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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. Mines = homebase

    and no.. not broadcast.

    -I have ssid broadcast = off

    -Under-rated signal so that it's only reachable in house (i never use my laptop outside.. also grubby neighbors that cant/dont want to afford high speed.)

    -Mac whitelist w/all unlisted in blacklist (for those who think they can)

    -AND! a pretty strong password w/ WPA2


    in short, you would have to have some really good shiz to get into my wifi network *or some REALLY good booze..* ya know.. thats always doable..

  2. yah, vako who said that it was a contest of who knows the most about the shell? besides, for the most part you only have to know a little bit about it and your set, because everything else can be done in the gui. I myself am a gui person, I guess that is why. If your not a gui person, then that's why you feel the way you do. Tomato/Tomahto

  3. Dude, I saw the SWEETEST deal the other night for $1000!!!!

    Check this out, Just buy a Video Card and your set!


    LOOK AT THIS VALUE! Our Price: $1,059.99

    Asus P6T Motherboard - Qty: 1 $259.99

    Intel Core i7 920 Processor BX80601920 - Qty: 1 $299.99

    Corsair XMS3 PC12800 1600MHz 6GB DDR3 Desktop RAM - Qty: 1 $109.99

    Corsair XMS3 PC12800 1600MHz 6GB DDR3 Desktop RAM - Qty: 1 $109.99

    Seagate Barracuda 1.5TB Hard Drive - Qty: 1 $129.99

    NZXT Tempest ATX Mid-Tower Case - Qty: 1 $104.99

    Corsair TX750W 750-Watt Power Supply - Qty: 1 $114.99

  4. you mean even origional non-multitouch touchpads can become multitouch touch pads?!


    Well, these are old drivers and you can't do much with them, so what if you modded the acer ones? wouldnt be hard, just change the hardware ID, uninstall the old ones, and install the new. Now I am sure that pressure support may not work or may not work correctly, but I am sure that the multitouch properties will work (and they are signed :D) so what do you think? I'm @ work right now so I can't do it right now.

  5. That is definitely possible, though you will have to mod the crap out of it to get it to work. I would LOVE to use openWRT.. BUT unfortunately my home router only has 4mb of flash, so the only thing that will work besides the OG firmware IS dd-wrt micro.

    BTW, just in case your wondering, my home router is WRT54G V.6

  6. ………………………………………………………………………………………………


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  7. really? cause I reflashed before and still the same issue. a few things will work, but not many.... not even half the commands it gives when you type help.

    I will try this though as soon as I can (probably tomorrow)...

    THATS RIGHT! I just upgraded the firmware last time, not a whole reflash (though I thought it was ALMOST the same thing...) I'll definitely check that out cause there are a few good tools that I really would love to have on it...

    BTW! does anyone know of a virus scan util for dd-wrt???

  8. Shoo.. I dont have a 'linux learning box' myself.

    Tripple booting:

    Windows Vista

    Windows 7

    Linux Mint

    and on a 2nd hdd, trying hackintosh. (yet to get it to work)

    **Quick add***

    Also for further down the road, when you want to branch out and check out other linux distros, you will want to know that there are only a hand full of REAL differences bewteen distrobutions..

    IE: Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc. are all really just Debian core distros with extra stuff made to order, so to speak.

    these are the core distros:




    Fedora Core

    Solaris (this is a new option, since, until recently has been closed source, and pay for only os from Sun Microsystems)

    .. i dont think knoppix is a core is it? I thought it was either based on debian, or just a buzzword for a live bootable linux cd.(i mean i know knoppix is a distro. just didnt think it was a CORE distro.)

    Did I miss any?

    but anyways, these distros all usually have their strengths and weaknesses.

    Debian is USUALLY a really easy and fun to use distro that works out of the box, but at the same time, usually does not provide the performance of a linux distro that hardcore linux users want (works fine for me though)

    Slackware... I have never used it. Anybody know much about it?

    BSD has ALWAYS been known (and respected for) being a very efficient and flexible unix-like distro (i still say it's linux.. dont tell anyone) that you HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO GET AROUND to be able to use. IE, it aint all simple point and click to get everything done. This is getting better though through the PCBSD project, but I have yet to install it.

    Fedora Core.. I think I have used it? (cant remember) not too bad, not too great. It has it's purpose.

