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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. It's all Xvid for me. Just download to my thumbdrive, right in the surroundsound/dvd player (1100 watts which is nice) and BAM! In crystal clear goodness @ the speed of high def :P (but with hella good sound?!)

    I think I would cry if they took my xvid away from me :( My surround/dvd player is also of course setup for Divx... But it seems that divx ALWAYS has video and sound sync. issues.. (and that's on anything. be it, computer, or dvd player)

  2. ..Or it seems thats hes not really a dad. Just a script kiddie trying the same old Social Engineering technique that has failed hundreds and hundreds of times.

    yah... when will people learn you can't use social engineering on social engineers?

  3. sounds to me like he wants to bust his son on something instead of just blocking sites from him...

    Here's an idea. Talk to your kid.

    BTW, you could just put vnc on the computer. I mean, he probably wouldnt know what it is so....

  4. hmm.. I have to side with Sparda on that one. Besides, you dont seem to be trying anything malicious BUT your basicly asking to get kicked out of school btw..

    Read the paper you had to sign to get online when you first started college, and it will specificly say exactly what I am talking about.

  5. DoItLive.jpg


    lol, this would be an awesome thing to do. I could compile lists of questions, or topics for days.

    I was supposed to do segments on a Video podcast one time. It was for Progbox http://progbox.co.uk but pete wanted EVERYTHING done in linux, and free.... Now mind you hells yah, I wouldnt mind some free publicity and all, but video editing in linux, for me is like hanging myself with a cat5 cable... I think I would rather the cable actually... Well there was that and the fact that in my house, all the walls are the crap faux wooden sheet walls as well, so I would have had to build a set to go along with it. But anyways I was going to do 10min. shots doing reviews on different linux distros. I had a scale to measure and everything, but oh well.. We can't all be internet celebs :P

    Actually I do have a good idea. What are they using for the hakstalkers website? Couldnt we just use that?

  6. **double post***

    ok, so I do have one port that it nmap questions as a jetdirect port.

    Seemingly enough, the only info I could find for lexmark is this port is used to send raw doc's that up copy to the ftp server, it prints the docs and then deletes it off the ftp...

    Linux printing for lexmark anyone? (pffft. finally....)

    Ok, so Net tools simple fast port scanner found more ports?!


    110 *pop

    119 *Network News Transfer Protocol

    143 *Internet Message Access Protocol




    nmap came up with 80, 8000,9100, and 10000, but the rest? hmmm...

    so 110 is for pop? this is rather odd. maybe something special in the software though.

  7. what os's are you running, for the linux one's you could write a bash script for the built in screen shot taker for gnome or kde (think there's one that is just for bash as well)

    That one shouldnt take you over 15 mins to create and make sure it works (though just make sure you have it setup towhere- you can poll for the most recent picture, and upon polling, it deletes the last 3 pix or whatever by time.

    for windows im not sure, however im sure there is some vb script to do it somewhere.

    here's an idea, you could have it save the pic to a public ftp (does the iphone browser support ftp? i dunno, dont have one).. and it could encrypt the pix and you could have the decrypt key on your phone.

  8. Hex maybe because you aint a greedy bastard and would offer your shit up for free. XD

    oh yah... tis true, I do give out my shit 4 free :D

    lawl! oh btw shonen, my ftp is back up for the day if you want! ill send you the link again.

    yah you really cant say though for the people who are comfortable with windows, cause for the most part, fact of the matter is, if people are too comfortable with windows (or they arent comfortable with any os.. i mean the people scared to mess up their computer) they arent going to mess with linux reguardless if it looks just like vista or xp.

    And why did I setup KDE to look like xp?

    heh. I punked out my wife when her computer was down for a week, so she would use linux :P

    didnt work, but good try though

    "Where the hell is internet explorer on your computer?!" I heard a few times...

    yah.. Never was able to ween her from the IE. She'll come around sooner or later.

  9. yah, I would love to have it deployed where I work (that is if they upgraded all the ram in the machines past 512mb!)

    and yah, it's an up to date dell machine.

    funny thing is I have it setup to autorun when I log in:

    3 instances of a program setup in multiples of ways for easy working(sry guys gotta plead the 5th on what program.. i work in a casino)

    a phone management program

    outlook running in the taskbar w/icon notification

    & usually 1 or 2 instances of firefox.

    slow as hell to boot, but once it's up it's good 2 go! :P

  10. @decepticon_eazy... so they still have to reboot 2 times a day? what's up with that?

    Well it was rather crazy how extensible the interface is for this printer, seeing as it's not some super hot shot made for office printer (or maybe it kinda is but not that expensive)

    check the screenshots!




    FTW?! notice in the last picture, didnt notice it till now "enable ftp"??? wow.. i really gotta check out all the options on this thing (it does have a usb connection... could it have an ftp server built in to stream pictures?!)

    hmm.. did an ftp://ipaddress on it, and no shit, it's running an ftp server... wow. this is cool. i got to see how to crack into this thing now.

    ok, so so far the only thing I have been able to do to get into it is to use winSCP with the ftp option (which I know does no good @ this point) but with WinSCP you can pass commands. strangely enough it seems to take any user name and password to get into it. but it only shows 2 directories and one file. The two directories (as the program gives are / and /prt0 and it has the same file in both directories marked as -a

    hmm.. but it doesnt seem to be taking any standard linux commands, but at the same time, since im probably just talking to the ftp server itself anyway at this time, it's pointless...

    it refuses standard ssh and telnet connections as far as i can see. any suggestions?

    im thinking if i can tap into this thing and find out more stuff that it can do i think i got a good idea what i can present at phreaknic!

  11. well, here's my issue.. How long did it take you to do that in vb?!

    it would take me about 5 minutes in vb (and for the most part it would be searching for the out to txt file code)

    I wouldnt pay $1 for it.

    Now if it was coded in C++ bound to open msn in the background so that you would actually BE using MSN and it was also forewarding things like private conversations to an external MSN account for you to look over later then that would be cool and I would have to give you props, but unfortunately this is dump. No dice.

    And I hate coding even in VB so it's not like im a leety trying to stiff over a n00b.

  12. It is strange that things like that happen, but I wonder if maybe it is an underlying overheating or under cooling issue that generally would not be an issue at a standard processing rate.

    I'm not sure at all how the UDP flood works, unless it is the udp with limited error correction, so it chokes it when it's trying to send back the udp ecc bit or something.

    I believe alot of it may have to do with just the raw power of your hardware and how many other things are going on on it at the same time. Mind you of course most routers and switches are hardware based, where with computers, it has to go through the OSI up and down, and is software based. So maybe this is why it is such an issue with desktops as opposed to a router.

    I am curious though how something very low powered and highly software ran such as the wii or ds would run if in fact it was hit.

    ALSO! strangely enough, my printer is running a web interface?! (it was no-where in the book for it and I just never thought to look and see if there was an interface for it).. here's my question: could there be a vulnerability in a wireless printer, and if so could it be exploited to gain wifi access to a network? just a thought.

    As far as the details go I'll be honest I cant remember, it has been a good while since I did this but I'll gather what I can

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