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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. Cisco certs last 3 years @ a time, but renewal is cheaper than getting it new, and you only have to retake the written test, but also, especially after you take the classes, any new class material is available to you at no cost, and the previous material will always be available to you.

  2. Well, reguardless I will have to give you Cheers for persuing these certs and I hope that you will do well on both of them.

    BTW!! if you want, I can help you out with the ccna info without you having to take the classes. Actually I will have to tell you the classes are great, especially for the first and/or second semesters, but to be honest, I am in my second semester with ccna, and I am about ready to just read the rest of the chapters for ccna 3 and 4 and just go take the test.

    Also, if you like, there are 2 options for the ccna, you can take it in 2 tests or 1. You save like $10 if you take just the one test. I have asked my instructor about the two test option and he seems to despise the idea. Dunno why. Has anyone taken the ccna in two tests? and if so what was your experiance with it? Would you do it again?

  3. Once there was a time.. A time before wireless transmission of data, the destruction of mankind by the thoughts of informational 'right' that is today's society.

    Years ago, an 'evil' server was implemented into the system and caused havoc among the I.T. community and terrorized the surfing community of people among the internet.

    A few years later after the implementation of wireless transmission, a lone router reflashed and made as a helpless pineapple took after the wireless transmission of data much of that the 'evil' server of the years before had done.

    Now is a dawn of a new era. With Vista wireless security gone havoc and the I.T. community turned into what is now known as 'Security Experts' the pineapple and the 'evil server' did not have access to but a fifth of the information that they had once before..

    The pineapple and the server got together and decided to create a new evil. An evil that could only rival godzilla himself in his power and his purpose.. With the power of a single router and the cuteness of a plush monkey the server and the pineapple worked furiously day and night for a solution to their problem. A solution that would help to bring both back to the days of 'PWNERS of all Internets'..

    And so the Interceptor was born..

    Now on the prowl not alone as the server or the pineapple once was, but together in an unending search for pwners of all base...

    The E Team Lives....

    <insert badass intro music here>


    So what you think? I'll setup a caption l8r, I gotta get to work :P

  4. I really think politically this country is getting extremely divided, if not in their own personal "I told you so's" then their own personal hatred toward the other side.

    I have no idea what good obama is going to do for this country and I dont mean that in a sarcastic way, he could be good great or horrible, I have no idea. As for lifechanging, then that is a sign of someone who bought the whole "hope and change" hype and then overtwisted it in their mind, and if it was not for Obama winning, then it would be McCain supporters doing the same thing, and then everyone else would be bitching about how old he is and what he does wrong. It's like everyone is just acting like childish spectators at a movie theater.

    Until we can all get together (by we I really mean the parties that be in congress and government in general) and get along the same track we are just going to start running in circles because this person axed that idea and that person axed this bill, and blah blah blah happened so he's a racist, or she's a crook, blah blah blah..

    I think I just remembered why I originally just said screw politics and completely shut it out of my life. Yah, I am ignorant of it all, but truthfully I don't care. Sad I know, but it's just all a bunch of liars, rumor starters, and fingerpointers, and until the general population of our government can grow up and be men and women instead of a bunch of childish idiots then I dont want any part of it. Well... that's my last post on this thread.

  5. with my experience with ordering a fon router, you wont get a shipping confirmation or anything, but I recieved mine in the mail in about a week.

    you can request a tracking number for shipping, but for now unless it's a really good reason, they wont do it (I have no idea why not but I think that they dont have anyone on board that can do the php update pages automaticly with internal programs maybe?)

    btw, it comes fedex ground and if your from the usa, it will be coming from (unless they have different distrobution centers in the us) Libertyville Il.

  6. A year or so ago I found newly restored interest in computers and hacking that I placed on the back burner back when I was a teenager. My new found interest was more than likely due to me not being a complete lazy pot head who sat on his ass playing online games for hours on end once I finished my shift at the video store.

    shit man are you my double?

    special thanks to hex


  7. Rofl. Could you imagine that. The wii 520 (nock off of xbox 360) now comes with the new and improved wii special addition kfc drumstick nunchuck which is now edible with no side effects.



