb is the full blown live part of the distro. Installed it's running around 81mb. Also this distro is in it's infancy, so I can see it getting more efficient in time. And don't get me wrong, I could probably install Arch and get it even smaller for this old computer mainly because it just has a via integrated video card so no overhead from nvidia or ATI drivers, but for such compatibility right off the distro with no adding drivers, and the fact it is so easily remasterable for a live distro you can shove on a mem card or thumbstick to load very quickly and easily on a notebook, it's definitely good for this purpose.

  3. Figured I would start a new thread just chatting about E3

    So I'll open it.

    Just watched the Nintendo conference live, and I would have to say that with the new Metroid and The Conduit, it looks like the dust might finally get blown off my Wii for doing something besides messing with homebrew apps.

    I do not think that making a second Mario Galaxy is a really good move on the Mario franchise personally, but that's because I really just did not feel the real Mario excitement with Galaxy that I always have with previous Mario titles. I had to basically make myself finish it because it seemed like it took too long to finish, and it had too many things to do. Usually with Mario titles you have one goal, and just have to complete levels to get to that one goal, where with Galaxy you had multiple goals that to me became rather boring to have to or try to pursue and it made the ending a relief to finally put the game down instead of being happy and excited that I finally finished it.

    Like a lot of people, I am really just hoping for another Zelda on the Wii, but it looks like it's not happening this or next year. Maybe the year afterward.

    On a positive note, The Conduit looks awesome. This is something I am really happy about because it is finally a really good looking game that looks fun to play without being dumbed down for the masses.

    Resident Evil - The Darkside Chronicles I believe will be pretty awesome mainly because I felt RE2 was the best RE to date, and may always be that way, and to go back and play it in a fresh way is welcoming because it has been since the PSOne since I played it last.

    The DS looks pretty hot too with it's lineup of the new Zelda and DsiWare coming out. The only downside to me is... I still have a DS 1, and it works great so I am not going to buy another one till I absolutely have to, to enjoy new games.

    Coming Up Next - Sony's Conference. Slim PS3 anyone? I say sure, if it's less than $300 and comes with at least a 60gig hdd.


    There will be much double posting from me here as the event goes on. But I will try my best just to update this post.


  4. that's pretty sick man.. For a minute I thought.. Is that a toughbook in a case? j/k. I would personally find a way to setup the hdd in a spring buffer though so it dont get the hit so hard when you drop it or anything.

    So ok, for speculation.. What do you call it? A Case top? Suit-top? Suitcase Top? or the IPSPC (Indestructable Portable Seek and Pwn Computer)

  5. Oh yah, It was really nice. For one, you could change the window stylings from 3 different options off the bat (classic, something else, and ps like) I'm thinking someone accidentally posted that and they took it right off because it was right before I had to reload one time, and after I did it was not on the site. Everything was laid out a whole lot better. Maybe it was really buggy or they didnt want to get into a lawsuit over it with Adobe? I really wish I would have kept that download.... I may still have it but god knows where it actually is. I wanna say it has a few more filters built in too. Like I said it was a good while ago (maybe even a year ago) so it's hard to remember.

    Then again maybe it wasnt a beta 3, but like a beta 2.x. I know they don't come out with a new revision that that often, and I remember though it was definitely a beta.

    BTW here's a proof of concept on that smudge I was telling you about. I did it just now, and only took me a few minutes, even though it really isnt anything (but after I made it I was like.... a butthole of flames?!)

    heh. never know what you come up with.


    Also something that helps me if you know it's going to be a black and white only pic like this one, use opposite colors (i.e. white background and black for the airbrush) and then just color invert. It helps me anyway.

    I'v noticed you can also use this technique to do a dragon or tribal flames, but I did it on accident so I haven't really got it down yet :P

  6. heh, only reason why it's not so bad for me is because I just use the show tabs @ the top, but then I noticed it's still a pain in the ass if your watching an ep, and then want to watch another. The arrows on ea. side of the player do help if your wanting the immediate previous or next ep. but if not you have to click back on your browser and find again.

