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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. QUOTE (h3%5kr3w @ Sun, 25 Jan 2009 06:02:42 +0000) *

    B. yourcompany.com is more professional than yourname@gmail.com

    C. gmail is not administerable. * you dont want all your employees sending spam and pron throughout the network.

    You can use gmail to host email at any domain you want. In doing so you can also have as many usernames and/or email addresses at your domain and administrate them.

    QUOTE (h3%5kr3w @ Sun, 25 Jan 2009 06:02:42 +0000) *

    D. because everybody will just check their own personal email all day

    every one does that any way, but if they are on a network you control it is possible to block the 'personal' gmail service and still access the 'corporate' one.

    cool, i did not know that..


    ***It's what you know***


    i decline my previous rant.

    oh just so you know, i have only been using gmail for the past year, and yah, I am stubborn.. lols... I still think eudora mail was the best client ever.

  2. lol, tanx vector, actually after posting, I even re-read it like 4 times and wondered how the hell I spewed all that out in one post :P some of my best work.... but thats not the last rant hehehe...

    2 more rants to give...

    WHY in the Wooly World of FUCK do I have to use itsy bitsy f'in gc mem cards for gc games?! I mean isnt that part of the whole 'backward compatibility' gimmick?! This should be something that defaults to the internal memory of the wii. Hell there's definitely enough of it..

    and my last rant... the new SNES controller.. NOT SO WIRELESS... yah.. this was the single most LAME thing I have seen since the power glove.. A FUCKING 16 year old controller, remade and it's not wireless?! are you mindsplitting retarded or what? I mean.. it is 2009 isnt it? and 4 what reason do you need it to connect to the damn wiimote?! Make it wired, or make it fucking wireLESS not a damn dongle...

  3. nullarray, you are correct. I apologize, I know this isnt the WiiBash thread (any1 wanna open that one up?) and I wont say anything about any-other posts but my post had a few fail-flakes mixed in.

    My bad

  4. my wii still doesnt play dvds and gets HORRIBLE frame rates on streaming videos... how depressing is that? and I paid $250 for it. Hell you can go buy a walmart computer that does DVD+-rw, high def, mp3, at least a 200gig hdd for $40 more and for a miniscule $130 turn it into a decent gaming pc.

    (dont start that shit with me about eww you need at least 4gig/mem, a quad sli videocard setup a cool guy 50' screen, and a core i7 proc that rivals the price of my car to deem it a 'gaming pc'. thats just leet bullshit, if you can run a game decently at a decent detail and resolution *1024x768 or higher* then yah it can be deemed a gaming pc, and my laptop has an integrated nvidia 8200m, 2 gigs memory, a 160gb 5200rpm hdd, and an athlon x2 ql-60 proc. and I get about 72 fps in farcry, max settings, and 1280x800 resolution.)

    p.s. dont believe me (about the 'gaming pc' talk)?

    heres some spec.

    base system $298.99

    Newegg-Nvidia 9600gt 512mb$95.99

    the topper- add 2gig mem to make 3 gigs total$17.99

    Total = $412.97

    Wii - $250

    2nd remote/wii sports - $40

    2nd nunchuck - $25

    Total = $315

    so for under $100 you can get a better, more flexible, faster 'gaming' device

    BLAH! my bad all.. just still feeling a prick in my side for buying a wii (btw, im not a sony or ms fanboy, the only other systems i have are a ds, and a ps2[o.g. ps2 1st gen w/ all the hookups)

  5. why do people use outlook and other email managers, just stop being lazy and heat to their website.

    gmail.com looks better and functions better than outlook

    how hard is it to head to the email providers website

    yes, using gmail would be good but there are a few key issues to this:

    A. All bandwidth has to go outbound from the network for the email *not cost effective

    B. yourcompany.com is more professional than yourname@gmail.com

    C. gmail is not administerable. * you dont want all your employees sending spam and pron throughout the network.

    D. because everybody will just check their own personal email all day

    This is why.

  6. yes, im sure it does to some extent, but i see what they mean by 1 minute it can work, the next it doesnt.

    The actual memory of the ssd may never fault, but the battery that keeps information IN memory could be going out or a faulty connection which could mean automatic loss or corruption of everything in memory.

