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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. hey drop that would b funny if it wasnt u but you got famous anyways. lol.

    so 4chan's got a war going on? thats funny.

    btw, nope, i'm a guy and there is no WAY i could talk that fast (or take that much crank?!)

    man.. if i were a girl.. i'd get famous. one way or another, but im not.. so im nobody but a nasty bastard hamster...

    sry, could'nt help myself, this girl has so many faces she makes I had to make a lolpic.


    btw, im just now hearing about this stuff and boxxee, but check out this video about the folks who hacked her myspace. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CoudBXUWGc...player_embedded

  2. um... when I was in 11th grade (...too long ago to tell how long ago) i got o play around with two old decommissioned cray Sun super computers. knew jack crap about unix @ the time, so eventually we ended up calling them the 30,000 foot stools because the people from nasa that donated them were supposed to give us a training session with them but never did...

    Was really awesome though, and well ahead of their time (compaired to home/business pcs) both computers had l.e.d. mice which were just coming to home pcs and they both had 24" crt monitors that thinking of it now probably would kick somewhere in the 1600x1200 res. range.

    Oh if I could go back..

  3. Thanks for all your help! I have not checked it out yet, but I was origionally going to go with openBSD because I thought that was the spec. for BSD but after hearing all of your complaints, Ill gladly be checking out FreeBSD. Now I know that everyone says that it's not linux, or unix but I just never knew, what is so different about it? (I havent used it yet and I am @ work so will not be able to check it out till I get home @ 12am tonight)

  4. well, back then it was all new and cool (and getting hacked software was a tough thing to get). I have used bryce3d a lot in the past, and at one time I even had maya, but that program is so hard to figure out I was never able to make anything else but a blob! I guess for a long time I was just in the right place at the right time. I wished I was exposed to programming more when it started going into modules and stuff, then I would have probably grasped it alot better. I can do a few things in VB. I dont know anything really about VBScript, except how to edit it to my needs :P (thats all you really need for the most part anyways). HTML is just a good thing to know and is easy to code, just a pain in the ass to implement or debug. Hell I went through C and advanced C++ in college but never really knew what I was doing.. or at least I dont think I did (been about 7 years ago).

    As long as you can get an itch to find out how with something, and you can find the right resource for it to make sense for you, that's all you need in anything to get learning on something. That's what happened to me, just unfortunately for me, I was never able to get advanced in anything. It's funny though, I always hear these stories about how there are a lot of network administrators out there that does not know jack about subnetting. Hopefully they will still be out there when I get out in a year (so I can get a job easier!)

  5. Yeah your right and on the upside this shit will take a year of my university Bachelor. Only thing is when I last had a quick look at course's I didn't notice anything that was purely networking related.

    I personally wanna avoid the physic's and math shit involved with comp science and have no real patients for the programing side of things with information systems.

    Hell no! me either, I despise programming (and that was what I was going to do origionally.. I was kinda a wiz kid back in the 80's. At 5 years old I was programming [well copying] basic out of a commodore 64, and my syntax was good!) but time went by, I was not exposed to computers at all between the ages of about 6 or 7 to 14. In those 7 years it all blew past me. I went to college origionally back in 2000 to be a programmer and fell off it into multiple different paths in my life, but I still tinkered! and in all though I just lost the techno-lust to program. I guess I got a little set in my ways, and for the life of me (is this just me?!) but I have no clue how the fuck people people think things like C++ and stuff like classes are easy to grasp. Maybe I just missed it somewhere. It died in my. After I dropped out of college I got pretty heavy into making computer created art, but then thats common b.s. now as well so it's like I guess I just still feel that urge to shine on something where most people do not. I can still program some simple basic, but I have totally lost my edge for it. I do however like to learn a little xhtml here and there. Took a class on it last semester, but I have forgot most of that too... These days networking is my passion I guess you could say. It's just different. Also I have always been the person that knew what others did'nt, and now damn near anybody knows about different things about computers, and you dont get near as much trouble with them as you used to so I am not so much the go-to guy anymore, but Networking is something very few common folk know about (and the job is pretty damn sweet once the network is up and running properly) so yah, I kinda fell off but then hopped back on.....