    I think it's lame too...

    *Wonders if Jim has seen this yet... He knows better.*

  7. Try an emergency flash of the bios if it supports it, and before that, take all the extras out of the loop that you can, and reseat anything else you can. Some of those bioses are pretty finicky about resources so even unplug the wireless addon card if it has one. (i'm sure you probably know these things already but I know by experiance we all miss some of these things too..)

  8. I'll admit the old website was best, but I do like the way it looks... May not be able to find anything but that's just me.. At the same time I can't help but to think maybe their web authors aren't thinking about other people's bandwidth too much. I mean loads decently for me but what about everybody who has 1.5 down?

  9. it's very nice, but the only thing. I will warn you that there are alot of comforts (administratively) that you have to do by hand in the cli. I found this out with creating users. For a little security by obscurity, I deleted the tux user (but it defaults on sign in as that username so I'm not messing with the settings on it) and created a standard user for myself, which is easy enough by cli, but you have to set all your permissions and create (or copy and paste as I did) the .xinitrc file from an old user or root to the new user directory so that you can log in to openbox.

    It's really nice though. And truthfully I like it this way because I can learn the core linux commands through practice, but not start from ROCK bottom like Arch.

    btw... the login command doesnt have a set alias by default, so if your in the cli and need to change users, you have to go to /bin to use it. and there is no groups command installed that I know of. And it's not in their repos either but I'm sure you can build from source somewhere.

  10. SliTaz (Super LIght Temporary Autonomous Zone) - Wicked ass linux distro weighing in @ 28mb (full compressed ver.), turns into about 96mb in memory, AND packs a nice light interface (openbox).

    It looks great, runs great, is uberfast, and would be a great distro if your looking for a lightweight linux base distro to build your own hacking distro.

    The reason why I'm telling you all this is because I checked it out and I REALLY like it. Darren should check it out too. I know about half of you are saying right now, why do I want this when I can just go get backtrack? Well... reason why is compatibility and speed.

    Put it to you this way. The reason why I tried it is to run it as a web server on an old trash machine I got off someone (700mhz amd w/128mb, 10gig hdd (scrapped that one and put in my old 40 gig). It actually boots faster on this machine than my Linux Mint install on my regular desktop (2.8 ghz AMD 5600+ 2gig ram, 1Tb WDGreen hdd).

    So maybe this will help some of the po-folk white/grey-hats out there that has an old laptop laying around with a wifi card in it.

    I don't like puppy linux because they seemed to just want to jam pack as much crap as they could into a tiny distro. This sounds good, but it looks like crap, and I noticed the hardware compatibility of Puppy just isnt that good. (but I aint hatin' on you folks that likes puppy though)

    I'm just saying check it out and see what you think. Only real downside is it's mainly a German distro, but that's not much of a problem either because they have an English forum as well.

    here's a link and a pic. w00t!



  11. @prichardo, thanks man! It was pretty fun doing the sf2 one, the only aggrivation was trying to get the resolution up high enough to take a proper shot *fyi* if your going to take stills of a rom in action, just use the alt+print screen instead of the built in snapshot option of the emulator.. wish I had done that thinking back on it...

    as far as skill, nah, I mean a know a few things about layers and what-not. My main little secret is with the smudge tool, but I do not use it a-lot (i.e. check out hak.5 red and grey feather photo) that pic was basically just fill background with black, add some red and grey lines with the pencil, and then start smudging. After that, add logo and edit accordingly. There's a lot more I want to do with this strategy, just havent got around to it *yet*

    btw, has anyone heard anything about the gimp 3 beta? I downloaded it a WHILLLLE ago, but they took it down right afterward and havent heard or seen anything of it since...

  12. hjhsmith_439@msn.com sent me one of those money scam emails. Anybody know if it's possible to track this down to an ip? Was not sure since it's an msn account. Sure I could just report the email as fraud but I just wondered if I could have some extra fun with it.