    This is one of the reasons why I though ssd was a GOOD idea, just not RIGHT NOW.

    Because let's face it, lets say you have an ssd for about 5 years, and you have alot of stuff on it. On a regular hdd you would think at least to back up your stuff and as long as the actuator motor and spindle motor didnt go out completely, your data should be safe, and you can notice sometimes when an hdd goes out (the click, click sound, or loud, vibration sounds, or intermittent power issues, etc) but when an ssd goes out, it just does and it's shot, on the spot most probably without any hope of data recovery because it is an all connected system.

    Think of it like this:

    A parallel of lightbulbs (ie. hdd) - is information or media (in this case lightbulbs...) that are singly connected to a source, and each one of them has a connection. As long as the source is working, media is accessable.(or if one light bulb goes out, the others stay on.)

    A series of lightbulbs (ie. SSD) - is electronic memory (also in this case lightbulbs) that are connected to each other, and the first light bulb (or single bit of memory) is connected to the source, and the last light bulb (or the last single bit of memory) is connected to the source, and if one lightbulb (or one bit of memory) shorts out, then ALL of the memory goes out.

    This may not be 100% accurate, but hey you figure it out.

  7. Congratulations!

    (anyone else have visions of some poor guy building his own machine from scratch at the component level? Back when you REALLY built them?)

    ...IF you mean Solder, Desolder, Bang Head against the wall, repeat...NOpE (tankfuhwy)

    on the other side of the coin,

    :P HAPPY FUXIN' BIRTHDAY!!!! :lol:

  8. actually as far as cable, I thought it was more of the topology issue, rather than a bandwidth issue (i.e. everyone in your neighborhood on cable is essentially just sharing the same connection) where as dsl is your OWN line (d.s.l.- Digital Subscriber Line)

    BTW: Im on bellsouth (well... AT&T) DSL and even though I dont have the 'cool guy static ip account' My IP Address has not changed since I first got dsl 3 years ago, and I have run servers (not many people visited) and they never seemed to have a problem with it *btw, it has never, NEVER slowed down unless the issue was the server I was reaching*

  9. <- not drunk but really tired and delirious (does that count?) Snubs, I'd love to see more of you on the show and even single segments with you in them. Honestly I think your segments/spots are done very well, at least I am happy with them anyway, but to be honest (and I think I am speaking for everyone) we'd love to see more of you no matter what you did.

    BTW** I would love to see some spots where it's just about one of your fav. sites each week. Yah I know other people have done this on other shows, but This show I know is not just a bunch of paid advertisements or friends sites/products that would be shown off.

  10. May I also Add Puppy Linux and Damn Small Linux (DSL) If your looking for a super lightweight yet capable distro (especially to be used on really old hardware)

    Though your not going to find the type of compatibility or sudo-names added with other distros (i.e. unlike ubuntu which has a modified sudo name for ls, that is called dir to match with the dos command for ease of use for microsoft origionators, puppy and damn small only use ls, though you could map a sudo-name for it.)

    Weighing in at usually around 50 to 100mb, If you have say an old dell inspiron w/ 64mb of memory, 700mhz pentium I, and a 7gig hdd, this would be good for you. Also I dont know about dsl, but puppy also supports popular wifi cards (wireless nics, dunno anything about wireless anywhere cards)


    DSL Screen Shots

    Puppy Linux Screen Shots

  11. I will also have to agree with everyone that Vista (Veestah) IS stable and running well. Actually it has been running for about 6 months straight on my desktop compy (which I believe is DEFINITELY a new record for me on my own computers with a first install)

    One thing to say about computers that come with Vista: This depends on the manufacturer of the computer and the parts manufacturers that participated, but Alot of computers that come with vista now-adays (such as my laptop [compaq cq50-215nr]) Do not have equivalent drivers for XP, and even if you get some equivalent drivers, strange things happen from time to time, Such as my laptop which blazes on xp, BUT (and this is an intermittent problem, but a known one) with my sound card on xp drivers, you get hiss and background noise like crazy from the speakers. And some computers it is just a plain No-go.