  6. Damn, so they ad-blew freeforums eh? I used them *(nobody came :()* about 2 years or so back and they were pretty good then. It kinda sucked ya kno? Setup A Trackmania United server, I was in Tet19 back then, and so I was spreading the Tet and going to gain ground in TMU, and then alas... A few people played the server every once in awhile, but noone ever even registered to the forums.. Think I still have my account :P Havent checked in years. Dont remember the password either.

  7. you can get the FREE forum here: http://www.freeforums.org/

    And you can get the Free URL redirect here: http://www.freedomain.co.nr/

    How's THAT for free? :D

    And if you want to get your website on with it, just hook up a server with a simple site (not on your link though after you told me of the cap they put on you) and get your apache friends on.

    Hell, makes me wanna get some of my apache friends on again, and this time bring some xhtml... I might just do that this week... Ill keep ya posted!

  8. the only problem i see with that is he used a metal wire i bet if you use a copper wire you will be able to pick up a better signal. i might make one of those and add it to the one i already got for more signal i will post pictures once i am done. also if you use something more then electrical tape you would get less interference when the wires cross

    This was exactly what I was thinking. Ya know, I dont feel like buying a digital antenna for when they unplug the uhf/vhf access here, so guess what I am going to be doing?

  9. oh, thank you for the link! I appreciate it, but I only use those to verify what I have already calculated. It's best you do it as often as you can (sounds silly I know but..) if you want to pass any networking cert, you have to subnet WITHOUT a calc, and as such, you need to be as sharp as a tack on it, cause it would be horrible to get in there and you forget something benign such as starting the count at 0 instead of 1. There are actually many many subnet calculators out there, and actually that becomes the best practice, especially if you just arent getting it for the particular problem, you can do it on the calc, then try to figure out how the calc got to the answer, and you can figure out the solution to your own problem persay. This is actually how I did so well in college algebra, I am a HORRIBLE mathmatician.

    And I'll tell you what Frozen Flame, be on here tonight around 10:00, as soon as I get home, I will p.m. you something you will find xtremely valuable.

    And BTW, if you need any advice, or help on anything with your networking, dont hesitate to drop me a line, I am always willing to help networking folks in need (with what I know, which is both alot and waaaayyy not enough at the same time....)

  10. ok, this is getting out of hand, and I feel flames brewing here.. I will break a few things down that makes it almost impossible to try to actually compaire Apple to IBM compat, or IBM compat to Apple.

    1. Two 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Harpertown” processors - Apple uses Xeon processors. These are good for certain things, you wouldnt want to build an IBM compatible system with these processors because they are geared toward server applications. Apple makes the code specially for these processors to utilize what they can do for their O.S. Microsoft does not (unless your running Windows Server).

    2. You can scream about memory all you want, unless your running photoshop and your working on pictures around 2500x2500 or higher, or working with video, you do not need anything more than 2 to 4 gig's of memory. I am using the memory hog known as Vista w/2 gig's of memory, I can run a Virtual Box Server 03 Image, and two XP clients, and though I have almost totally used up the memory, I see NO lag whatsoever, because half decent computer parts these days are still fast.

    3. I understand that Apple has quality hardware, but IBM compat.'s do too, you just have to be a smart buyer when it comes to IBM compatible hardware.

    4. Xp can be rocky, just like Vista can be rocky. I dont use XP anymore because I get nothing but errors from it, it's just a matter of time. I have been using Vista on my desktop for a good 9 months now (WITHOUT A RELOAD!), and 7 is on my laptop fulltime with no issues.

    5. The whole point here is that all of the O.S. are good quality, just that they are different. You can find an OSX eq. of a windows program, just like you can find a Linux eq. of a windows program or a windows eq. of an osx, or linux program. You can easily do most things on all the different O.S's.

    6. Ea. O.S. has it's own strengths and weaknesses, it's up to YOU to decide where the hit in the stomach comes from and if you can stand it.

    7. As a Hak.5 community of awesome A%% people, we should be together on the fact that learning all you can about different technology is nothing but + for us.

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