    Solaris. Truthfully, if your not either going to setup a server *and by that i mean a REALLY bigtime server* or get your Sun Certification, you should probably steer clear of it. I mean dont get me wrong, it isnt a bad distro, and it seems to work fairly well for alot of things, but it's fairly new(on the x86 archetecture), not fully supported with alot of hardware, and it is a quite different linux (btw, this is UNIX, not linux) but that is really up to you. I know I wouldnt mind learning it *if I had time)

  9. hmm... ya know this is a good idea, and I never thought of that before.

    I google searched and found this: http://ubuntuclips.org/

    That should be good for you.

    As far as what type of linux, I think we can all agree that if your just starting out, download ubuntu, specificly Ubuntu 8.10 (since it is the most recent stable version) and go from there.

    Let me ask you, do you know how to burn an iso file? if not tell us. I got to go to work, so I dont have time @ the moment to write up a tut for you on that.

    Also, if you just want to check it out without being committed to it, why dont you try Virtual Box: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

    And use that for now to setup and play with linux, until your more comfortable. you may be happier that you did it that way.


  10. thank you shonen.

    shit... wish i had this damn thing about 7 years ago...

    yah.. took me 7 years of searching getting pissed and reloading to get this far :P

    at least my suffering is appreciated :D

    ... oh shit.. wait a minute (calculates dates in head)...

    nope. more like 10 years (my first distro was mandrake 6, I BOUGHT it back in 98')

  11. a few of my fav's

    sudo apt-get conky /this is a kewl customizable cpu and everything else meter

    DONT DOWNLOAD THE NVIDIA DRIVERS FROM THE REPOS!!! they are full of fail. (if you have an nvidia card)

    if you do have an nvidia card do this:

    Goto: nvidia.com, download the linux driver (w/ the .deb extension)

    open a terminal

    1. type sudo killall gdm (this kills gnome and X11)

    2. goto the directory you saved: cd /home/(whatever your screenname is)/Desktop

    3. type chmod + x (name of the .deb you just downloaded)

    4. type sudo sh (name of the file)

    this starts the install and just follow the prompts.

    sudo apt-get sauerbraten (AWESOME ASS FPS!)

    and aside from the video drivers, everything else is available through synaptic. just browse through. there are 1000000's of programs you can download for free.

    ...oh yeah. dont be afraid of the command line.

    **here is what you NEED to know about the linux shell, and you can figure the rest out later.***

    *upper and lowercase COUNTS in linux. ie. ABC.txt and abc.txt can be two different files in linux.*

    Pressing tab will fill in the name of a file for you, which comes in handy for the long ass ones.

    ex. for This_is_a+really_fuggin_dumbass.long.file-name.x86.deb

    you can type: This_<tab> and it will automatically fill in the rest of the name for you.

    cd (just like it is with windows n dos)

    ls (same as cd, but some distros will use this instead.. especially hardcore linux distros)

    / in linux directory wise is the same as \ in windows...

    so instead of c:\users\Person\Desktop

    it would be /home/Person/Desktop

    chmod <-you will see this little booger alot. this is the program that can change attributes in a file (like attrib in windows/dos) ANYTIME you try to install/run a program and it acts like it doesnt want to open, chances are it's just not set as an executable file, SO the first thing you should do is go to a shell prompt, go to the directory that file is in, and type chmod +x (name of file) (x = make executable)

    man.. no really, i mean man. it stands for manual, and if you want to know ANYTHING about a command and what it can do (and a whole hell of alot you dont want to know about what it can do) type this before a command.

    Ex. man apt-get

    To install something from Shell:

    usually the faster way of installing something is this way. it just happens.... anyways here's how you install anything from the ubuntu repositories from shell.

    1.open shell

    2. type: sudo apt-get install (name of program)

    -sudo means you want to run whatever it is after it says sudo as root *like administrator in windows*

    -apt-get is the install program for any distro that is based on debian. it will go out to the web, download the program and install it for you. simple as that.

    -install... self explanitory.

    also if you want to uninstall:

    sudo apt-get remove (name of program)


    if your going to compile ANYTHING from source, first you need the essentials...

    in a prompt type: sudo apt-get install build-essential

    this downloads the basic files needed to compile something from source. from there you may need more dependencies (kind of the same thing as dll files.... but not..) this can get confusing, so just search around.

    ANYTIME you want to compile from source.

    the proper way of doing it is this...

    1.enter into the directory you extracted the source code..

    2. type ./configure

    3. type make

    4. type make install

    This whole heartedly should be handed out to anyone who is new to linux who does'nt want to pull their hair out 10 times, reload and go back to Micro$oft...

    anything else to add at the moment?

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