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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. 1.paid more than $1,100 for a Dell laptop hoping to enroll in online classes at MATC. But something stopped her: Ubuntu.

    FAIL!-When the f&*K have you ever seen or even WANTED to buy a computer for how much? With ubuntu on it.. i mean cmon, it runs solid on low grade hardware

    2. verizon wireless/nic

    FAIL!- if your going to college, and especially if it's online, you would probably rather have a dsl line. same price (sometimes cheaper) ez to use with ANY OS since no driver to be installed, and if it is distance education, then usually you just do that at home because THAT IS WHAT DISTANCE EDUCATION IS PARTLY FOR.

    3.She didn't realize until the next morning her laptop defaulted to the Ubuntu operating system.


    Know your os. it has an option ya know *or major disclaimer on dell website as sparda quoted

    and DOUBLE FAIL for the fact that the media used the word 'defaulted' nothing defaults when you buy something unless it states clearly that that is the only choice for that pc. What if it came with a scribble board instead of an LCD screen?! "oh i didnt know till the next day that it defaulted to a SCRIBBLE BOARD"

    4.But she says Dell discouraged her.

    "The person I was talking to said Ubuntu was great, college students loved it, it was compatible with everything I needed," said Schubert.

    FAIL! Would you buy an a/s400 server not knowing wtf it is? NO! you dont buy shit you dont know about unless you want to know about it. PERIOD.


    This is uber failure of a defunct person that doenst know what the f%^k she is doing. Could she do everything she needs on this laptop? Pretty sure... IF she knew HOW. I dont use a mac. One reason (besides my usual apple ramblings that I wont bring up right now) is cause I dont know HOW to use one in the sense that I know how to use a windows or linux pc.... price point too, but thats just me.

    Hell this isn't even lame or even fail! This is going so far as to pull out the english(as in england) version... WANKER!

  2. 3 - 50' projector screens side by side

    3 - 1080p projectors

    core i7 (duh), 8gb ram 4tb of hdd in sata 3 raid (w/striping and ecc)

    quadsli nvidia GTX 295's

    a house big enough for this..

    f(k the bullshit. Get a T3 line

    a linux server w/ 4tb (same config as desktop) for connected/remote storage

    Pioneer SC-LX81 - for surround sound

    dunno that damn much about speakers but i read Tannoy Revolution Signature speakers are badass

    a mean little laptop (badass but small) for gaming on the go/and etc.

  3. I think I get what he's saying. Let his IT gnomes work with low-level (i.e. entry job oriented) passwords so if the dumbass at the front desk forget's her pw for the 100000th time, then they can deal with it. This I think is actually kind of common, but I dunno... Seems like this could just be set as is. What server U running?

  4. this is pretty cool but..

    #1 is skynet? Now surely it was a good thought to put it in but..

    Skynet is NOT a computer. It is a Peer to Peer interlinking, self-aware, morphing Virus. (by my definition anyway)

    Though if you think about it, i guess you could say it is one hell of a datacenter/server os though! :P

    ***if you havent watched Terminator3, there is spoilers in this but hey, it wasnt as good as #2 and if you liked it all from there just act like they didnt make #3 and quit reading this post*

    Truthfully (not trying to change the subject) but it kinda pissed me off at the end of 3. Cause ya know, being in the future and all im sure john conner *from the future* who reprogrammed the terminator himself (didnt he?) to send back to help himself (in the as of now past) at least a little sticky note saying something to the effect that skynet IS NOT ONE STANDING COMPUTER!

  5. yah, see it's a lovely program, but see im trying to pimp out my laptop with it, and even though I have decent specs on it, it's just kinda an eyecandy vs. realworld and speedy use thing. Stardock is exactly what I need just except for the reserving the edge of the screen issue. the thing that bugs me the most about it is the fact there has to be some kind of little super fast script out there that does this.. but i havent found anything on it. Hell im even thinking about coding one myself.

  6. well, im not trying to hate but thats why they have the 'Send Feedback' link on almost everything in 7. Hell I'm using it right now, and there is mucho that I love about it but alot that I am going to send my 2 cents in for.

    My big problem? WTF is with the 1000000000000 things in control panel?!


    My rant is this is bullshit!

    Half of this stuff should not even be enabled/viewable in control panel unless it is actually present on the system (ie. stuff like biometric devices)

    take out all the clutter in control panel and i would be happy. oh yeah, and by default control panel should display classic style, not all the options in subcategories that make it such a bitch when your trying to tell someone on the phone where to go when your troubleshooting.

  7. ...dude.. dunno what to tell you but I will say this, if your destined to be an IT ninja, then you will pick up the skills along the way, actually the best thing for you to do is get a job with tech support for about a year, that way you dont give a shit what anyone says anymore and you can learn to manipulate conversations to get what you want, and convey things without being nervous about it.

    and from there you can truly be 'big pimpin'~

  8. I have to admit... I have had a few hours of tinkering with Win7, and just remember this:



    I am F*$king AMAZED with 7..

    I dunno, just seems like everything is where it should be and better. Now should this have been vista? DUH! Whoever decided to put vista on the market without everything 7 has is a smacktard. But man... they actually got it right.

    I just wanna say it like this:

    Microsoft to me is just like the New Orleans Saints. I dont really care too much for them, but it makes me smile when they run a good play every once in awhile. :D

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