    HAH! I ROFL'ed at all these comments.

    hey destro does it come in both spicy and origional recipe or does only japan get the spicey golden colored one?

    oh and for $15 dollars more you get the wii kfc Bucket accessory to manage all those drumstick nunchucks with

  8. i remember it was some model of packard bell i dont remember much about the specs other than it didnt have enough ram to run doom1.

    that sucks. I remember with my first compy, I went out and splurged on the $10 doom1 demo, and it played alright.... in a 1" by 1" box @ around 8 to 10fps :P

  9. Well, I would have to say cheers to destro and messy for the great turn around.

    For me hak5 has definitely changed my life as well, and also my learning acceleration on technology in general.

    I found hak5 after I got so sick and tired of Diggnation changing to the crap that it is now, so I was searching around miro for linux shows and I happened to come across a show from late season 3. After watching the first one I was hooked. After about a month or so of watching, I found the forums and it was all there ever since. When I first watched hak5, I knew nothing of hacking, other than someone can do it. Now I know much much much more than I did but still do not have a clear grasp of it. I have a fon (owned for about 2 weeks now) have yet to get it all working through my laptop, but I keep on hacking at it (pun intended :P) and sooner or later i'll have it working, and at the same time I am learning about so many other things..

    It really reminds me of call for help (the original with leo and kate) and how it was so helpful to me when I first started learning hardcore about computers. It seemed like either every ep. had something on it that I really needed to know right then or if not, something totally different that I never knew existed and was totally exciting to me. This is how hak5 feels to me now. It's so wonderful to have found this, and this is my primary place of surfing.

    Right now I am excellarating very fast in my ccna classes and my mcse classes mainly because of how this show makes me feel. So in short, THANK YOU VERY MUCH HAK5 Krew!

  10. I agree Obama isn't what people hoped he will be, Or that he could even be. They made them self's believe he will save them when he can't. People will soon realize. He is defiantly a different type of president then others in the past (not because he's black) witch I think could be good for the country. This whole market problem the US is having could of never of happened if they had laws other country's did.

    I have to say that I do agree with you Seshan, but then I highly disagree with you. The set of policies and laws that this nation has, has made it for what great opportunities it holds, but at the same time, people with extremely big pockets have ended up having extremely big egos and at the same rate have extremely tightened their wallets when it comes to the business side of things, and to make matters worse for them to have either found or created loopholes for themselves within the system that are very hard to close up.

  11. These arguments are interesting. I agree with both sides (odd as it may seem but please read on). Here is my issue:

    You can tax the richer and kind of blanket the poorer to make things easier for them but there is two sides to both of those ideas and this also creates a third issue.

    1. This is IF people want to do better (i.e. how many people have you seen driving around in cars that cost $250 with rims and badass systems that cost around $2500. this is just an example but you can put that wherever you want it and it still says the same thing)

    2. You can tax the rich but the thing that has everyone aggrivated about this is the fact that rich people do not care about other people in the lower to middle ranks in the company. How many times (especially lately) have you seen medium to large sized companies that either laid off people in the lower ranks (or found a way to fire them) just because they did not do so well in the last quarter? At the same time you can also see the owner buying that 3rd/4th/5th/20th new house that he just SOOOOO had to have. I have seen it numerous times from numerous job sites (and with my own eyes, not listening to the idiots at workplaces) and I can tell you it would work but it would get a whole lot worse before it got any better because these people would try their best to stay as rich as they are before giving in to just hiring more people.

    3. The new issue that would arise is this. Our government blows so much money it is WELL beyond anyone's means and if they just made the slightest changes in government spending they could use that money to help blanket the lower class without EVER taxing anyone anything else than the norm. To top this off the gov. always looks (or should i say crooked politicians) for a means to draw in even more money, so now it's the rich person, next it's the close to rich person, next its the upper/middle class, and then it's me and you.

    Now I am not really arguing with any of you, I am just stating how I feel about it and I feel that it is a logical idea that I have about this whole thing. Really what I think we need is more spending checks on everything in government right down to the brand new car for each new president. Because fact of the matter is, no matter how you slice it, ANY person who has more money on a ranking scale is spending much more money in taxes than the lower rank. Got a house? more taxes. Got a boat? Taxes Got a new car? more taxes. Got lots of money coming in each month? more taxes. If the government would put more effort to find and take down all the people who are avoiding paying taxes instead of penalizing everyone who does pay taxes then this would not even be an issue.

    Oh and btw, I am not rich or even have money. I make around $27,000 a year, go to college (which I am paying for with loans), My wife is in college, we now have a 2007 year vehicle (a need, not a want... long story) but we are doing fine.

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