    Help Me To Transfer This Fund
     Greetings From Mrs Marvis Smith
    I am the above named person from benin. I am married to Mr James Smith  who worked with benin Embassy in canada for nine years before he died in the year 2004. We were married for eleven years with only  a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days.
     Since the death of my husband I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Holy Book is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of ( Fifteent Million U.S.Dollars) in a bank .
    Presently, this money is still in the BANK. They just wrote me as the beneficiary to come forward for the transfer  or rather issue a letter of authorisation to somebody to receive it on my behalf if I can not come over considering my state of health.
    Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next three months due to cancer problem.Though what disturbs me most is my stroke Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to church or better still a christian individual that will utilize this fund the way I am going to instruct here in.
    I want a church Or Mosque  that will use this to fund to build churches, Mosque ,orphanages and widows propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained.The Bible made us to understand that Blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because I don't want my husband relatives are not God Fearing and I don't want my husband's hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers.
    I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner. Hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bossom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.
     I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health and because of the presence of my husband's relatives around me always. I don't want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible.
     As soon as I receive your reply I will give you the contact of the BANK in BENIN COTTONOU where the fund is deposited. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the original- beneficiary of this fund. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the lord is my shephard.
     My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.
    If you are wiling to assis me forward the following:
     1. Your Full Name
    2. Your Full Contact address
    3. Mobile Telephone Number.
    Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Get back to
    me with this email address for more details. 
    Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here.
    Hoping to hear from you soon.
    Yours in Christ
    Mrs Marvis Smith

  13. Here's my analogy. I dont rightly give a shit what everyone else thinks about this and neither should you.. Why? Because your not changing me, I am not changing you and we are not changing ANYONE else's opinion on this subject.. We might as well talk about religion or politics. Point blank. I do not agree with the laws. Why? Because it is easier to can someone who is completely innocent, that's why. Yes If I hack something, sure I broke the law. I am not trying to deny that, and truthfully that is not why I feel the way I do about it. The reason why I feel the way I do about it is because of the good old what if, which is what these laws were based on. What if someone uses my open AP to connect to the internet and hack something? That's why these laws were made. Now on the other side of the coin, what if I were to be driving by some smartasses house, my laptop has the wifi card on, and connects to their network, they see me as I pass by, get my tag #, find my mac address on their dhcp server, and then blame ME for hacking something that they did? This is something that could definitely happen.

    Think about this scenario a bit.

    Some guy hacks a bank, leaves his AP open, waits for someone with a laptop to pass by and connect momentarily (how many girls just close the laptop, throw it in the backseat and forget it's on? or guys for that matter as well), get's their mac address off the DHCP server, and then blames the innocent bystander for using his AP to hack into something that the owner of the AP did? If you say yah but.. No. No buts. He contacts the authorities, cleans his computers prior to the investigation, maybe tweaks his mac tables a bit, if it collects timed data for connections, and OH LOOK! It's your mac address, connecting to his AP, that could match the time that the bank was hacked. If you say no, then how did he get your mac address? It's different for every person. "I saw this guy sitting outside my house on his laptop, so I decided to find out where he was going.. etc.etc.etc".

    If you say well, that's one scenario, yah it's one. So is someone trying to hack into something on purpose, but so is someone accidentally connecting into an AP. This is a 1/2 to 1/2 situation of ethics, not the 5/8 to 2/8 that you keep saying it is.

    Bottom line, we live in America.. well... I live in America, and we can say what we want about our law system, and what we agree and disagree with. And I disagree with this law because it is NOT a concrete law, and it CAN be used one way or another to screw an innocent victim, or to let a law breaker go. This is not what we need.

  14. Shit I always thought that h-commerce (though did'nt know the proper name of it till now) was a bunch of b.s. talk by the same folks everyone knows that talks about big brother, the gov, and aliens...

    Damn.. if they are right on this?! :P

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