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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. (As far as I am aware) The Reason for sopecifically needing a Mac Pro instead of a hackintosh, is that they need to use a special card that only works in Mac Pro's.

    DAMN IT!!!! Steve Wins Again!!!! BLAAAAHHHH!!!!!

    I will defeat you someday steve....

    oh and btw, you dont have to to have dual xeon procs to do a hackintosh. Matter of fact, you can do it with an atom processor.

    There have also been talk *I cannot say for sure as I havent been exposed to it yet* that running osx on amd athlons and phenoms, and core 2 duo's and quads are actually faster in benchmarks than the xeons.

  2. I want to apologize for the the last two days, I had yesterday and the day before off from work and I was drinking way too much and I was awake for too many hours, I was trying to see how many questions that I could answer, and I wasn't making much sense, I cut back on drinking and I feel that I have a lot to offer you guys

    Sincerely, Thank You

    LOLZ~! It's all good man, I have done the exact same thing before. I did'nt find it offensive or anything so don't worry about it. Just make sure you go back and edit the next day (that's what I did :P)

  3. How is suns virtual box? have you ever used VMware? Im just wondering how they compare. Sun virtual box is free, right?

    Dude, I LOVE Virtual Box! It is super awesome. Honestly I never messed with vmware too much besides just vmware player, but I find that Virtual Box has better performance (for me) I have heard though that vmware has better performance in a real server environment though.

    Best thing I can tell you is check it out and see what you think: http://virtualbox.org

    It also supports integrating with the host environment (alot like parallels). As far as virtual test networking though it works excellent. You can define what vm is hooked to what, weather you want them to be open to the outside world if you want through nat, OR if you dont feel like booting to that backtrack/ or other linux cd to do things like wardriving/etc, then you can set the nic in the vm to Host Interface which acts as if it were the host os. Alot of options and completely changable. (and best of all it's free!)

  4. 6gigs?! FTW?! RU kidding me?

    ok.ok. let me ask you this, are you wanting to be the superfly guy on your block who can run crysis at really really nice speeds or do you want something that will play games decently for the next 3 years without having to upgrade?

    if you want the best, go get the best but your going to pay out your ass for it and it's not going to really mean jack when the next line of processors come out in.

    if you want to game on a budget, 4 gigs is all you need. I'd stick with xp cause dx10 just doesnt look all that 'whoo' to me, but vista runs perfect on my athlon x2 5600+ w/2 gigs of memory and an Nvidia 8600gts, and yah, it runs crysis, not on all high but it works at decent speeds on medium settings, which to me equals that I bought this system a year and a half ago and I still have about 2 to 3 years before I have to do a rebuild. And I did it when the 5600+ was the 3rd to fastest amd you could get.

    btw, if your not running MMOs or advanced graphics RTS games that you want to get full hd resolution, then processor speed really doesnt mean that much. If I went and got a Nvidia GTX250 card (or two) right now, and 2 gigs of memory I could run anything ultra fast.

    Put your money in your memory and you video card.

  5. well.. i CAN get it working, but it's a REAL pain in the ass. It's an ath5k (more specific an ath5002x) and they are just recently letting out the info on it, so there is no built in support in any distros yet, and man.. building drivers for this card from source sucks ass because you not only have to build the drivers *which is easy* but you have to install the wpa2 support to get that working, and everytime that I have tried to install it I get different results (i.e. card wont scan for networks, connects then disconnects constantly, really crappy reception, etc. and it works absolutely fine in windows environments...)

    Intrepid Ibex shows support for it but the drivers in the repo actually dont work with my series. (this has been a MAJOR issue in the ubuntu community)

    Mepis is the only distro that works out of the box with it (so far) but I dont like the way it's all setup.. guess i'm just a typical ubuntu user :P

  6. Oh my, I always thought YODM was a cheap imitation of Compiz Fusions cube addon. Not that YODM isn't a great feature for wind0wz. I just think that the ease of use and final result of Compiz Fusions cube is SOOO much better, that's just my two cents.

    If my Wind0wz desktop gets too cluttered I just use a basic desktop manager that gives me four virtual ones. When I used YODM cube it seemed sub-par.

    well... yah, it is basicly a ripoff of compiz but for windows. Some people just prefer windows so this is a good thing across the board, and I use yod'm cause I use windows so much more than linux these days but let me tell you why...

    I am STILL waiting for built in support of my atheros card in my laptop for a linux distro...

    Once ubuntu jaunty comes out (and is stable) then Im going that way. but the reason why I dont just use a cheap virtual desktop software is cause I have grown so fond of compiz, so it's like having a home away from home so-to-speak.