    I will also say that Vista IS a memory hog. If you have 2 gigs, get one more, unless your fortunate enough to get ahold of 64bit wow ed. (which I have... but I still only have 2 gigs, want to get more) But if your system can run smooth with the memory you will most probably have no problems.

    One Last Thing: If something just doesnt seem to work in vista (i.e. File Sharing!) Go ahead and read up on the issue because chances are there is something else you need to tweak to get it to work (file sharing is a b*#ch in vista between a vista/ and xp machine) Oh and btw, if your going to file share off the vista machine to an xp or lower system, or a linux/unix/MacOS system, then by all means CREATE THE USER ACCOUNTS AND BE THOUROUGH! You could say in this respect, Vista is by default locked up tighter than a drum and you might as well treat it as if it is Windows Server 08 w/out active directory.

    On the whole though, Vista is a good stable system, and truthfully, I LOVE the resource Monitor! (if you havent tried it, alt-ctrl-del, start task manager, click the performance tab, and then click the resource monitor button)

    If you have a memory/cpu/processor/and/or bandwidth hog running and it's a service or a process your not seeing, then chances are you can find it here and it is basically a do-all as far as processor, memory, network, and disk resources.

  12. They have something similar, I think. There are many colleges that use gmail has a front end (or back end, whatever) for their email. Concordia in St. Paul, Minnesota, for example, does this. I don't see why it couldn't be adapted to a business.

    Actually I did not realize this until now but your perfectly correct. My community college has their own gmail account front/back end setup (or at least I guess it's a front/back end cause you even have to go to a separate address to login to it than just gmail.com, but it is gmail for sure.)

    So what are the actual advantages to outlook to say, just a good ole' linux mail server with everybody running outlook express or thunderbird or some equivalent? Or is it that it's a direct send/recieve method of mail (i.e. mail gets sent directly from one computer to the other, only using the mail server for redirect protocols and mappings)

    ...peer to peer email... sounds primitive but in a corporate environment it sounds good. With active directory and tracking info, you could still track everything.

  13. This is true, I mean hell, they already do not live a normal life.. 4 people living in a house, you on camera the second you hit the lower floor, and the internetz 24/7. AND to top it all off your doing a show each week together and working a full time job?

    I commend the Hak5 team, because this would drive me absolutely batshit!

  14. WTF is this the I dont like hak5 anymore so look at poor old me thread?! Shit man, it's not like it's a whole different thing than it used to be, I mean I like constructive criticism but this is lame. You think it's too noobish for you, THEN QUIT FUCKING WATCHING THE SHOW AND QUIT POSTING ON THE FORUMS AND GO DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE WITH YOUR TIME!

    This show is for all of us BUT it is NOT YOUR SHOW. It's a group thing here, and if you were an only child then go find a show that pertains just to you and leave us alone.

  15. I may try this myself as I have been having some strange things like this happening myself (but the signal doesnt drop, the bandwidth just stops abruptly, and I had some issues with my wireless printer tonight as well. The settings were right, it just wasnt connecting...)

    I am using dd-wrt though, so it could be that, but it's been only recently that mine is acting funky...

    WRT54G - ver. 6

    oh and just so everyone knows, yah, I did disable telnet :D

  16. I don't really know much about outlook, but I just started using it at my new job (hotel reservations agent for a casino). I do not like it though, I dunno about what you guys are talking about as I have never created or used an outlook server but I do not like the interface of it. It's just funky.

    I think G-Mail should have a corporate edition!

    (take THAT outlook!)

  17. this is true. Too many times do you see how someone can (just for instance) boot into safe mode for windows and fix video driver issues, but rarely do you find people who can go into /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change things that are needed to boot.

    Even though this isnt a networking example (as I am not 1337 with most networking, just home networking and some corporate networking) this is the same point.

    Even better, it's just the same as if you put up a wireless network, and you make it 'secure' with say wpa2 personal and no ssid broadcast but you dont restrict mac addresses, or if your running a db and you setup security services for let's say the payroll department, and the even more crutial, the accounting department, but yet you dont know how to separate these two departments for more security. I dunno, is this correct? (I HATE Databases)

    btw, Cheers to you! 4 all you dba's out there, cause you're more 1337 than I will ever be (or want to be)

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