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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. btw: i don't think i'm evil for denying other users internet access, the internet is almost entirely used for accessing social websites and watching kittens on youtube. I think it will make the students focus more on the education :huh:

    Here's an idea, stay in school, learn what you can and become a network administrator, but ill warn you, if you cut 1000+ people's internet access (with no good intention) you can basicly see yourself in the foodstamp line for awhile.

  2. lol Hex you sure went to alot of trouble using packet tracer to desing the topology, I would have just used visio or not worring about setting all the IP/TCP address just to get those lovely green lights.

    Still extra credit is deserved for the extra work. XD

    Hell, no extra work... Didnt know how that happened (the green lights...) lol.

  3. ... hate to tell you dude, but they were probably pulling your chain. There are usually easter eggs in bios but generally it's stuff like password cancellation and stuff like that. There is a bios floating around that gives more options to hp notebooks, but it bricked my friend's hp, so I would not mess with it too much.

  4. R U kidding me? This is the freaking monolith of computing if you think about it. This is what the Apple mini should be.

    Just had a thought. Since you could just add a powered usb hub to it (hell just tape it to the damn thing!) Would not usb monitors work? And if that is the case, would not this still be classified a "fully functional pc?" I mean yah, I doubt you would want to run it as a high def video device or anything, but this is freaking great! I want one so bad... I have heard about similar computers in the past, like the Atmel NGW100, which I ALSO always wanted, but never got the chance..

    Hey pathfinder, why dont you check this one out! It's been out for awhile, so you can probably find it for next to nothing, and it seems to meet your needs!

    Atmel ATNGW100

  5. Perform the towel trick (burn out the xbox to get 3 red lights) because Microsoft offers a 3 year warranty for 3 rings. Everything else is given only a year warranty. I've personally tested this and it works.

    ya know that's a great idea

  6. ....yah, but when you have like 14mbps or higher, I guess they would'nt care... Why does china do shit like this anyway? I mean hell we got hackers trying to give them freedom of speech.


    seems like stuff like this will go on forever.. Remember the first time you ever used zonealarm? First time I used it I found AOL hitting me like there was no tomorrow.

  7. Thanx sparda! Now I know the chinese gov. really is after me! j/k...

    yah... prolly just a script... (why didnt I get that memo?!)

    CNCGroup is into system outsourcing.

    Also seems on alot of forums to be getting attention because of spamming servers, etc coming from that group. Now I am not that leet, but is this something I should consult my ip on? I mean they run local blacklists dont they?

    (im on ATNT formerly bellsouth)

    I know the Internet has been lacking lately for my connection, and this seemes to be something that would connect in the equation.

  8. dunno who this is but this is retarded (it's freaking anonymous!)

    Also, I would like to add that obviously AlFTP shows the ip addy for whoever is trying to connect.


    ! connected

    < USER backup

    > 331 Password required for backup.

    (the rest omitted for redundancy)

    To top it off, this happened over about 15 seconds, not slow enough for a person to type in.

    And just using tracert found that whoever it was is in the seattle wa district on comcast...

    heh, probably a spoofed ip anyway, but would someone that smart do this?

    I am investigating...

  9. sorry i meant IP address.

    rest of answer i didn't get, how do i create a subnet.


    your reffering to the technical nonsense, i just wrote some numbers, just to demonstrate what im talking about, can anyone concentrate on the answer?



    GEEZE Dipshit, didnt know I had to spoon feed you, here's your subnet jackass.. and yah, they do work, figure the rest out yourself.

    Network address -

    First Usable address -

    Last Usable address -

    Broadcast address -

    subnet mask -

    theres your network stuff, doesnt work then tough shit, thanks for playing, insert another quarter.

    before anyone else says anything im not gonna come back into this thread. He obviously doesnt wanna know so I dont care, least I gave him the answer before I shut the door.

  10. I aint hatin' but I have seen (more like has happened to me) too many times. My money is on a bad pwr supply

    BTW, just to check, did you take out the memory with all cables plugged in and heard if it had the beeps? It sounds stupid, I know but this happened to me one time *I already bought another pwr sup AND mtb, but it was the ram all along...*

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