  7. I think that in the end the main thing is that there are either three type of people when it comes to watching hak5:

    -ones that like the thoroughness more

    -ones that like the nitty gritty/to the point more

    How about an internal format type that alternates between shows? i.e. 1 show is about a bunch of stuff in the nitty gritty/ the next more of an faq/how to and just a touch of the nitty gritty.

    I think my main thing that I want to see more is smoothness of transition of segments between shows. I.E. if your doing a segment that will span multiple shows, have a segment on ea. show, but if you hit a roadblock in it, and you can't do x portion of x how to, then just acknowledge it and try to give an eta, which I know you guys do alot, but sometimes it's like it goes smooth but other times, a segment is going and then the next show it's nowhere to be found in the show (like the wireshark segments and the software disassembly segment).

    BUT I do love the show, and everytime there is something new, then I eat it right up. I just wish I had more time to learn about all this multiple stuffs by myself. I would still love to tunnel my connection so I could be secure on the school wifi and/or (if possible) some vnc from work.

    one last thing, as an idea for the show, what about some info on mysql and how you could use it? Alot of people have no idea what it is much less how much power it could grant you in development of things.

  8. not gonna lie, cisco equiptment are like learning a pre 80's IBM system (almost every command/menu/etc is proprietary)

    and I THOUGHT I was getting my cert w/my education, but since I have started I found out that is totally fail. I think the best thing I can get is a voucher if I jump through a bunch of hoops or I can get some type of small discount on the cert but that's it. On the upper hand though you have two options of how to take the ccna cert test (I get NO funding help whatsoever on the mcse [that is if I do want to take it..].) You can do the ccna cert test in two parts or one. The two part test you do one after ccna 2 and then the 2nd one after ccna 4 class @ $150 a peice or you can just take the one standard ccna cert test @ I think $280.

    oh, BTW

    Our Teacher decided to setup a small LAN so students can do stuff outside of our usually norm of a virtual environment (he hates the idea of Virtual too). God we need more teachers like this dude.

    I REAALLLYYY wish our teacher was like that. He is with our cisco classes but the total opposite with our win2k3 server classes (though i really see his point in why)

  9. instead of all this, just get some rubber grommets or peices of rubber to insulate where your hdds are contacting the metal on your case. THAT is where all the sound comes from (or your case is falling apart... had that happen before myself... yeeeaahhh...)

  10. Learnaseyego, your AGREEING with nullArray?! j/k (office politics) no.no.no. just kidding.

    ok now for me to say something that adds to the conversation:

    wait...wait for it...

    crap.. I have nothing.

    I am just going to say that I dont have anything to add, because everybody has already said everything about it.

    ill just restate the obvious

    people who live beyond their means = fail

    global warming = fail

    cheaper/more fuel efficient stuffs = win

    nuff said.

  11. I use it every day, since I found yod'm a few months ago, I have it everywhere I can get it. I an in win2k3 server class in college right now, and we use Virtual Box for the vm's and the virtual networking of it, and I got everybody on the yod'm 3d bandwagon.

    It's the perfect 3d 4 desktop solution.




    -low ram/processor taxing (if at all if you have any type of modern machine)

    just wish the new versions were free (anybody got some source code?)

    btw, may I suggest looking at my pic of yod'm 3d? (copy/pasting&desktop printscreening was done here, so no, I did'nt just get yod'm to work this way)


  12. though at first it sounds like a great idea, hak5 is popular, and doing this would definitely put them in the eye of apple, and they dont have the money to go against them, but also the fact that even though the mac hardware may be great at doing what it does on osx, that doesnt mean that ibm hardware can be optimized the same way to run osx. It 'could' work, but then it may not and end up being pointless..... I still think they dont need a mac personally, but that is just me, but at the same time, they know much more about what they are doing than I do so I stand to the side.

  13. oh SRY about quad posting! but one more quick info post:

    If you would like to know more about networking in general, and especially if you dont/cant have money to buy extra computers and routers and such, go download packet tracer w/ the tutorials. It's kinda hard to find you'll have to download it but it's a virtual networking environment shown through a gui.

    It is very cisco router centric, but the basic principals stay the same no matter what type of network.

  14. not a prob. 2Tall4U! actually it makes me feel good to teach some of this stuff to everybody else.

    btw, may wanna read back through the origional post. I edited it in a few parts to make more sense and i really didnt mean to sound like an asshole at the end... im just tired.

    oh and thanx again learnaseyego. lol, were like groupies of each other j/k

  15. whooh... where do i start...

    at the lowest level you have to look at an ethernet packet and the general reason why ethernet works.

    Ethernet IS the heart of the internet/web/any form of networking.

    Ethernet does not just specify wired connections. Ethernet IS a generalized spec of networking.

    It is first essential to know the process of networking from the system level to the signal level, which is defined by the 7 layer osi model.

    Ill just type it and you read it.

    7.Application -- data--------software (i.e. email/irc/etc)

    6.Presentation - data-------software (browser/xml/etc)

    5.Session ------data--------protocols/os/etc (connects software layers [or layers 7 and 6] to the lower layers)

    4.Transport ----- segment--ports -------------routers (if configured this way), or something like a firewall

    3.Network ------ packet-----ip addresses-----routers/switches(some)

    2.Datalink ------- frame-----mac--------------nic cards *all nics have a mac*/hubs/etc,

    1.Physical ------- bit ---------signal on copper/glass/atmosphere--cat5, fiber optic cable, and wifi/sat. etc.

    look here for a better picture/reference: Osi_model.JPG

    everytime you do something on the web through any interface, data goes from the top to the bottom of the osi model in a process called Encapsulation - which is simply wrapping the data to be compatible with the next lower layer, and when it is sent to the physical layer, it is changed modulated into whatever the physical layer is utilizing for a connection (i.e. power pulses for copper/cat5/etc, light pulses for glass/fiber, or frequencies for atmosphere/wifi/sat. etc.)

    When it is picked up by a router (which it's inevitable it will. My data hits my linksys before even going out on the network, and chances are if your using any kind of high speed i-net, you at least have some kind of routing device built into your modem) it goes up the osi model decapsulating the data to find out where to send the data. If you ever hear of someone talking about a layer 3 device it usually means a router of some sort, or like a layer 4 which could be a router or a firewall depending on how it is configured.

    Now we'll stop here in the process to explain a major reason why this would not work.

    You have to have a error correcting protocol such as tcp for making sure that the data that is getting sent is good.

    TCP- Transport control protocol.

    You have to have this if you want the data to arrive in the proper peices and an exact copy of what you had before. The ethernet network believe it or not is a very chaotic place. At any given time you can have what is called a collision. Any connection from one ethernet device to another could be an example of whats called a "collision domain" and it's called such because that is exactly what happens sometimes when you have a full-duplex network where two things are communicating on the same line at the same time. Now if you were just going from computer to computer or router to router you really couldnt quite define it as such, but in a reg. networking scenario this is how it is.

    So how does tcp make sure everything is as it should?

    If you looked at a data packet that uses a "connection oriented" protocol (i.e. tcp)

    ex: r00220010702mul01_02.gif

    , then you would find that there is an ecc (error checking)[here shown as the part that says "checksum" bit that basicly matches the data to the bit at the end through an equation that finds if it matches or not. If it does, then it keeps going and everything is smooth. If it does not, the router/computer/firewall/server/etc. drops the packet completely and pronounces a nak (negative aknowledgement) back to the sending host computer to tell it that the data didnt send right and it needs to resend that one packet.

    If the router/server/etc. cannot read the raw data on the packet and match it to the ecc, then it will always drop the packet.

    wheww... you should have paid me money for typing all this :P wanna know more? read up and/or go to college. learn all you can.

    (btw, im in CCNA2 right now (cisco certified network administrator class #2) just if you wanted to know how i learned all this.. i still have ccna3 and ccna4 to go...)

    btw, did i mention im running on 3 1/2 hrs of sleep right now? (went to bed @ 2:30 yesterday morn, woke up @ 5:50, and it's 1:35 at this time.)

    blah going to sleep

  16. My teacher has this software at my college ccna/win2k3 server class, but he never uses it. it's more like his playtoy to either mess with or help others without getting up. It is a pretty cool ass program though (think about it. If you could get the software to run out side of the domain, you could have all your friends computers in view at all times *discarding weirdness and stalkery* so if they mess it up, it's all there in one interface...

    BTW, dont you think if your in a class of say 30 to 50 computers and that ONE computer or two is computers that are never visible on the software, you dont think the teacher is going to raise suspicion?

  17. hmm sounds to me it's time to introduce what I like to call: A F&%KED UP Multiprogrammable Equation:


    If A = life/pw.Length%EvilServer%


    Acct.Life/OU.Users*.5 Metric [0/2] &&dx10.mod +halflife2.mod


    You're.mom.butters.my.toast VARCHAR 50, NOT NULL;

    Array [select what FROM google.spanks WHERE donkeysfromouterspace!= ~WTF]


    Endif the.World.Ends[tonight] | steve.Jobs.KEXT =Ubuntu_Zangy_Zagnut_XIntelOnly_250.83838(daily build).iso


    fail.MessageBox = && "FAIL!" && buttered toast;


    Visual C+- Compiler


    Invalid syntax of FAIL! in all essence of the word.

    line 154 col 2,


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